• N i n e •

                   Alex's P.O.V.

"So, Nicolas, Cameron, Katie, and Jenna?" I asked, trying to memorize her friends.

She shook her head and sighed.

"Hayden. Not Nicolas. I don't even know where you get that from!" She threw her hands up in frustration.

"Hey, chill," I laughed seeing her get worked up.

"I'm just messing with you, haha. I know it was Hayden." I playfully hit her shoulder.

She shook her head. "I should've known. You're exactly like your father." She smiled at that. Yet, her eyes... they told a different story. A story of great sadness.

I have a feeling it was when dad was going through depression.

"Hey, aunt Lauren," I tried getting her attention.

"What's up?"

"When's the fun gonna start?"

"Never. We're old people." She laughed at that.

"Wow, okay," I laughed along with her. The pain was still in me though.

It hurt. A lot.


We've been at this party for at least 2 hours now. It's been so boring. Well, I mean if you exclude the part of Aunt Lauren dancing/twerking in the middle of the dance floor. Then, yeah, its been boring.

That's until I saw her.

Why was she here...

It's just my luck.

Her in the same place I'm at.

How is that possible?

Please tell me I'm dreaming.

That's when she spotted me. Her eyes on mine. Her mouth drops open. Surprised, that's what her face shows. Mine resembles.

We stay like that for a couple of seconds, minutes, I don't even know. Until, she decides to walk away.

Just like she walked away from us, the second she had a chance to.

I had followed her immediately but she was no where in sight.


"Hey, hun," Aunt Lauren wrapped her arm around my shoulder, tipsy to be exact.

She was so wasted.

"Let's go, Auntie, you're wasted." I took the cup out of her hand and allowed her to hold on to me and not fall. I grabbed my phone and dialed Uncle Carson's number.

"Hey, man! What's up?" Carson's voice came through after the first ring. 

"Yo, I need help. Your wife is wasted, man. Like she can't even stand and I don't think I could hold her for so long." I rushed. I sound horrible. Eww.

"Damn it, I told her not to drink. I'll be there in 5 minutes. Please take care if her for me." And he ends the call.

Uncle Carson has always been overprotective over Aunt Lauren. Always. Ever since dad was depressed because of his ex-girlfriend- who's name I still haven't learned- Carson always made sure to ask Lauren if she was okay.

If she was upset-even if it was for the smallest thing- he talked to her all night to make sure it was nothing to make her overdue herself. When she was pregnant with the kids, every time she felt tired he called off from work and took care if every household duty. In high school, when they first started dating he made sure to text her every second he got time. He never once left her worried for him and wondering if he was off cheating on her. Not once did he have her doubt their relationship. He was always out in the open. I remember this one time, Mom and Aunt Lauren went out for a girls' night and Uncle Carson was so worried, he literally followed them there and made sure they got their safely. He then called his best friend, Hayden, to watch over them while they were out. (It wasn't stalkerish or anything like that, Hayden works there.) Uncle Carson has always been the best guy for my Aunt Lauren. I loved them together. Aunt Lauren was the happiest, dad would always say.

About 5 minutes later, I see Carson pulling up and worryness expressed all over his face. 

"Oh, baby, we're going to get you home as soon as possible, don't you worry. Alex-"

He threw me his keys. 

"Drive, please, I need to make sure she's okay," 

"Uhhh, I don't really know my way around here," Uncertainty filled my voice. 

"I'll tell you where to turn, just drive, please!" He carried her inside the car and made sure she was comfortable before sitting himself down. 

I turned on the ignition and pulled out of the sidewalk- which he wet over as he rushed to get to Aunt Lauren- man, do people change when in love.

"Alright, now turn left and it's the fourth house on the right." I followed the instructions and parked the car in the driveway. 

"Alright, I'm going to take her inside just lock up please, and take the car. We could pick it up tomorrow," 

He went and settled Lauren down on her bed in her room, before returning to me. 

"You sure?" I did not need him saying that without meaning it.

"Yes," He chuckled, "Just don't wreck it," I laughed along with him. 

"I'll see you tomorrow, love you, man," We did a bro hug and I left. 

I got in the car when I remember I didn't have the address, so I ran back and knocked the door and he answered almost immediately. 

"I need the address," I breathed out. 

"Yep, I figured," He sent it to me and then looked at me confusingly, "Why didn't you just text me instead of  running here?"

"I don't even know. Oh, well I gotta go," 


I was driving home when my stomach started growling. I saw a McDonalds just up the corner and turned to it. I parked the car, grabbed my wallet and phone, and took the key out of the ignition. 

I walked inside and waited in line. I viewed the menu before choosing what I want when it was already my turn. 

"Hello, welcome to McDonalds, what would you like to get?" The bored out of his mind guy asked. 

"Two Big Mac meals- make both fries large- and two McFlurry's both the M&M's, and two Macadamia Nuts and two Chocolate Chip cookies, that'll be all," 

I know for a fact I didn't say that.

"Two Big Mac meals- make both fries large- and two McFlurry's both the M&M's, and two Macadamia Nuts and two Chocolate Chip cookies, right?" He asked to make sure he got the order right. 

"Yeah," I nodded. 

"A'ight, umm that'll be $39.97, for here or to go?" 

I got out two twenty dollar bills and looked at him, "For here,"

"Keep the change," I nodded at him.

 "Thanks, man," He smiled.

"Oh, right, what's the name?" 


I looked at her. I wanted to be mad at her. But, I couldn't. Just looking a her. Her smile, just her freaking face makes me smile, I can't be mad at her, or hate her. She keeps me moving. 


"And if he called me at 3 am and asked me to come over, I would come running no matter what the reason, no matter how tired I was, no matter if we aren't talking. Because you'll ALWAYS be number ONE in my heart." 


HIIIIIII BABES!!!!!! Merry Christmas Eve! If you don't celebrate Christmas (like me) have a great day and happy holidays! So, how have my favorite people been? I miss you and love you guys so much! WE HIT 1K ON PARALYZED WHEN I WAS ON MY BREAK!!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!! Thanks, loves for making that possible. Talk to me in the comments. 

-XOXO, Zoey 
