
I paced up and down the waiting room of the hospital, the loud banging of my shoes echoing through the floors. I couldn't think straight. My best friend was dying. How could someone so innocent and perfect be robbed from their life just like that? I stopped to try to reason with myself in this situation when a door opened. Dans room door. Out came the doctor, dressed in all white, like a god. Of heaven. He walked over to me with a pained expression on his wrinkled face.
"Mr Lester, as you know Dan is very ill and he has only minutes left. I'm guessing he'd wish to spend them with you?"
"Uh-uh th-th-Thankyou."
I walked into Dans room and there he was, his lifeless body on the bed.
"Phil?" A hoarse voice called over to me,
"Dan!" I ran over to his bed and sat on a chair.
"Phil- I-I-I love you"
I grabbed his hand. His cold, paper thin hand. I looked at his body. His cold, pale, paper thin body. His hobbit hair sticking to his for head. His chestnut eyes now dull and dying.
"I-I-I love you too Dan"
"N-no Phil, I love you"
"I know, I-I-I love you too"
I bent down and our lips crashed. His lips were dry and the kiss was pathetic, but it's all I had left.
"Phil, I want you continue without me. Continue making videos, tell them what happened and be happy. But remember me. You were the force that pulled me back to earth when I felt like falling, my bungee cord when I felt like jumping. Phil you were my everything and I want you to remember me and carry on." We were both sobbing now.
"Don't worry Dan, I would never forget you."
"Phil, come here."
I leaned in and he put my hand on his chest, his heartbeat was slow. He pulled me close and whispered,
"I love you Phil Lester and I won't ever forget you. Phil?"
"This is the most fun I've ever had."
His breaths were shallow and empty.
I tightened my grip on his hands as I watched. He took his last breath before closing his eyes for the last time. His grip on my hand tried to loosen but I wouldn't let it. I wasn't about to lose him, this was fake. This was just a horrible dream and I'm about to wake up and Dan will be sleeping in the room next to mine and we'd get up and eat pancakes and watch anime together. Everything's okay. I pinched myself hoping to wake up from this nightmare. Nothing. He was gone. My best friend, the only person who I ever truly loved, was really gone. Forever.
I was screaming eternally.
