Mama, We All Go to Hell

Trigger warning: Rape scene in this chapter...

Lillian POV

As I got ready for school the next day, I contemplated whether or not I should take William with me. Plenty of kids took their slaves to school, so it wouldn't be a problem. I just didn't know if I wanted to or not.

"Lillian, breakfast! And don't be late for school!" My mom practically screamed from downstairs. She had been in a cheery mood since I brought William home, but today she didn't seem extremely happy. Maybe it was because spring break was over and I was off to school every day again.

I walked to school since it was only a few blocks away. Besides, it was springtime, and the walk was nice.

"William wake up so I can give you some blood and head off to school."

His eyes shot open and he sat up, sighing.

"Alright. I suppose I'm kind of thirsty."

I smiled at him before tossing him a blood bag and heading downstairs for my own breakfast.

"Good morning, love," my mom said as I came down.  She had that same fake smile that she had on the day I had to go to auction house.


"Hey, I have a question."

"Ask away, then, I guess," I shrugged, headed for the table.

" I was just wondering why did he cost so much?"

I rolled my eyes. It's not like we were lacking in money or anything.

"I wanted him, and so did a lot of other people. So I bid higher."

"How high did they start the bidding?"

"Mom, why is this so important right now. Why can't we have a decent morning? Ever since you pressured me into getting a slave, it's been ridiculous around here!"

That wasn't true. It had been better since I got him.

She frowned slightly before replying, "you're right. I'm sorry. This isn't the time for this conversation, go and eat you're breakfast."

Once I had grabbed my french toast and eggs, I went back upstairs. Eating it the whole way to my room, I opened the door and was halfway done with my food.

"I won't be taking you with me today, so while I'm gone you're to stay in my room. Don't come out unless told to by my mom or Ethan. If you do, you'd better be in some sort of danger. You're not allowed to get blood by yourself, for fear that you'll drink it all. That's all I can think of for now. I'll be back later."

"Is everything okay, Lillian?" He stood up and began walking towards me. I shoved the last piece of french toast in my mouth and ate it before responding.

"Everything's fine. I just need to get to school. Have a good day, William."

I grabbed my book bag and left my room, shutting the door behind me, and I went downstairs to leave.

"Have a good day at school, dear," my mom called after me as I walked out the door.

I was glad to be going back to school after the break. Even after the grace period when William came home with me, my mom and her questioning had become more ridiculous than ever, and I wasn't sure how I felt about it.


William POV

I sighed, missing her already. It was awful boring without her troublesome presence. I was laying on my pile of sheets and blankets when the wolf - I believe Lillian called him Ethan - came into the room.

"Yes?" I questioned in a droning tone of voice.

"Mrs. Brave would like to see you in the basement."

I furrowed my brows, confused that Lillian's mother wanted to speak with me at all. I sat up and shrugged, rising from the floor and making my way out of the room.

With Ethan behind me, I walked down to the living room and he gestured toward the door of the basement. The minute I had the door open, however, I felt Ethan push me, and I was not quick enough to react.

Halfway through my tumble down the stairs, I hit my head and blacked out.


I blinked my eyes open, and immediately felt I sharp pain in the temple of my head and in my wrists. I winced and groaned in pain, my vision a bit blurred.

"Oh look, Ethan. He's finally awake. I asked you to be gentle in knocking him out."

"I'm sorry," I heard a gruff whimper.

As my blurry vision came into focus, I saw Mrs. Brave and Ethan sitting across from me. She was in a chair, and he was on the ground with a very prominent frown on his face.

"Rise and shine, William."

I tried to rub my aching head to soothe the pain, but found that I couldn't move my arms. Soon after, I realized that I couldn't move my legs either.

I looked around and saw that I was trapped in a very familiar position. My extremities were spread in an x, bound with silver chains as I faced my captors. I hated that I had become accustomed to being on St. Andrews Cross.

"Where is Lillian?" I asked, my voice sounding as if my throat were made of sandpaper. Surely she would abhor everything about what was happening right now.

"She's at school. Probably thinking about the information that she refuses to relay to me. From your confused face, I'll assume you have no clue what I'm talking about."

I continued to stare at her with a raised brow, not speaking.

"You see, I have found that the purchase of.. you cost my daughter, and in turn, me, more than a pretty penny. And I am trying my hardest to figure out why."

"I fail to see how this is my problem. I also fail to interpret why it has led to me being tied up in your basement."

"Because she won't tell me why you're so valuable! So I figured.. maybe you will," she smirked at me.

"Well if she won't tell you, I doubt that she'd like it if I did." My voice came out monotone and nonchalant, as it did with everyone but Lillian.

Immediately, her smirk became a frown. "Are you sure you wouldn't like to just tell me?"

Instead of giving a spoken reply, I nodded in her direction.

At this, she stood. This slightly alarmed me because I can't defend myself. I struggled in the chains slightly before remembering that I was only hurting myself more.

"Ya know, I'm more of a werewolf type of girl, if you haven't noticed," she glanced back at Ethan, whose frown had become a scowl. "But you're just so... gorgeous. And young. And apparently naive."

She pulled out a very sharp pair of scissors and trailed them down my shirt. My shirt that Lillian had just bought me. When she got to the bottom of my shirt, she gripped the hem, and sliced upwards until it had been cut away from my chest, leaving my skin exposed.

She did the same with my pants, and I longed to cover myself.

"Oh, what's the matter, William? Aren't you used to having an actual master? My daughter is much too soft for a creature like you. I bet the men who took care of you before were better."

