Chapter 9

Riku fell backwards on his bed, completely exhausted. He laid on the side of the soft heavenly bed, so his legs stayed in an uncomfortable position but he was too tired to care.

'Dad's coming soon...'

A wide smile, a true one, formed on his face and sighed contently. It had so long since he had seen his dad. He missed him, but Riku knew he just needed time to assimilate his wife's passing.

His eyes started to close slowly, despite Riku doing everything he could to not fall asleep. In the end though, he gave in. He hoped for a dreamless sleep, but he got the opposite of it, and he hated who was in it and what it was about.

"Stay away from me, you freak."

Riku frowned, and turned away, silently wondering what was happening.

"Riku! Wait up!"

He glanced back a bit, out of curiosity, but then gritted his teeth in annoyance at seeing a short brunette teen.

"What do you want, Sora?", Riku growled as he turned to him, shoving his hands into his hoodie's pockets.

"Ouch." Sora giggled, then straitened up, "I'm sure you've heard the rumour?"

Riku only rolled his eyes, "I can guess what they are the moment they called me freak."

Sora smiled bitterly, "is it true?"

"Yes." The silvernette turned away, and kept walking.

"Riku, wait."

Riku glanced back, and noticed Sora was looking down, bangs covering his eyes. He opened his mouth, and said something, but Riku couldn't hear what he said, just knew it was something that hurt and stung.

Riku jumped awake, gripping his sheets, and with heavy breath. He sighed, and pushed his bags back, but not moving his hand.

"Why did I dream of Sora? What did he say?"

The ringing of his phone startled him enough to make him fall of his bed. He grumbled, and slowly got up, peaking at his phone that kept ringing.

"Who the-"


Riku let out a loud groan, and slammed his hands onto the mattress to push himself up. He stormed to the door, and opened it, to see Roxas and Axel with their hands full of fast food.

"Surprise, you little nerd."

"Shut the fuck up." Riku glared, and opened the door for them.

Before entering, Roxas took out his phone to take a picture of his bedhead. He smirked, and walked inside like he hadn't done anything. Riku only slammed the door closed, and ignored that Roxas had taken it.

"Make yourselves at home, I'm tired. I'm gonna take a shower." Riku waved them off, and headed to the bathroom, already having his pajamas in there. "It's late, and I'm probably going to sleep again."

Axel peeked his head out from the dining room doorway. "Can we stay here tonight?!"

"Sure, just don't make too much noise. I don't like being woken up."

Axel snickered and walked back into the kitchen, "he's grumpy."

Roxas smirked, and leaned on the table. "Well, yeah, you do come to annoy him."

"So do you!" Axel slapped his boyfriend's arm.

"I'm never here to annoy!"

Roxas jumped on Axel, ending up on the floor due to Axel not handling the weight. Roxas made sure to have his hand behind the red haired teen's head.

"Don't break your head," Roxas told him, looking down with a smirk.

Axel reached up to grab onto the blond's waist, "My sunshine wouldn't be able to live a day without me.

"Pfft-" Roxas stood up, "I'll be fine."

"Aww." Axel frowned, and jumped up, "I don't believe you." he pulled Roxas's cheeks.

Roxas swatted his hands away, and picked up a bag of food to shove it at him. "Let's sort this out so Riku can eat."


Riku got into the warm running, and didn't move after. He just put his hands on the wall, and sighed, letting his hair fall all around his face.

"What am I going to do?" He mumbled to himself, "I won't be able to handle being around Sora. How annoying."

With another deep sigh, he grabbed the shampoo and started to wash his hair.

When he was done, he got out of the shower, but didn't turn off the water to keep the heat. He dressed as quickly as he could to not waste too much, and walked out after finishing, making sure everything was off. He saw his friends staring at their food with intense looks, and the sounds of hungry stomachs echoed in the quiet room.

"What are you two doing?" Riku asked as he pulled out a chair and sat with a crossed leg over the other.

"Waiting for you," Axel answered weakly, still looking at the burgers and golden fries sitting in front of them. "They're still warm, so I can still smell it..."

"I've been getting stomach cramps," Roxas said after Axel, "we didn't get to eat anything earlier, we got caught by Axel's parents."

Roxas slumped down in his chair, and crossed his arms, "I hate adults."

Riku reached over to the burgers, and took one for himself, and threw the others to his friends, "you just turned 18, you're an adult already."

"Ugh, I know," the blonde grumbled, and catched it with one hand, "Though I definitely don't want to be a kid again, especially in my house."

Axel frowned, and slowly opened the burger's wrapper, appetite slowly fading.

"Yeah, me either."

Riku cleared his throat, and stole some of the fries. "Well, make the most out of these years," he said as he bit into it, "don't become a boring adult like you see others, what else is there to do?"

Roxas bit into his burger with a pouty look, "I guess."

"Changing topic," Axel spoke up, and by the grin on his face, Riku knew what was going to be, "what about the dates?"

