
Hello! Recently, I found a list of writing prompts on Tumblr for you to use for your OTP. My immediate thought was, "These need to be done for Pepperony." So, I decided to give it a try. Below is a list of the prompts that will be used. A word of warning, they will not be in any particular order. I love feedback and I'm open to suggestions for ideas. Also, in case anyone was wondering, I WILL NOT break them up. Nope. Pepperony is forever. I can't wait to hear what you think. :)

Kisses Prompts

1. "Good morning" kiss

2. Kiss on the forehead

3. Drunk/sloppy kiss

4. Awkward kiss

5. Angry kiss

6. "I'm sorry" kiss

7. "I've missed you" kiss

8. Seductive kiss

9. "War's End" kiss

10. "Goodbye" kiss

11. "I almost lost you" kiss

12. Kiss on the nose

13. Kiss on the ear

14. Kiss on the neck

15. Kiss on the back

16. French kiss

17. Shy kiss

18. Surprised kiss

19. Sad kiss

20. Exhausted parents kiss

21. Jealous kiss

22. Giggly kiss

23. Last kiss

24. Returned from the dead kiss

25. "We can never be together" kiss
