Part 13

Like I said last chapter, smut ahead. Beware, and skip this if you are uncomfortable. Thanks! Also, slight self harm trigger warning. It's not too bad, just scarred marks, but I still wanted to warn.

Marvin closed the front door behind the two, quickly turning and pinning Whizzer against the door and kissing him. Their lips felt so familiar against each other, so natural. All Whizzer could do in retaliation was grip onto the strings of Marvin's hoodie to pull him closer, if that was even possible at this point. They were chest-to-chest now, Marvin now introducing his tongue to the kiss as the taller man moaned quietly and started to rub both hands against the fabric of Marvin's hoodie.

"Too many clothes..." Whizzer mumbled as Marvin pulled away to catch a breath. The other man nodded in reply, both caught up in way more passion and heat than they could ever force from the relationship. God, this was so much better, and more fun, too.

Marvin quickly removed the sunglasses from the top of Whizzers head and the jacket draping his shoulders loosely, setting the items on a nearby table. Whizzer responded by pulling Marvin incredibly close by his hoodie strings again and mouthing at his neck before whispering in his ear. "Need you now. I dont give a shit about the clothes right now, I need you~"

Marvin grinned, giving Whizzer a look before pulling back and merely unzipping his hoodie. Whizzer chuckled.

"You're a tease. Take it off~" he grabbed the hoodie and attempted to remove it, before Marvin grabbed Whizzers wrist.

"You wont like what you see" he warned.

"Marvie, I already know about your...issue...remember? It's just me. We'll be okay." He reassured, kissing Marvin for good measure. The passion was beginning to fade at Marvin's hesitance, and Whizzer certainly couldnt afford that.

Marvin nodded, letting go of Whizzers wrist and instead cradling the back of his head and pulling him into a deep kiss as the other man removed the jacket. Whizzer couldnt help but to merely glance, wanting to know if Marvin made any progress since he last witnessed what hed been doing to himself. Most scars had faded by now, looking as if a cat simply strategically scratched at the mans arm, but there were a couple that looked newer. Instead of feeling bad that Marvin was still hurting himself, Whizzer took pride in seeing that there were fewer recent scars than the fading ones. At this rate, Marvin was soon to get better, and in the end, that was all that mattered. That Marvin was getting better. He kissed back, smiling against Marvin's chapped lips. Marvin then pulled off and grabbed Whizzers hand, taking him to the bedroom and closing the door.

Whizzer got on the bed, and quickly pulled Marvin to straddle him, holding Marvin's firm ass and kissing him.

Marvin grinned, starting to unbutton the bright pink shirt Whizzer wore, throwing it to the side and attacking his neck, abruptly enough for Whizzer to attempt to kiss him again, only to miss and mouth at the air for a moment as Marvin dove down to start sucking hickeys into his neck. Whizzer laughed softly, a giggle interrupted as the suction of the hickeys elicited a low moan.

"Marv~" he whined, gripping the other man's ass harder.

Marvin looked up. "Yeah?"

"I-I missed this..." Whizzer smiled down at him, flashing his beautiful brown doe eyes.

This made Marvin crack a grin that one would only call a loving expression. "I missed you." He replied, soon returning to his work on Whizzers neck and jaw. He only pulled up again when he was happy with his art, the side of Whizzers neck and under his jaw completely covered with purple and red bruises.

Whizzer exhaled heavily, beaming and whispering those two words Marvin never got tired of hearing.

"Fuck me."

Marvin nodded excitedly. He quickly removed Whizzers pants and shoes, doing the same for himself, until all that was left was Whizzers hot pink silk boxers and Marvin's navy blue briefs. Marvin admired the other man in his boxers, noticing how the fabric hugged every curve of Whizzers just right. Not too tight. Not too loose. Perfectly hugged Whizzers ass and clearly holding back a strained erection.

Whizzer laughed as he noticed Marvin staring, tapping his shoulder. Marvin looked up, biting his lip.

"Take a picture, itll last longer~" Whizzer teased. "You want me on my stomach?"

