Chapter 1

"Make sure to keep that wig on" "Make sure to wear this" "Don't say anything different", my parents and twin always said-they wanted me to fit in like Addison.

Addison and me are twins, but there is one thing that majorly sets us apart, she has hair like out parents, blonde, and I mysteriously have a full head of pearly white hair. Nobody could explain it. I couldn't dye it, so I just had to wear a wig for my whole life, until last year.


It was the final Football game of the season, and we were one point from winning our first undefeated season ever, when something went wrong. Early that day, I had spotted the Acey's doing something with Eliza's laptop, but I didn't question it. Well, to make a long story short, Zed, Eliza, and Bonzo completely zombied out and we lost the Football game, which resparked everyone's fear for zombies, and outrang the z-alarm. Once Zed, Eliza, and Bonzo had been taken into zombie custody, everyone calmed down and started screaming things like "Stay away zombies!" and just booing them, and I felt like I needed to do something. I was not a cheerleader, but I had been to enough cheer practices with Addi that I knew what I had to do.

I grabbed the megaphone and screamed into it,"Hey! I have something to tell all of you! I have always thought that I needed to be like everyone else to fit in,  but the zombies have never had that! Imagine that you were that one unique kid, having nobody understand you for who you are. Always being told to be something you aren't! Well I have!" I then grabbed my blonde wig and pulled it off my head, exposing my white hair. There were some audible gasps and boos, but I felt proud. I looked up through the stands and saw my parents, they truly looked shocked, all the color drained from their faces. They knew they were going to be ridiculed for me, especially my mother, the mayor. I looked over at my twin, she was just shaking her head, head in her hand. Little did I know, the audience wasn't the only ones watching me.

End of flashback

And from that day on, I never wore one wig, because exactly what was the point of trying to hide something that everyone knew about.

Now it was the last day of Cheer Camp, and I was forced to come along with Addison. I took a seat on the bleachers,  pulling out one of my favorite history books about werewolves. I have always had a strange fascination with these mythical creatures. Once Bucky blew his whistle, indicating that it was time for the final competition between the A-team and the Z-team, I got bored and decided to take a walk through the Forbidden Forest.

I stood up from the cold bleachers, stuffing my book right back into my already overflowing backpack, and started walking away from the cheerleaders. The scenery was beautiful, so I pulled out my camera and took a couple pictures to bring home with me. Once I got to an opening in the heavy brush, I walked into it, occasionally pushing aside a low hanging branch or briers.

About 40 feet into the forest, I heard a twig snap. My head whipped in that direction, but all I saw was a cardinal, with its beautiful crimson color that I rarely get to see. I was curious to know what made that stick snap, so I started to walk in that direction. It was probably just a deer after all. Closely watching, I crept down an already-made path when I saw something move out of the corner of my eye. I turned around and in the distance I saw three human-like figures, two girls and a guy, correction, a very hot guy.  I slowly walked in their direction, they looked hesitant, but didn't back away. I was about 10 feet away from them when the mysterious hot guy met my focus, making eye contact. I walked a little further up to them, but then I saw it, the white in their hair, their claws and fangs, they were... werewolves.

"AHHHH!!" I screamed, scared that they would eat me. I had read a lot about them, and knew that they did in fact eat human flesh. I bolted out of there, breaking eye contact with the guy and not looking back. I ran straight to the cheerleaders, who were awarding the trophy to the Z-team, before immediately taking it back. We all boarded the Seabrook bus, the mascot driving-I don't think that's safe, driving in a costume.

As soon as the bus started and took off,  I took a seat with my zombie friend, Lizzy,

"Hey Wave," she said, waving.

"Hey," I said back, not really listening. I began to think-you know what, now that I think about it, I have a lot in common with those werewolves. I do love the night and moonlit strolls. I wonder if this has anything to do with my white hair?

I got knocked out of my thought by Addison saying, "Addison... Will you...," then everyone else said, "Go to the prawn... with...,"

"ZED!" My twin shouted as we hit a ladder with Zed on it, Zoey behind us throwing confetti. Zed slid to the side of the bus and put his hand on Addison's window, Addison reciprocating the action, making for an incredibly cute moment before Zed got knocked off the bus and flying through the Forbidden Forest. The bus crashed into a tree soon after, and everyone ran out, scattering through the forest. I saw Addison go looking for Zed, so I decided to help look and went the opposite way. Away from everyone, I saw something again out the corner of my eye. I turned around, and came face to face with the same three werewolves I had saw earlier. The hot werewolf flashed me a fanged smile, making me blush a little. But I heard a scream from the distance, and that snapped me out of my mind, running away from the werewolves. I finally found everyone, and then Addi said, "Guys, we aren't alone, we're surrounded by werewolves!"

"What? Wolves," Stacey said, confused.

"What-wolves!" Lacey said, equally as confused.

"Here-wolves!" JC said, equally as confused as the rest.

"Werewolves!" Screamed the three of them as they wiped out their phones, typing rapidly. We then all headed back out to the road, where another bus was there waiting for us. We rode the bus to the school, where the whole town was already assembled for a town meeting.

"And someone will, hold my purse," I heard my mom say as she shoved her purse into my dad's arms,"By order of city council, effective immediately, all anti-monster laws are reinstated," she said firmly, pounding her gavel on the podium.
