โ˜€๏ธ๐ŸŒŠ beach day! ๐ŸŒŠโ˜€๏ธ

โ˜พโ˜ผ solangelo fluff. โ˜พโ˜ผ
Finally, a break. A break from being a son of hades, being a demigod, being a teen father of several cacodemons (don't ask). When Will told Nico that they were gonna relax for a day; Nico thought maybe, chilling in the Hades cabin while listening to my chemical romance and falling asleep. Going to a beach with Percy and Jason was something that never crossed Nico's mind. But alas, it was still a break from it all. And there Nico was; getting sunscreen rubbed onto his back by his significant annoyance: Will solace. He had laid a towel on the sandy beach for him and Nico. Will knew that Nico was stressed just by touching him. It was apart of having vitakinesis.

Meanwhile: Percy and Jason were already in the nice cool waters. Will finished rubbing the sunscreen on Nico's back. He pulled the son of Hades closer and planted a nice, sweet, gentle kiss on the side of his neck. Nico's face turned pink; which gave his face a splash of color he really needed, because seriously, the dude looked like he was from a 1930s movie. Though, technically he could have been... "hey!" Nico protested. "We're in public." "It was just a kiss. A sweet, innocent kiss." Will said with a cute little smirk on his face. "I guess so." Nico agreed with a slight frown on his face as he looked down at the sandy floor. Will noticed this and decided to take action. He placed his hand on Nico's chin and lifted his boyfriend's head up to look into his eyes.

ย  ย ย  Will's tanned fingers rested on his boyfriends pale skin. "Hey." He spoke. Nico looked in his eyes. They were practically glowing in the sunlight. He couldn't help but get lost in his eyes. "No being sad on our relaxing day." Nico couldn't help but crack a smile; a warm, genuine smile. "So are we gonna sit here doing nothing all day or are we gonna go in the water?" The son of Apollo asked. "Yeah yeah." Nico smiled. "I'll get in the water with you." Will stood up from the sandy beach. He offered his hand to Nico. "Well let's go then." He took his boyfriends hand walked toward the ocean with him. Percy and Jason were being dumbasses (as always when they're together)
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ย  ย ย  Nico was kinda sad he had to wear something other than black jeans. I mean, black jeans could match anything and they were highly adored by the son of hades. Once they entered the water, Will got a sudden urge to ask Nico "Hey wanna play mermaids!" He resisted saying that. "What kind of sixteen year old plays 'mermaids'???" He thought. Jason then rose his head from under the water. "I hope you know we're gonna splash you." Jason warned. Percy then rose his head from the sea. "Both of you." "Wait wha-" Nico was cut off by splashes of salt water coming to his face. "Hey!" Will complained. "This is supposed to be our day off and we're getting splashed by water!" "Well," Nico added. "Two- or four can play at that game." Jason and Percy were now being splashed with salty water as well.

ย  ย ย  Now Percy, Jason, Will, and Nico were in a committed water splashing fight? "Aw, salt water got in my eye dude." Jason said to Percy. "Who started the fight Grace?" Nico continued to splash the son of Zeus with water. Percy decided to end the water splashing fight because too much saltwater was getting into everyone's mouth, eyes, and nose. "Alright, alright." The son of Poseidon said. Now, Nico's hair was completely wet and Jason decided it would be a great idea to make a little joke. "You look like a wet dog!" He laughed. "Hey!" Nico protested. "I do not look like a wet dog!" "Yeah." Will put his arm around his boyfriend. "My boyfriend doesn't look like a wet dog." He smiled; he clearly thought the joke was a good one. Will led Nico a bit farther into the sea. They wanted to be alone for a little bit.

ย  ย ย  Nico held onto both of Will's hands. He didn't want to let go, and neither did Will. "Are you having a good time my grumpy little ball of darkness." Will teased. "Oh my gods, do not call me that." Nico replied. He looked into the son of Apollos eyes. They were like two deep seas that you could drown in. "And yes." He continued. "I am having a good time." Will started to crack a smile. "Hehe~" he chuckled. He let go of one of Nico's hands. Will brushed his hands along the face of his pale skinned boyfriend. "Jason was right. You do look like a wet dog." "Hey! I do not!" Nico protested. "At least I don't look like a nightlight sometimes." He grumbled. Will decided to try and lighten the mood (not literally, even though he technically could) "Do you wanna see who can hold their breath the longest?" "You're so gonna lose Solace." Nico challenged.