Marvin shook his head, leaning over him and slowly rolling his hips so that the only thing separating their needy arousals were the fabric of their undies. Marvin kissed him again, mumbling "I want to see your face", smiling.

Whizzer smiled back, wrapping his arms around Marvin and kissing back needily. "Need you in-ah~ in me..." he moaned as their erections rubbed against each other, the boxers only causing more teasing friction.

Marvin nodded, letting out a groan and continuing to grind against Whizzer for a moment before he couldnt help himself. He hooked his fingers into Whizzers perfect pink boxers, and the other man assisted and lifted his hips up so Marvin could easily slide the cloth off and toss it to the side. Marvin removed his own briefs, doing the same with them before locking lips with Whizzer yet again. He just couldnt get enough of the kisses.

"I hope you end up remembering tonight" he chuckled, reminding Whizzer that this was not the first time they did this since the break up.

Whizzer blushed. "I think I will. I really do."

Softly, Whizzer grabbed one of Marvin's hands, lacing their fingers again and pulling him into a more loving kiss.

Marvin grinned. "Lube? Condom?"

Whizzer gasped, leaning over the side of the bed. "In my pants-hold on-"

Marvin laughed, sighing, before Whizzer handed him a tiny bottle of lube and a condom.

"You were planning this all along, huh?" Marvin smirked.

Whizzer blushed. "I was hopeful and prepared."

Marvin grinned, pecking his lips for a second as he rolled the condom on and starter to slather his aching cock in lube. He put some on his index finger and slid it into Whizzer for a moment, just to make sure everything was lubed.

Whizzer let out a sharp gasp, not expecting the liquid so soon. The initial familiar burning sensation coming from the finger in his ass quickly faded, and he let out an approving moan.

Marvin started to pump the finger in and out of Whizzer, crooking it every now and then to see if he could remember where that particular spo-

"Ah!~ there-Marv-right there~" Whizzer moaned breathily, squeezing Marvin's dry hand.

Marvin grinned, adding another slightly lubed finger to the mix and making a scissoring motion with the digits, making Whizzer hiss in slight uncomfort.

"You okay?" He asked.

Whizzer nodded, gritting his teeth. "Its good-keep stretching-"

Marvin nodded, stretching him for a moment more before curling his fingers up against Whizzers prostate again to relieve the other man from the little pain the stretch granted.

Whizzer moaned again, smiling. "I'm ready~"

Marvin couldnt have smiled wider at the twink, kissing him deeply and removing the fingers. He used this hand to hold loosely onto the base of his dick, lining up and carefully easing into Whizzer.

Whizzer bit his lip, breath hitching audibly for a moment once Marvin was about halfway in. "God-please, Marv-dont take it easy on me~ fuck me~"

Marvin kissed Whizzers forehead gently, rocking his hips forward, which caused Whizzer to moan out needily.

"Mo-more!~ please-please-please~" Whizzer forgot just how big Marvin's length was, already becoming a moaning mess underneath the muscular man.

It didnt take long after that for Marvin to start pounding into him, all the buildup and prep paying off, since he could easily slide in and out of Whizzer, who was barely feeling any pain at all. Only overwhelming pleasure and the sensation of being filled. He let go of Marvin's hand, now gripping tightly onto his boyfriends shoulders, leaning his head forward and moaning into Marvin's ear, which Marvin found was the hottest goddamn thing in the world. This encouraged him to thrust faster, craving more of Whizzers gorgeous moans and whimpers.

Whizzer now wrapped both arms around Whizzers shoulders, mouth hanging open. Soon, he let out a much louder moan. Marvin clearly had found his prostate, and now was aiming so each thrust could at the very least brush against that spot, if not ramming into it roughly.

Unlike Whizzer, Marvin hadnt been with anyone at all while the two were separated, so he was already starting to feel his own orgasm bubble close.

Softly, with an embarrassed blush on his face, he whispered a single word. "Nipples~"

Whizzer was in such a daze, for a moment, he couldnt understand what the hell Marvin meant by that. "Wh-ah~ what?"

