Chapter 19: A singing competition gets interrupted. (Thank you, Wings.)

Zoe and Luke jump off their seats and dive into Bianca, who falls onto the ground on her back, laughing.

They pepper her face with kisses while she continues to laugh as they stand up and carry her above their heads, heading into the Chaos cabin.

Everyone turns to look at me in confusion, especially Artemis, only to see Nyx.

Everyone sucks in a breath, and Annabeth is the one to talk.

"N-Nyx?" She asks quietly.

Nyx looks at her sadly before walking over to her.

"Hello, Annabeth. I'm sorry that our first meeting in Tartarus wasn't great, but I hope I can -"

Reyna stands up at the Roman table, slamming her hands onto it.

"YOU BURNED ROME DOWN!" She yells in anger before rushing at Nyx with her sword drawn.

I appear in front of her and grab her sword with two fingers. She looks up at me, stunned. Her eyes narrow in anger.

"Let go of me, Hope," she growls.

I shake my head. "No can do Reyna. I know you're angry, but trust me, Nyx DID NOT want to help Er- the enemies."

"Are you sure?" She asks.

I nod. "100%. She's one of my closest siblings, I know her. She is good, and she loves demigods like you."

She nods, and I let go of her sword, letting her sheath it. Nyx turns to look at her.

"I know it can't really make up for the damage I caused, but... I am able to make homes for the Romans not currently in service, but they'll only last for as long as the war."

Reyna nods in relief. "That would be great, actually."

Nyx smiles at her and turns to the forest. She raises her hand, and above the forest appears a giant floating city, made of shadows. Everyone but my team gawks.

Nyx nods at it. "It is solid and will become invisible and untouchable when the fights happen."

Reyna looks at Nyx in surprise. "Thank you."

Nyx nods to her and turns to Annabeth. "As I was saying, I hope I can help you and the demigods in the war and make up for my first meeting with you."

Annabeth knits her eyebrows. "You want to be... friends?"

Nyx's eyes turn steely and slightly mad as she looks at Annabeth. "No. Never friends. I can not forgive you for what you did to Percy."

Annabeth nods slowly, and Reyna pointedly looks away from the conversation, as if restraining the urge to punch somebody.

"How do you know what happened to Percy?" Jason asks, speaking up from the Zeus table.

Nyx turns to look at him. "Let's just say me and Percy are... close, and he has told me much."

Hazel looks confused. "You and Percy are dating?"

Nyx's eyes bug out, and I choke on air.

"Wha- No, I'm not dating Percy! Why would - euhhhhh, no. Just... just no."

Annabeth eyes soften in relief while everyone looks at Nyx, confused.

I notice Annabeth's eyes, though. I decide not to comment and instead clap my hands.

"So, I heard there was a singing competition?"

Everyone nods and stands up, finishing their food.

Everyone heads to the Ampitheatre and sits down in the seats. Will walks onto the stage with a mic.

"Alright, everyone," he says. "Our music competition today is going to be started by the Chaos..."

He looks at me as if wondering why I'm sitting with just Orpheus and Hyacinthus.

I wave him off, and he continues to speak, clearing his throat.

"It will be started by three of the Chaos strike team. You three, please come onto the stage."

We walk onto the stage, and Will smirks as he sees Orpheus walk up with me.

If only he knew.

I take the mic from Will's hand while Orpheus takes his Lyre from his cloak, and Hyacinthus pulls out a harmonica before laughing and throwing it aside and pulling a square from his cloak. He drops it onto the ground, and it turns into a piano.

Annabeth looks excited as a reach up towards my mask, probably expecting me to take it off.

Instead, I tap the side, opening a slit in the mouth, the same slit we use to eat.

She looks disappointed, and I bring the mic to my lips before letting it float in the air.

"This song is for my three teammates, Hero, Huntress, and Skull. While it may not fit their dynamic perfectly, it's a great song."

I flick my hand and summon my Ukelele. The crowd gasps at its intricate design, flowing with flowers, shadows, and waves. But only I can see the back.

In the back is a very old picture, one that was burned beyond repair. Chaos brought it back and put it into the back of my Ukelele, always there.

Estelle, Mom, and Paul all look back at me through the photo, smiling.

I blink tears out of my eyes and strum my Ukelele.

"Today well be playing Girls/Girls/Boys, by Panic! at the Disco."

Orpheus and Hyacinthus grin as I pull a box out of my cloak and set it on the ground. It starts to play the beginning of the song, and soon, our instruments and Orpheus's voice join in.

I don't wanna hear you've got a boyfriend
Sometimes you're better off alone
But if you change your mind, you know where I am
Yeah, if you change your mind, you know where to find me
But I don't ever wanna be your boyfriend

And never did I think that I
Would be caught in the way you got me
Push another girl aside and just give in

Girls love girls and boys (sophisticated, manipulated)
Girls love girls and boys (sophisticated, manipulated)
And never did I think that I
Would be caught in the way you got me
But girls love girls and boys
And love is not a choice

Pose, you've gotta save your reputation
They're close to finding out about your girlfriend
But if you change your mind, you know where I am
Yeah, if you change your mind, you know where to find me
But I don't wanna save your reputation

And never did I think that I
Would be caught in the way you got me
Push another girl aside and just give in

Girls love girls and boys (sophisticated, manipulated)
Girls love girls and boys (sophisticated, manipulated)
And never did I think that I
Would be caught in the way you got me
But girls love girls and boys
And love is not a choice

I am just a villain vying for attention from a girl
A girl who can't decide and here's the reason why

Girls love girls and boys (sophisticated, manipulated)
Girls love girls and boys (sophisticated, manipulated)
Girls love girls and boys (sophisticated, manipulated)
Girls love girls and boys (sophisticated, manipulated)

And never did I think that I
Would be caught in the way you got me
But girls love girls and boys
And love is not a choice...

The crowd is about to go wild with cheers and claps when a giant metal ball appears in front of me and slams into the stage.
