
Hi there! I'm the author of this book and there are a few things I would like everyone to know!

1. Hate
If you are going to hate on either my opinion or anyone else's opinion on something, then please stay away from this book. I want this to be a safe haven for everyone!

2. Mistakes
If I make any mistakes in the writing, please correct me! I'm always looking for places to improve so if you correct any errors I make in my writing, then it will help me a lot! But please understand that I want constructive criticism, not hate criticism.

3. Have fun~!
I hope you have fun reading this book! As of right now, Season 4 should be out! Don't be afraid to speak up in the comments because I would love to interact with you all as much as I can! I can't wait to get started on this journey with you all!!

Those are the only rules to this book, besides the rules about the requests (but they'll be in the next chapter).

Anyways, I hope you enjoy reading!

Peace out my lovely's!

Oya~ Oya~!