"Touch me" Marvin repeated desperately. "I'm so close-fuck-nipples, please~" he grunted and groaned.

Whizzer bit his lip softly, carefully removing his tight hold around Marvin to rub and pinch and play with his nipples, causing Marvin to go fucking wild. It was a really sensitive place on his body, hips bucking forward sharply into Whizzer, causing both men to cry out in immense pleasure. Marvin's eyes shut tight, head tossing back, and soon, the simple nipple play sent him over the edge, releasing into the condom.

Whizzer smirked softly. He never knew of this weakness until now. This was a fairly submissive kink of Marvin's, and the man certainly never wouldve shown any sign of submission before.

"You like that?~" Whizzer grinned, now sucking gently on the nubs.

Marvin nodded, moaning. "Yea-yeah~" he slammed into Whizzer, the bed hitting the wall with nearly every thrust. "Y-you clo-ngh~ close?~"

Whizzer pulled off and nodded. "Close~ oh God, Marv~" he laid back on the bed, and Marvin leaned over and placed both hands on the bed next to Whizzer as he pounded harder against the other man's prostate.

"Come for me-Whizzer~" he grunted, eyes swirling with lust as he gazed down at Whizzer. They were both so beautiful in the act. Whizzers pale skin a sharp contrast against Marvin's slightly tanned chest, both glistening with sweat, though Whizzer would never admit to sweating at all. Ever. The tall man's hair was curly from the product fading through the activity, mostly due to the aforementioned sweat. Marvin's big arms, though littered with fading marks, made Whizzer swoon into submission at the mere sight of the bulging muscles. It was clear, Marvin had not stopped his gym routine for any post-breakup depression. Good for him.

Whizzer gazed up lustily at his lover, plump lips parted as he moaned. "I'm so close-Im gonna-oh fuck~" he whined, unable to even finish his sentence before climaxing, cum splattering on both men's chests, they were cuddled up so close together. Marvin smiled, kissing Whizzer deeply as he slowed his movements, eventually pulling out and sitting up, taking off the condom. He tied it and threw it in the trash can.

"Are we going to shower?" He asked, letting out a relieved sigh.

"Cuddle me first." Whizzer requested, outstretching his own arms for Marvin. He smiled as Marvin got into bed and cuddled up to Whizzer, holding him close.

"I missed you."

"I missed you too, Marv." Whizzer smiled, pecking his cheek.

"...move in with me." Marvin offered.

Whizzer was shocked for a moment. That was fast. Sure, he expected to move back in eventually, but after, technically, two nights in bed together?

Marvin could sense his surprise. "Itll be just like before. You can grab your stuff from...wherever you've been staying...come with me, and we can be together."

Whizzer sighed. "I've been staying with the lesbians. I dont have much stuff anymore, its...its all with Chris."

"Oh. Right. Your boyfriend." A pang of guilt hit Marvin.

Whizzer shook his head. "I left him. He has all my stuff, but I got away. All I really have is clothes and toiletries I stole from the girls, my computer, and some money."

"Right. Where are you working?"

"I...may or may not have gone back to stripping" Whizzer mumbled, a part of him afraid that Marvin would get jealous and possessive like before. And though that was a turn on in bed, it was actually fairly toxic out of it. Jealousy caused many fights between the two before, mainly because Whizzer was forced to sleep with a guy who paid well, and Marvin kept finding out.

Marvin, instead of showing his slight jealousy, only sighed. "You realize that I'm paid well. If you stay with me, you can tell me everything you lost to Chris, I can buy you new things, new clothes. Everything. Okay?"

Whizzer beamed, tearing up as he traced small shapes on Marvin's chest with his finger. "You mean it?"

Marvin nodded, wiping a tear from Whizzers face with his thumb. "I mean it."

Whizzer smiled wide. "Alright. Okay, Marvie. I'll move in with you." He hugged Marvin close, and the two ended up cuddling until eventually, they fell asleep.
