
Peter never told anyone exactly what happened Homecoming night. But that didn't mean the memories didn't haunt him.

He wasn't diagnosed, but he was almost 100% sure he had PTSD. Almost anything laying on top of him could send him back.

So, when in training with the other Avengers, he was terrified when Tony called everyone to celebrate and dog pile on Peter.

He is immediately sent back, eyes wide and breathing heavy as he remembers the terror of being under several thousand pounds of rubble. His PTSD kicks in and he feels like his lungs are being filled with dust. He struggles under the bodies of the Avengers, breathing heavily. Tony frowned and saw the distant look in his eyes.

"Everyone get off him!" He yelled, scrambling off. Peter immediately curled into a ball and screamed. Tony panicked and placed a hand on his back, which was a mistake.

The boy flashed out a fist, punching Tony and sending him flying back into the wall as he scrambled back, screaming again. Tony was immediately knocked unconcious  as the team stared in shock, unsure of what to do. Bucky was the first one to come to his senses. He sent Bruce to go get Tony medical help then walked to the shuddering and screaming boy. He sat down a foot away and just started singing an old Russian lullaby.

Peter, still deep in his flashback, heard the slight humming and singing. His shuddering body slowed slightly and he whimpered.

His mind was still telling him he was trapped under tons worth of concrete with dust filling his lungs.

But the voice was telling him otherwise.

It didn't sound like English, but it calmed him. He felt the weight on his back beginning to lift and the surroundings fading. The dust started clearing from his lungs.

The team watched as Bucky calmly sang and eased the shuddering boy out of the panic attack and flashback. Peter's breathing slowly even and his sobs slowed to whimpers and hiccups. He slowly became aware of where he was and what was happening. He steadily lifted his head to show brown eyes that were bloodshot and rimmed with tears. His cheeks were stained and flushed from crying and his hair was a mess.

"I-I'm so sorry..." He whispered.

"It's alright, Peter." Bucky said. He opened up his arms and Peter dived into his lap, hugging him and letting himself be comforted.

-time skip-

It had taken close to four hours for the aftershocks of the PTSD flash to wear off. Tony was out of the Med bay by then, just a bit sore with a bruise on his stomach. Peter had been with Bucky the whole time, as the man was most familiar with PTSD.

After he was finally calmed down, he sat on the couch, legs curled to his chest, and called the team down to the living room. Bucky was already there. He hadn't asked questions as to what the flash was about, just holding him and speaking calmly.

But Peter knew he'd have to come clean.

The team was sat around on the couches and floor, waiting for him to explain. Peter took a slow breath.

"I didn't tell you guys the whole story about the night of Homecoming... Yes, i-i did go after Toomes, but..." He sighed. "I followed him to an old abandoned warehouse where he'd been building weapons using alien tech. He was planning on using it to bring down your plane on Moving day. He was defenseless, or so I thought. I didn't see his suit, so I confronted him in my old homemade suit. H-he called his suit, and I thought it was trying to hit me. I dodged it easily, but he wasn't aiming for me. He was taking out the support pillars. When I realized, he was already in his suit and flying out and I was out of time." He whispered. He sighed. "F-FRIDAY play the footage I uploaded."

A video started playing, some footage from the camera he'd implanted in the homemade suits goggles.

Tony's heart shattered as he watched it.

It was from the teens point of view at first, as the boy watched several tons of rubble come crashing down. Soon enough, the mask had been discarded and it laid on the ground as he screamed and cried for help.

Steve watched in shock as the boy started muttering.

"If you're nothing without the suit, then you shouldn't have if- Come on, spiderman." Video Peter muttered.

Peter watched numbly as he saw himself pushing up and lifting the thousands upon thousands of pounds off. He saw himself throw the rubble off, then the video ended right as Peter ran off without his mask. FRIDAY cut the feed and Peter started talking again.

"I got to the plane right as it was taking off and held onto the side. Toomes got inside and we got into a fight. T-then- the plane started coming down. I had to go outside and stick to the side and pull it with webs to make sure it didn't hit any buildings. I-it crashed on the beach. I had to walk through the flames in order to get Toomes out to make sure he didn't die. Then... I collapsed."

Tony had tears stinging his eyes as he looked at the teen he'd come to see as a son.

"I-i know it's weak to b-be so easily triggered-"

"Stop right the fuck there, son." Steve said. "That is the opposite of weak. You went against everything your mentor said to do what was right. You were down for the count, but threw yourself back into the fight anyway. You didn't let your suit being taken away stop you. You kept going despite all odds against you. Queens, you're stronger than I have ever been or ever will be. You kept this all in for months, and none of us suspected a thing until today. You are the strongest fucking kid there is, you sentimental piece of shit."

The team were shocked by his words. Peter was staring at him, mouth open with tears stinging his eyes again.

"T-thank you, Captain Rogers. B-but that's not true..." He whispered.

"Queens, I have never once seen someone be so utterly selfless enough to safe their enemies life after being crushed and almost killed by them. You have your own kind of strength, and it's the best one there is." He said. "Youre humble." Peter looked down.

Tony sniffed and moved to him, kneeling in front of him.

"I-im so sorry, kid... I-i should have trusted you and I should have never taken the suit. I-im proud of you, Peter. And-" he choked back a sob. "I-i love you."

Peter smiled weakly and hugged him.

"I love you too, Dad." He whispered.


Peter, over the next months, started going to therapy to held with his PTSD. The team had a newfound respect for the teen, and never once doubted him. He found comfort with his new family.

He'd never been happier.
