Pain demands to be felt

Pain demands to be felt. Pack your bags, go for a journey. Throw away those pictures and try to forget a memory. Throw things away, try destroying them.This few would lessen the heartache for a time but it never really ease the pain. It gives sufficient getaway but it never leads to a door where its all good to go. Pain is pain, its not defined of how you deal with it but it serves you enough. The word is not lessen by the way you define it, it stays what it is. Pain just hits right away, steals your happiness and such but it doesn't really have the liscense to pull us downward, reacting to pain is up to us, pain just do its thing. What will the world be without pain, right? such a happy place, But reality after reality, we realize that we need pain. Thats too contrast, i know but the thing is, Pain is a beautiful thing. Imagine that a storm ruined a place, all you see is mess and the stuffs that was left unidentifed due to its state of being destroyed. The storm is the pain, it hits you bad downright, You have no control over it, even if you tie your house in the ground, put some stones in your roof just to make it stay in its place, or even say you are ready, the storm wouldn't tell how destructive it would be, but you can always know for a fact that the storm is temporary but the damage itself will be permanent; the thing is, all you need is to endure, have a leap of faith and trust in God, And keep in mind that things will soon fall into its proper places even if they don't seem clear enough to hope though, but most of all, the reminder of which is what you call reality check, life goes on, right? After the storm, new creations will be found, New buildings will be constructed, and a New life will eventually be on headlines. After knowing pain's effect will actually demand us to feel pain more, I mean, It teaches us things we will never really learn when we are always happy. In life, balance is important. Life goes up and down, high and low, it may vary but its always either of the two. Why not gain something good in pain and commend its benefits after the long run, than focusing on the things it does while its still trying to let you learn something. So while you feel pain, you should always go back to basics, God's love, He loves you so He wants you to learn something, to be strong and such, He always give great fights to His great fighters. For me, life always has its purpose, in a way or another but the thought of God's good purpose will always prevail. God has His own ways of turning things around for our good. That's our closure.
