Normally bubbly and actually kind of nice, Skara was originally Boscha's lackey in the popular group with her wealthy family residing in Palmbarrio, an elitist town on the Titan's Hand. After deciphering Luz's identity as the Owl Wing, Skara followed the WWS to the Palmbarrio Archives, where she was then brutally murdered by Boscha. Though a massive travesty, Skara's death was a turning point for Raine to truly rebel to avenge their granddaughter, along with invigorating Luz to work harder and smarter as a hero and leader to avenge her and bring down the menac of Emperor Belos.

Full Name: Skara Zevon

Species: Witch

Age: 15 (at death)

Gender Terms: Cis She/Her

Sexuality: Bisexual

Occupation: Student (former)

Tracks: Bard

Alignment: Good

First Appearance: "Owl Wing's 'Hand'iwork"

Voice Actor: Kimberly D. Brooks





Stealth Training

Musical Talent
