1. The Beginning Of The End

IT WAS THE LAST BALL OF THE SOCIAL SEASON AND YET IT WAS ONLY THE PRINCE OF WAVENHILL'S FIRST ONE. Turns out, being on travels and focusing on the wrong studies(as his father said) isn't what he should be focusing on. He should be focusing on other things such as finding a wife so he can have a heir, but Stephane believes those are his father's wishes and not his.

He stepped out the carriage and adjusted his carvet that was around his neck. He took a look around before going into the Ball hosted by the Featheringtons. The lights were lit well and as always, everyone dressed nice. A woman jumped out of the same carriage, more reckless and unproper. It was his sister Camellia, of course, the only other woman he'd known best was his mother, oh how he missed her.

Camellia grunted as she straighten her dress but not without muttering how ridiculous it looked on her. She looked up at her brother, who was already staring at her. She scoffed.

"Do you know how hard it is to wear one of these? It's suffocating." She exclaimed.

"I can tell, shouldn't be hard to take off I assume?" Stephane joked.

"You are disgusting," Camellia gagged.

Finally, their father left the carriage but not before sending glares to the two, silencing them almost immediately. Before their mother died, there was a time where their father was happy, genuinely happy but that all faded when he heard her heart stop, she wasn't the only person that had died that night. Their father died alongside her.

Stephane held his arm out for his sister to take which she did and with that, they entered the ball. All eyes snapped to them as they walked softly, the whispers grew and grew.

"Ignore them," Camellia whispered to him.

"Are they always like this?" Stephane whispered back.

"Sadly," She answered.

Stephane put on a fake-smile and held his head up high. He smiled to a woman and her mama, she instantly dropped to her knees which made Stephane look at the woman's mama in concern, who only smiled sweetly before scolding her daughter.

"Does that always happen?" Stephane asked.

"You wouldn't believe how many woman fallen to our cousins knees in the last two seasons." Camellia muttered.(I am not referencing anything whatsoever 😁)

"Stephane," Their father hushed.

Stephane muttered out. "My apologies,"

Their father only grunted in reply, Camellia looked down when a man approached the family.

"Your grace," He bowed. "Your highness."

"Hello," Stephane smiled but that faded when he saw his father's eyes.

"May I?" The man held out his hand for Camellia to take.

"I'm sorry, may you what?" She asked.

Their father cut in and spoke. "You may,"

He shoved Camellia out of Stephane's grasp and into the man.

Camellia only chucked awkwardly before heading to the dance floor with the man.

"Father, what was that for?" Stephane asked.

"She hadn't danced at one ball, she needed the push." He explained like it was the easiest thing in the world.

"Forcing her to dance when she specifically doesn't want to-" "Oh look, how about her?" The conversation was left at that.

Stephane sighed as his father grabbed him and took him to meet a lady and her mother.

"Your highnesses," They bowed.

"Miss Amelia, you have grown so much." He smiled. "You remember my son, Stephane?"

"Oh yes," Amelia gushed. "He is more handsome in person." The lady whispered to her mother, who nodded in agreement.

"You have grown in a remarkable young man, your mother must be proud." Amelia's mother smiled.

That was another thing Stephane hated, when they talk about his mother. They never knew her like he had, never spent time with her like he had. And if he was honest, Stephane didn't think his mother would be proud or atleast that's what his father shows him and his sister everyday.

Still, Stephane put on a smile. "Thank you."

"Ill leave you three to catch up," And with that, His father left leaving him with two woman, who only saw him for his title.

"So, Stephane, you went on travel." Amelia started the conversation.

"Yeah, to Greece and France." Stephane remembered his travel fondly.

"I always wanted to go to France," Amelia looked away softly.

"Maybe you can tell her all about it, so when you two get married you can surely honeymoon there." Amelia's mother explained.

Amelia hit her mom in the ribs and scolded her silently.

The two talked for awhile, Amelia talked about the seasons since this was Stephane's first one, and in return Stephane told Amelia about her travels.

The words of the elder woman was going in of Stephane's ear and out the other. It was quite difficult to pay attention when her daughter was practically touching him with every chance he got.

"Your highness, do you also think that you and my lovely Amelia would have excellent children together?" The woman asked, bringing him out of his thoughts.

"Oh yeah," Stephane hummed. "I'm feeling very parched, do you mind if I were to get a drink?"

"Oh no, not at all." Amelia smiled at him.

Stephane left the two women in a hurry to escape, that he didn't even notice he was mere seconds away to running into someone.

His shoulder collied with the person's face, they almost fell before Stephane grabbed their hand, he looked down and realized it was a woman. Her hair was a long shining red, enough to burn the world to the ground. She was dressed in yellow, she looks to be suffocating in it(must have been her mother).

"I'm so sorry-" "I didn't mean to-" They both apologized.

They both stared at eachother for a moment in silence, soaking in the others features.

"You look beautiful," Stephane didn't even realize he said that aloud till he saw the young woman's reaction, she chuckled.

She blushed then look away. "You may be handsome but you are awful with your lies."

"Perhaps I owe you a dance to prove it and to get away from that girl and her mama." Stephane whispered the last part and he glanced back at them.

Penelope chuckled before regaining her composure. "I wouldn't be opposed."

Stephane looked at her dance card and realized he would be the 2nd one dancing with her the whole evening, he was determined to make it the best dance of her night.

"Well shall we?" Stephane smirked.

"We shall," Penelope said.

Her hands fit into his almost as if they were made for eachother. The prince and the wallflower went to the dance floor, shocking almost everyone of the ton, who took a second glance.

