Chapter Two

Ray's POV

As I saw Mikey run up to his room crying I began to feel upset. I mean of coarse I would he's my best friend but this time was
Different. I just want to hold him, to protect him and tell him everything will be ok but I can't. I'm not gay and Mikey isn't either. I looked over at Frank and Gerard.

"He just needs space, I'll go up there in a minute." I soothed the two, they really cared for him. In a way they're kind of like his parental figures or people to look up to.

"Can you go check on him, I think he needs you right now, I mean you're his best friend." Gerard asked concerned as he rubbed Frank's back soothingly. I nodded and started to walk after Mikey.

I knocked on the door "Kobra kid, please just let me in." I said pleadingly as I heard sniffled from the other side. I sighed "If you don't let me in I'll come in myself."

"One minute." A small voice squeaked from the other side of the door. He was obviously holding back tears as he spoke, you could hear it in his voice.

The door creaked open and Ray saw tears streaming down small, innocent Mikey's face. "Kobra, what's wrong?" I asked soothingly. He really needed a motherly figure right about now and I just don't know how to be that. 'Maybe I'll call Frank up' I thought but then I looked at Mikey again and I stopped thinking immediately. He needed me.

"I-I." He sniffled "nothing's wrong" he said snuggling into my old over-sized hoodie that was huge on him. I told him he could have it after he outgrew his old one.

"Hey it's ok Kid." I said as I held him closely. "We all have our bad days." He said as I rubbed his arms up and down soothingly. He quickly relaxed and fell asleep in my arms. I have never felt so happy, content and right in my entire life. It's my job to protect Michael James Way and I will keep him safe no matter what the cost.

A/N: Hey guys I'm sorry for the short chapter, next one will be longer I promise. Hope everyone is doing well! ~M