"Dates?" Roxas asked with a mouthful of fries.

"Eat it first, Roxas -"

"I'll do them, but it'll be a pain," Riku answered with a roll of his eyes, "worst days of my life."

"Right." The redhead smirked, and stole from Riku's food.

"You have your own, you idiot -"

Roxas laughed at the scene, but ended up needing to reach for a glass of water.

"One of these days, you two are going to end me," he said between pants, "Jesus Christ. That was scary."

His boyfriend patted his back, "I'll always bring you back, sunshine."

"Ew, mushy romance stuff," Riku playfully scrunched up his nose, "I might just throw up rainbows and glitter."

"Shut up," Axel retorted with a mischievous glint in his green eyes, Roxas matching his, "we didn't say anything when you were making our with Akashima."

The silvernette spit out his drink, and started coughing, "Are we ever going to let that go?!"


"I hate you two."

Riku let his head fall onto the table, making the other two wince at the loud sound. Roxas reached over to ruffle his still damp hair.

"Don't hurt yourself, how are you going to go out with Sora? I'm sure he wouldn't like to see his boyfriend hurt."

"Roxas," Riku mumbled as he lifted his head a bit to look into Roxas's eyes, "I'm going to put wasabi into your cupcakes."

"You better not!" The blond exclaimed, retracting his hand as if was burned, "I'll end you."

"Do it!" Axel whispered yelled, "it's hilarious."

Roxas threw on him whatever was next to him, which ended up being his sweater. "Do me a favor and get yourself tangled in that."

Axel fumbled with it, until he managed to get himself out. He huffed, and wrapped it around Roxas. He shook his head to get rid of his now eye covering bangs.

"You ruined my hair," he sulked, crossing his arms, "it's a pain to get my hairstyle correctly."

Riku thought for a moment, before going to get something. Axel and Roxas looked at each other with confused looks, and shrugged.

Suddenly, something hit Axel's wrist, a sharp pain running across it.

"The fu-"

"Use that hair tie to fix your hair, your hair won't let you see or let you live, trust me," Riku said in a soft voice, as he lifted a lock of hair that obscured his eyesight between his thumb and forefinger then the hair besides his face, "I deal with it everyday."

Axel rolled his eyes and placed the hair twice between his teeth, then started to gather his hair to the back.

The silvernette raised an eyebrow, then let out a laugh, but tried to hide it. "Yeah, nevermind, your hair is still too wild for a ponytail."

"Haha," Axel laughed sarcastically, but still tied his hair, "it works, just not as pretty as yours."

"Lies. You look great," Riku answered, and Roxas agreed.

"I like it better this way," Roxas mumbled, then shrugged, "but up to you, I still like any way you do your hair."

"Aww!" Axel ruffled his boyfriend's hair, "you should let it grow."

"Hell no," was Roxas immediate response, "Never in my life."

"Never say never, my dear Roxas," Riku teased.


A knock on the door interrupted Roxas, and all three of them turned to the direction of the door.

"Uh, are you expecting someone?" Axel and Roxas asked, as if reading each other's mind

"No?" Riku replied, but he was still confused. "I'll go see."

"Don't get yourself kidnapped!"

Riku rolled his eyes, and made his way to the door. He peeked out, but only saw a tall figure, it seemed familiar.

With a shaky hand, and a deep breath he opened the door slightly. As soon as he saw who it was, his eyes widened and his breath hitched at his throat. His mouth opened to say something, but nothing came out, it was as if his voice had been stolen.

"Riku, I'm sorry, this visit is overdue," they said with a small nervous smile, "I couldn't wait longer."

Riku's legs gave in, and slid to the floor, something so unlike him. His eyes started to fill with tears, and soon, sobs emitted from his mouth, not being able to stop.

Roxas and Axel heard him, and rushed to see what was going on. They stopped when they saw Riku on the floor, crying his eyes out, and barely making out a few words.


Roxas rushed to his side, kneeling down to check on him. He looked up with a glare, about to go off on whoever made his best friend break down, until he met the eyes of an awkward man kneeling down at the door.

"No fucking way," he gasped out, and hugged Riku as his glare returned.

Axel stood to the side awkwardly, not knowing who this man was.

"Roxas, Riku," the deep voice from the man cut across the deafening silence, "I know you're shocked, but let me explain."

"You've got no business with me," Roxas growled, "but you better explain yourself to Riku."

The man smiled bitterly, and nodded. He helped Riku up, who's sobs had subside. They walked into the living room, and Axel closed and locked the door. He silently followed behind them, wary of the man that had just walked in.

"Sir," Axel called as they sat down on the couch. "I don't know who you are, but hurt my best friend again, and I won't forgive you, Riku's house is my and Roxas's refuge, I don't want problems here for either Riku or my boyfriend."

"Don't worry, I'm here to fix everything," the man answered,

"I'm Riku's dad."
