
Thalia's POV

"we're not actually wizards, we're-" Percy was saying,

a red light shot from out of nowhere and hit Percy.. he stiffened up and fell to the ground. i ran forward and knelt beside Percy to see what happened. i looked up to see McGonagall putting her wand back into her cloak.

we demigods didn't do anything to her or any of them. Nico came up behind me and picked up percy's legs and i grabbed his arms and we carried him to blackjack and tried to sit him up on the pegasus. Nico jumped on behind Percy to keep him stable.

Ron was standing there, mouth agape. he turned to McGonagall and was about to shout at her again. i knew Percy would want our "secret" not to be a secret anymore, and i agreed with him.

we went up into the air and before we were out of earshot, i yelled "we're demigods. have hermione look it up" Nico had the same idea and shouted "we know she will."

McGonagall was angry at us, no doubt about it; we flew off before she could shoot all of us.

Hermione's POV

everyone looked at me. so i took off to the library; i wanted to know what they were. Ron and Herry were right behind me as we ran to the library. Mcgonagall was shouting at us to stop. she yelled through the caslte to Madam Pince to lock up the library. Madam Pince had to obey her and locked the library before we could get there.

ron was crushed. "i NEED to know" he said to me

"don't worry" i told him, "i've been checking out books to try to find out what they were all year. i have them in my room, come on" and we raced up to the griffindor common room. i ran to my room and grabbed all of the books. i took them downstairs and handed each boy a few. ""you guys look in those and i'll look in these" we began to read through the books, wanting to know what percy, Nico, and Thalia wanted us to know about them.

students would come in and out asking if we had found it yet; we would say 'no' and keep looking. we ended up skipping dinner to keep looking. occasionally someone would say, "what about this?" we would crowd together and read it only to say, "thats not them." and keep on reading.

it was roughly 3 o'clock in the morning when Ron said, "what about this one?"

Harry and I crowded in and I read: "demigod: offspring between a god and a mortal. they are often born resembling both parents, though gods are known to not have any DNA. a demigod(or half-blood) is hunted my monsters that mortals cannot see; the demigods have a certain scent which monsters can track them with. Demigods are either Greek or Roman; so they fight as such: with swords, shields, and often magical items. demigods are known to always be on the run from monsters, though some demigods hunt the monsters. Demigods rarely live to adulthood.

we looked at each other until Ron said, "do you think that Percy is a demigod?"

Harry and I looked at each other and i said, "i think it might be. one of the only clues we have is that Annabeth, Jason and piper ran out in the grounds with armor and weapons."

we were quiet for a minute thinking about the possibility of them being demigods. Harry broke the silence with, "we could always call his cell phone and ask"

Ron shook his head and replied, "he doesn't have a cell phone; it's his moms'. we could try that number though."

i looked at him incredulously, "how do you have the number?"

he turned scarlet, "i might have stolen Annabeth's phone and took his number because i felt like i should. here is the number:"


so what do you guys think of the book. do you think it needs more drama, action, or humor or whatever. leave a comment at the bottom to tell me what you prefer. ill do my best to put it in the book.
