Dear Calum, You Are Nothing

*The following is a letter Calum has inserted into his journal from Michael.*

Dear Calum,

I write to you from a small moldy cell that is infested with rats. The rats don’t even like it here, I don’t think. They just sit in the corners scared and curled up into balls, only running when they think they are not seen. My orange jump suit does not fit me well the color contrasts badly with my blue hair. I look like a clown, it’s a surprise, I haven’t been gang raped yet.

My roommate at the moment shows no sign of life as he sleeps. He is an old priest, he sleeps with a bible placed on his heart. He has a passion for something that does not exist, but he holds on to it like it is his only son being clawed away from his own pruned hands. However, he hold a passion that I cannot see, just as he cannot see mine, he looks at himself in the mirror and sees a man of God while I see just another walking bag of meat. I am jealous Calum, I am jealous of his passion. I have no passion, I have nothing to give to anyone I am just a villain and being in this hell-hole you call a jail just proves that I am a villain.

In the priest’s eyes, he sees potential in all humans; he sees hope for everyone. But he is wrong. Humans are animals trapped under the allusion that killing other people is bad, yet they start wars and mindlessly kill others with no second thought. If humans actually believed killing was wrong, we wouldn’t be doing it; instead we would be trying to resolve all conflict and attempting to make amends with other leaders.

Human are worthless creatures and I am just another worthless creature; and Calum, you are just another worthless creature.

Humans are fake, we are fake to each other. We try so hard to be a part of one another, we try to blend in. We act as if we are all the same. You will hear the morally correct answer when we are asked a taboo question, but you will never see what is trapped inside that person's mind.

So Calum, as warm water falls on tender skin, I bid you good day. And may your night not be full of sorrow.



wtf michael stop being so smart.

Literally the most opinionated  thing i've writen lol.
