Hunky Dory!

"Lotor? You're right, he does have a weird name..." Lance said, smiling a bit. I just sat still, controlling my heartbeat, counting each one like it was the beat in a familiar song.

That familiar song, the one that put you to sleep at night and made you feel better when you were sad.

I smiled a little at the rythmic pounding that continued on in my chest. I don't know how long Lance and I sat there but once everyone started waking up, we went to go eat breakfast.

I realized that we were late for school but I couldn't care less, none of us could. We all ate breakfast peacefully, as if it were a late Sunday morning.

There was light conversation throughout the morning but I wasn't able to pay much attention...

I couldn't stop thinking of Lotor...

I think we were all hesitant to get ready for school, well I should say they were hesitant. They all agreed that I should stay home and rest and that someone should stay with me to keep an eye on me.

There was a big argument for who got to stay home but Shiro pulled a dad and picked someone. Hunk was chosen to stay with me for the day. I hadn't gotten to know him much, so I geuss that now is my chance.

Everyone, except Hunk and I, headed off for school. "So Keith, what's up? You haven't talked alot today" Hunk said, closing the door behind everyone. I could hear everyone drive off as I answered, "oh um... and old... friend is coming back to town..."

Calling him a friend felt like saying the name of the devil. It felt as if fire spread across my tounge, warning me not to say it again.

"Oh! Well, that should be fun!" Hunk smiled widely. I cringed at the thought of seeing Lotor again...

"I geuss..."

"Hey Keith? You wanna bake stuff? It's okay if you don't, I'm just in the mood for something sweet. Or we can make actual food, or I can just run out and grab something for us" he had a hopeful look in his eyes. 'Man, he is the definition of a ray of sunshine..." I thought to myself.

I smiled and nodded my head, "Let's get baking." We went to work in the kitchen, gathering all the ingredients for a cake we would need. We got straight to work and while it was baking, Hunk and I talked about basically everything and anything.

I found out he had a girlfriend but she was currently in England. I think her name was shay. She sounded like a nice girl.

(Don't judge me...)

He ended up showing me a picture or two of her. She had brownish-blonde hair and a medium skin tone. In the picture, she wore a blue stripped shirt with a black scarf. Hunk was making some weird face and she was laughing at him.

He was midsentance when the timer went off, signaling to take the cake out. Hunk did so and it smelled amazing.

Lance always talked about Hunk's cooking and I can see why. It even looked as good as Lance says and it wasn't even done. Hunk and I started searching for frosting but we couldn't find any.

"Hey, why don't we just go buy some. Or I can go while you stay here if you want. I'm fine either way" Hunk smiled. "Um... I can go with you."

"Alright... I um... just realized that we are going to have to walk. You still wanna come?"

I shook my head, not up for walking more than I have to. "Oh, alright! That's fine. Stay here and rest up, okay?"

I nod and wave,"return back all hunky dory" I chuckled at my small pun. Hunk smiled and headed out, making sure to lock the door behind him. I cover up with a blanket, soon falling asleep from the quiet.

I was having a rather good dream when I heard something upstairs. My eyes shot open as I remembered that nobody was home.

'Ok, I just need to grab something from the kitchen and I'll go check out the upstairs'

I went to the kitchen, grabbing a decent sized knife, for protection. I cautiously made my way upstairs, making sure to be quiet. I peeked around the corner, there was nothing there. I checked all the rooms and nothing seemed to be out of place...

I went to go back downstairs when I noticed something on the dresser. 'A note?'

"Hello there Keith. You don't know me but I'm a friend of his. I know you know who I mean. Well, he told me to let you know, "your time is almost up. You better say goodbye to those friends of yours because soon, you'll never see them again.

And, as for that boy you have a crush on, forget him. You belong with me and nobody else. You are mine and only mine. So get ready, because I'll see you very, VERY soon akachan"

So, get ready Keith. He's coming for you, and don't even try running. He has friends everywhere and he will find you."

Instead of fear or panic, I just felt anger build up inside me. I put down the note and balled my hands into fists. I punched the wall next to the dresser. It didn't even hurt, luckily I didn't punch a hoke in the wall.

I picked the note back up and took it back downstairs with me. 'Who the hell does he think he is?! He doesn't own me and has no right to control me or my life! He doesn't own me' these angry thoughts kept swarming through my head.

Suddenly, the door unlocked and opened, revealing Hunk holding a few cans of frosting. The thoughts of Lotor still swarmed through my head, making me even more angry.

"Keith? What's wrong" he said, looking at me with a concerned expression. I handed him the note and started pacing around the room angrily. He had a confused look on his face, with a hint of anger.

Everyone got back from school not too long after. I was still filled with rage.

Everyone looked at me as I paced around the room, as it was keeping me from punching something again. My knuckles had even started bruising a little.

"Um, Keith? You want to tell us what's up" Shiro asked. I started laughing to myself a little, probably looking crazy but handed them the note anyways. I went back to pacing angrily as everyone read over it. They all looked confused but angry.

Lance looked like he could kill someone. Shiro realized something, I could see it on his face. "Keith? Where did this note even come from?"

"What a good question Shiro. Well, I fell asleep on the couch but I heard something upstairs, even though Hunk wasn't home. And you know what I found on a dresser? That little gem right there" I said, tapping the paper slightly.

Shiro looked concerned, realizing someone had probably broke in to leave the note there. I went back to my angry pacing. Lance walked over to me and pulled me into a hug, making me calm down immediately...

(A/n: alight, a new chapter! My friend has been bugging the hell put of me to get it done so here it is! Haha! I... I feel crazy but it's fine. All the best people are crazy! So don't fuckin judge me...)

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