f o u r - "I like him"

(I.N's POV)

I felt bad for not bringing Felix as my plus one. We had this thing- tradition if you would like to call it- where we would always bring each other to events or even our own classes, It only started because ever since when we first met we both hated going to social events alone and found it a lot easier for us to be together at basically all times. But recently i've been getting a feeling that Felix doesn't like me anymore.

I knew that felix liked me,

or at least i thought so..

I knew because I like him too.

The signs where so clear

For weeks i've been trying to be more obvious about my feelings towards him but he never gets the hint.

Now It's hard to admit these feelings when you feel the love of your life slowly start to pull away.

That day when i asked him who he liked and he replied with "i don't like anyone" as if the question offended him i knew i had no chance.

Maybe i was making everything up in my head.

Maybe he was just going along with my stupid actions just to be nice.

That's who he was and that's what i love about him, he has a sweet soul. He has always been super kind to not just me but everyone around him. i loved him for that.

But I loved him most when we spent all our times together and he would do small things for me, because he truly cared.

when my roommate hyunjin asked me to accompany him to chan's party i took it as a chance to pull away from felix, when i told him through text it didn't seem to bother him. It hurt a lot and Hyunjin has been here to support me.

As we arrived to Chan's party i realized i was about an hour or so late which was usual for me and especially for hyunjin since we both care about our style and take way too much time trying to figure out what to wear, luckily since i asked felix i didn't take that long but i still had to wait for my roommate.

When we walked into the party the sounds of chan's mixstapes where blasting loud enough for them to bounce off the walls, the house lights where off with only LED lights left to light up the room with their blue and purple tones. Everyone seemed to be having a great time and i was getting hyped up with the vibes until i saw Felix.


SOOO i re-wrote this chapter because i was fixing up some of my other chapters and i ended up making a whole new story BUT i hope you enjoyed it regardless and i PROMISE to keep writing until the end this time !!
