Chapter Four - I'm Leaving For A While So Don't Follow Me


-Two Months After the Accident-

The whole month, i've expected for Percy to try and talk to me as soon as I have started going to classes again but for once, I was wrong. He avoided me the whole time, not giving me as much as a small glance before acting as if I was never there. Of course, every class that we had together had been filled with tension but he didn't make a single move.

As the days go by, I started to notice a strange behavior on Percy. He had become much more quieter and distant. He didn't even crack a single joke. At the dining pavilion, he'd always come late, leave early or maybe not appear at all.

This un-Percy like behaviour was starting to scare me and much to my annoyance, I still cared about him. As much as I tried to move on, I just can't and it's all because of Aphrodite's promise to bring drama to my love-life!

This went on for a couple more days until this suddenly happened.

- - -

So, it had been my turn for inspections and because of the new cabins, it had been much longer than before. After checking the minor gods' and goddesses' cabins, I proceeded to the major gods and goddesses' cabins.

Dionysus cabin: 4/5

Aphrodite cabin: 5/5 as always

Artemis cabin: No one was there so...

Athena cabin: 5/5 and no, I didn't put that score because i'm a daughter of Athena. We simply deserved it.

Demeter: 4/5 with some specks of dirt on the ground.

I didn't want to check the Zeus or Poseidon cabin just yet since Percy's probably in there and Zeus' cabin is right beside his.

Hermes cabin: 1/5 with the Stolls' failed experiment of firecrackers in the cabin. How they got that, I don't even want to know...

Hephaestus cabin: 2/5 since Leo had 'accidentally' burned a hole through the door, almost killing me. The rest was clean though with a few tools lying about...

Apollo cabin: 4/5

Ares cabin: 1/5 since some kids had apparently forgotten to clean their rooms or have simply just left without caring.

So now, it was the Poseidon cabin next. I knocked on the door but no one opened the door.

"Cabin inspection," I called inside but oddly, there was no response.

I then pushed inside the cabin and I was slightly surprised. The beds were all made up, including Percy's bed, which was a surprise. But what was more of a shock was that there wasn't a single sight of the son of Poseidon at all. Though there was a paper, probably a note, that was lying on Percy's bed.

I slowly walked in and approached the note. I then slowly grabbed for the paper, fearing what I may see. It only said these words (which were a bit messy):

I'm leaving for a while so don't worry about me. Just promise not to try and follow me.

P.S. - Annabeth, if you're reading this, I just want to let you know that i'm really sorry and that you have all the right to hate me.

- Percy