I let out a menacing growl, but got quiet when Ethan stood up and growled back. I pulled against the chains out of instinct to get away. Why is he defending her?

She glanced down at my limp nakedness and frowned. "Tsk, tsk, tsk. Let me help you with that. Ethan, come here."

Ethan walked over apprehensively and I jerked away when he tried to grab my face. He gripped my head more firmly and it began to hurt. "Be still. It will hurt less if you stay still," he whispered.

Mrs. Brave reached in her pocket and took out a little gadget that I'd never seen before. My breathing became rapid and uneven, but I stayed still per Ethan's advice.

Stop it. They don't scare you.

She pressed the gadget to my face, shoving part of it up my nose. She pressed the gadget and it sprayed some sort of liquid into my nasal cavity.

It burned, and my eyes began to water. I grunted and breathed out harshly, trying to expel the liquid and the feeling in my nose.

"This is my favorite nasal spray," she smirked, "and something tells me that you'll learn to love it."

Ethan let go of my face and backed away, mouthing an apology. I nodded in his direction.

"Fuck, Ethan. You could've helped. Just left him upstairs and dealt with the consequences. She would still care for you."

Ethan's thoughts entered my head and I realized that he had been tasked with bringing me to this... torture... knowingly. And he regretted it. I wouldn't blame him. I know that this is on Mrs. Brave.

While I contemplated what he had been thinking, I began to feel a tingling sensation down below. I shifted uncomfortably, confusion on my face.

"Oh, it seems to be working already. That was quick."

As her smirk became a smile, I felt myself begin to get aroused. The problem was that I wasn't feeling aroused. I just.. was.

Oh. Oh no. Not again. Please not again.

I began to violently thrash around. "No, wait! Don't!"

"Oh, so you've had this before?"


For the first time since I'd left the first building where they held me captive, I panicked. I pulled so hard to get away that I felt my shoulder dislocate. I stilled, screaming in agony.

"Oh, please do yank and scream. It's more fun when they're terrified, and Ethan has begun to bore me."

I glanced at Ethan, who had his eyes cast down with a painful look on his face. She walked behind me before coming back with a shiny object in her hand. When she lifted her hand, I recognized the object to be a blade.

Immediately, my mind took me back to that building.

"Please, I did nothing wrong!"

He made another slice in my pale skin, looking at the blade as he dragged it down my body.

"Oh, hush. You'll heal just fine."

"That doesn't mean it doesn't- ah... hurt," I tried to pull away but the chains prevented any sort of movement.

"Then maybe you like the pain."

He trailed his grubby hand to my length, and I winced, unable to pull away. I refused to cry in front of this man. This human. I had been raised stronger than that.

I screamed in frustration, pain, and defeat when he grabbed my length and squeezed. Hard.

"Long. And thick, too. Just the way I love 'em."

He bent down and began to remove the chains from my feet. At the thought of possible freedom, I let him. However, once he had the chains off, he ran his fingers up my legs and smiled. "Nice and young..."

When those words left his mouth, I kicked him in the face. Harder than I'd ever kicked anyone before. I kicked him because I had realized what he was preparing to do.

He stood from where he had landed on the ground, scowling at me. "Do that again, and you'll regret it."

"No. I regret allowing myself to be caught in a vulnerable position, you fucking rapist."

Before I could fathom what was about to happen, his fist made a very hard connection with my face. I groaned in pain.

"You may be feisty, but I refuse to let that cheat me out of my dessert," he smirked.

He dropped his pants and I turned away, disgusted. "What, never seen another man's privates before? If I were you, I'd just get used to that," he let out a spine-chilling laugh. My chest was still heaving with every ragged, terrified breath I took.

He emptied a gel-like liquid into his hand before rubbing it all over his length, moaning as he spread it around. "Oh, I'm gonna enjoy this so much."

He began to walk towards me and I violently yanked around in the chains. "Don't!" I screamed in terror for the first time in my life.

He only chuckled at my agony.

He grabbed my legs which were already pushed apart and settled himself between them. Pulling my back from against the wall I hung from, he pressed me against him.

I could feel when he lined up his member with me. I let out one more whimper, "Don't."

Without warning, he entered me in a quick motion and I screamed out as the first tear fell. Pain. All I felt was pain. For the first time since I was a mere baby, I cried.

Why? What had I done? I was only sixteen. I had done all I knew to be right. I followed all the rules. I never left the castle. So why?

When he pressed his head into the crook of my neck, groaning in pleasure, I turned my head and bit into his shoulder.

I sucked. I sucked hard. It wasn't a normal place to bite, but I could do nothing else. I just wanted this pain to end. I wanted his disgusting member out of my body. It hurt. It hurt so much.

So I sucked his blood from the incisions I made in his shoulder until I couldn't feel him struggling anymore. Even after he stopped struggling, i continued. I drank him dry.

He fell to the floor. And with him, my ability to feel anything but hatred for human beings...died.

I opened my eyes to Lillian's room, and I my immediate reaction was to run. However, a hand steadied me.

"It's fine. She's gone, and Lil will be home soon. She didn't," he cleared his throat, "use.. you. She got scared when you freaked out and lost consciousness."


Ethan pushed me back onto the bed before getting up to leave. "I'm really sorry. I was only doing what I was told.." He sighed and walked out of the door. Before he shut it, though, he turned around. "I'll tell her to take you with her tomorrow... And always."

He shut the door behind him, and I got up to shower, feeling the slave master's hands all over me again and the tears brimming my eyes.


A super long chapter (in my opinion) to make up for my lengthy absence. I'll be updating My Mistress soon as well. Hope you enjoyed!