ย  ย ย  The two boys held their breath and dunked their heads under the water. Spoiler alert: Nico won. Will came back after barley 20 seconds. The son of Hades rose his hear from under the water after almost an entire minute. His hair was completely drenched and Will thought her looked kinda hot in a Michael Phelps kind of way. "Okay you win, you win." Will caved in. Nico gave his boyfriend a soft kiss on the cheek. The son of Apollo smiled. Whenever Nico kissed him; whether it be on the cheek, nose, lips, neck. He loved it. Wills's entire body was washed with a warm gently feeling. "I love when you kiss me." Will blurted out. Now, he didn't intend to say that. But he's glad he did. "Oh really?" Nico smiled. Nico shifted closer to his boyfriend. He smiled before starting to plant soft little kisses all over Will's face.

ย  ย ย  The son of Hades' soft lips all over his face made a ticklish sensation on Will's face. He couldn't help but smile and giggle. "Nico." He smiled and put his hands around his boyfriends back. Will's body felt warm despite being in the cool sea. "Uh-" Jasons's voice behind them interrupted. "-sorry for uh.. interrupting." The son of Zeus stammered. "You guys wanna do a chicken fight?!" He managed to say energetically. The two boys agreed and Nico positioned himself of Jason's shoulders and Will on Percy's. Will thought it was kinda odd that he was about to try and push his boyfriend into the ocean but, Nico already won the first game they played. "You're so gonna lose." Will challenged. As the two boys tried to push each other off the shoulders of Percy and Jason; Nico couldn't help but grin.

ย  ย ย  After a few minutes of struggling: Will managed to push Nico off of Jason's shoulders. Percy let Will off of his shoulders to go to his boyfriend. "Are you okay?" He concerned. He didn't want his boyfriend to actually get hurt over a silly game like that. "I'm fine Solace." Nico reassured. "You're not that strong~" he joked. Will felt a heavy weight be lifted off his shoulders. "Wanna go build a sandcastle?" He offered. "I'm kinda tired of the water." Nico took his hand and started to lead him towards the shore. "Yeah." Now, Nico and Will were on the shore; back on their towel as they built a small sandcastle. Will had to fight the urge to kiss him several times. He didn't know it but: Nico felt the same.

As they were half way done with their sand castle, Percy and Jason walk towards them; practically shivering in towels. "Guys, it's getting dark out. We're gonna go alright?" Percy said. "Alright." The son of hades agreed. Will started to roll up the towel and grabbed the sunscreen that they had used before. The four boys made the exhausting walk back to the car, which Percy got permission to borrow from his step-dad, Paul Blofis. Will opened the trunk and handed his boyfriend; who was practically shivering at this point, a towel. Once they both had towels wrapped around them they entered the back seat of the car. Jason had shotgun while Percy was behind the wheel. Will snuggled up on his boyfriends chest, since he wasn't too exhausted.

"You guys hungry?" Percy asked from behind the wheel. The two boys stomachs growled. "Yeah." They said in unison. Percy stopped at a nearby McDonald's. Percy ordered chicken nuggets, fries, soda, all that jazz. Now the two boys were sat up in the backseat as Will ate his chicken nuggets like the plate was about to run away. "I think im gonna go into a food coma." He groaned. Nico cracked a smile and wrapped his arm around his boyfriend. Will was snuggled up on his chest and it seemed like he was going to fall asleep immediately. It was probably the comfort of being on his boyfriend's chest and the fact that it was dark out now. Eventually, Nico fell asleep too. Together: the two cuddled each other in the back seat. Percy and Jason smiled as they saw the scene behind them. Percy continued to smile as he drove back to Manhattan.

Authors note: I feel like that one was kinda good. Idk, let me know what you guys think.