One man in particular was staring at them with confusion lingering in his eyes.

"She said she was maxed out for the night," Colin Bridgerton thought. "She wouldn't lie to me, right?"

A woman suddenly appeared beside him. It was Persephone, Penelope's sister.

"She seems to be having rather fun, is she not?" Persephone asked.

Colin didn't answer only nodding before making haste and leaving the scene. Persephone looked Penelope at Stephane with a smile on her face.

"This is my first dance," Stephane piped up.

"Are you certain? You seem to be an excellent dancer." Penelope asked.

"I am incredibly certain," Stephane confirmed. "You dance incredibly well, who taught you?"

"Oh," Penelope chuckled. "Just my family maids."

"They seem to be excellent teachers then." Stephane smiled. "My mother was a wonderful dancer, I would dance with her all the time as a child."

"Was?" Penelope questioned.

"She had passed," Stephane said softly.

"Oh, I am sorry." Penelope apologized.

"It is okay, She is still here, in my heart." Stephane said. "And that is enough."

Penelope smiled softly as the dance ended.

"Can I finally know your name?" Penelope asked.

"Stephane!" Their father called. "Get over here right this instant!"

Stephane chuckled before looking back at Penelope. "You know it now, supposed I be going. Have a good night, Ms.-"

"Featherington, Penelope Featherington." She introduced herself.

Stephane smiled. "Have a good night, Ms. Featherington." He kissed her hand as he bid her farewell.

Stephane rushed to his family's side. Stephane was about to speak when their father hushed him.

"We will speak about it when we get home," He spoke, firmly.

"But father-" "Silence!" Their father said. "We are to leave this hideous ball now. Get in the carriage." He ordered.

The two kids followed suit and went inside the carriage, not speaking a word. The carriage began to leave the ball and went into the night, never to be seen.

Three Months Later...

"Stop stepping on my shoes, Camellia." Stephane told his sister.

"I'm trying but learning to waltz is hard, especially when the person you're dancing with is so stern," Camellia said.

"So you would rather dance with a servant than me?" He asked.

"Yes!" She exclaimed.

"Well, this is the season in which you must marry that is what father says," Stephane told her.

"It's also the season in which you marry too, brother, mustn't you forget." Camellia remarked.

"With you reminding me, I'm sure I'll marry almost instantly." Stephane muttered.

This time, Camellia stepped on his toe on purpose.

"I heard that brother," She glared up at him.

"Good," He snickered.

Their father has stormed out the room mere minutes ago out of anger due to Camellia or Stephane getting the waltz right. He had told them they had to marry by the end of the social season or they would be stripped of their titles and be sent away to gods know where. And neither of them wanted that.

A maid knocked on the door. "Your highness, your grace, you have visitors."

"Visitors? Who would come at this hour?" Stephane asked.

The visitors came to the room, revealing themselves. It was their cousin, Prince Andre and his wife, Princess Edwina.

Camellia rushed to Andre's side.

"Cousin!" She exclaimed.

Andre groaned as Camellia hugged him, bone tight. "It's lovely to see you too, Camellia."

Stephane chuckled at the interaction.

"Edwina, hello." Stephane smiled.

"It is lovely to see you Stephane, when word heard you came back from travels, Andre had been waiting to see you." Edwina smiled.

"Not true! She wanted to meet you and visit her sisters is all." Andre exclaimed.

"And how are you sisters?" Stephane asked.

"They are doing quite well, they are both viscountess and they seem to fit the role incredibly." Edwina answered.

"That is wonderful to know, perhaps you could have dinner with them soon." Andre told Edwina.

"Back at home?" Edwina asked, hopeful.

"Yes Edwina, it is your house too." Andre smiled.

"You two are so in love it makes me sick," Camellia fake gagged.

"It won't be like that when you are in love, Camellia." Stephane teased.

"Or when you're in love, I am absolutely tired of hearing the same story with this 'Miss Featherington' lady Stephane, just court her already!" Camellia complained.

"Wait did you say Featherington?" Edwina asked.

"Uh Yes I did, Stephane danced with her at the ball of last years season. I think it was Penny or ah what was it?-" Camellia trailed off.

"Penelope." Stephane answered for her.

"Ah Penelope, she is a remarkable young woman and very kind." Edwina smiled. "She is an excellent choice of woman to marry, to me she isn't a wallflower but another Bachelorette just waiting for her moment to shine."

"I see," Stephane noted. "Maybe this season, I will find her again and court her."

"Oh you absolutely should, courting is a wonderful time to get to know her!" Edwina encouraged.

"Edwina is right," Andre agreed. "Even though we did not court, spending time with her is good."

"I shall do just that to fullfill my father's wishes." Stephane smiled.

"Write us a letter and tell us how it goes." Andre told him.

"You know I will," Stephane remarked.

"Looks like we have to go now, We was supposed to meet the Bridgertons around noon. It was nice seeing you all." Edwina smiled.

"Bye!" Camellia smiled.

The door shut and the married couple was gone, Camellia looked at Stephane with a teasing gaze.

"You aren't actually going to marry this girl right?" Camellia asked.

"I'm actually not sure, what if she isn't who I thought she was and she was something more." Stephane whispered.

"There will be other woman Stephane," Camellia reassured him.

"You are right," Stephane hummed. "But which one shall I marry?"

"Let your heart decide that one brother, only your heart can answer that." Camellia informed him.

Mira Speaks

And now we gotta wait a whole month for another chapter heheheheheheh

Hope you guys enjoyed this :)
