Jealously - Slight Yandere!Zenyatta x Reader

idk ;-;


You were on a day off.after the defeat of Talon, everyone decided to didn't want to come at first, but then, there was this cool comic you saw at was a purple assassin girl with wolf ears and tail,a purple katana and beautiful purple galactic was beautiful!you press the order button.and in the next 15 seconds, it came!the costume came!you took it,brang it to your room and wore kinda hate to admit, but it looks beautiful on went to the party, which was in the living room and BOY were there so much people with cool costumes.'hey there love!'Tracer exclaims.'nice costume you have!'you looked at her and blushed.'i know!isnt it great?'

ZENYATTA'S P.O.V (oh fuck is this safe?)

I was walking down the hallways until i heard this noise.i looked into the living room and saw a party.all the heroes were there.having fun.until i felt this presence.i saw Mercy making out with Genji (I PUT 911 ON SPEED DIAL IM SO SORRY ;-;) i felt this feeling.i felt..pleasure.i wanted to feel that feeling with someone.suddenly,i saw Tracer with Y/N.Y/N..she looked beautiful in that outfit.she was having so much fun with Tracer.i hated to see that..i must not let her be with Y/N..


Your mine...


Oh my lord..
