
" it's just like nerf war at home! But this actually counts points!" Hanna bursts out happily and grins widely as she grabs hold of her favorite gun.
Genji had never seen a place like this before.. the arcade back home in Hanamura was awesome... but this place was unbelievable! Laser tag was just one of many activities to do at this place, and the colors and lights we're making this place look like a party house. The place was dominated by the color combination between black, neon blue, pink, green and yellow.
This place reminded him of a video game he hand Hanzo used to play back home...
" Genji" the sound of his name snapped his mind back to reality and he turns in the direction of where the voice came from. Pharah.
She actually came! A large grin crosses his face as he turns away from the others and walks over to her.
" you came!" He chuckles as he raises his hand to give her a high five. Friends did that, right? He wasn't sure if Pharah considers him a friend, but he was willing to become one if she allowed it.
" yeah... I did. I see you found Angela, is she alright?" She happily gives him the high five and shyly waves to the others who had noticed her presence.
" Pharah!" Angela bursts out happily and hurried over to her best friend and warps her arms around her to hug her.
" hi Angie," Pharah chuckle as she hugs her back.
" I thought you dislike to hang around geeks" Angela giggles as she lets go of her. Pharah quietly shrugs and replies.
" I guess I shouldn't judge them until I've at least spent a little bit of time with them.." she replies and Angela nods happily in reply.

" Hi Pharah, I'm glad you joined us, but can we get in and start the battle!? I don't want to waste this precious moment!" Hanna bursts out impatiently and grabs both Lúcio and Baptist to drag them towards the entrance of the game.
" but Jesse hasn't arrived yet!" Lúcio tried to pull back but there was no chance Hanna wanted to waste any more time. Genji and Angela had been a bit late, for what reason, she didn't know but she wanted in on the game now!
" I'm here!" Yet again they all turned around to face another familiar voice joining them. They had expected to see an exhausted Jesse who had just gotten lost or something, but when they saw who was standing right next to him, they couldn't do anything but be shocked. Since when had McCree managed to actually get Sombra to join him at anything? She was well known for her carelessness and her cold shoulder, but now, she was standing right next to him, joining him and then for laser tag!
Genji had no idea to what the big deal was. He knew McCree had been obsessed with Sombra since Lucio had told him about her, but he supposed that the fact that she mostly spent her time with the Talon gang, she wasn't quite popular among them.

" let the game begin! You guys are the definition of slowness!" Hanna breaks the silence while she had almost reached the entrance to the game, still dragging Lúcio along.
" yes, I guess we should get in and split into teams of two" Lena replies and this seemed to gain all of the attention back from the others.
Sombra quietly looks away as she felt unsure about her decision of being there. Was this a mistake...? She probably shouldn't be there.. what made her even think that she could get along with weirdos like them...?
" hey... it's going to be alright" a warm had gently touches her shoulder and she quietly lifts her head only to see McCree's eyes, and that was enough to remind her.. she wasn't there because she wanted to get along with the others... she was there because she actually wanted to get to know McCree a bit better... he had always been spending his time at their table, trying to talk to her while she ignored him. Frankly, the others had allowed him to hang around. But that didn't change anything... the truth was that she kinda enjoyed the odd attention he gave her...
No one had ever cared for her like he does..
her parents had died when she was very young, and the foster family she lived with now were never around... but McCree had seen her... noticed her ...
" I bet you're good with a gun" a grin crosses McCree's face as he gently takes her hand and leads her towards the entrance to the game where everyone else had already entered.
" you're going to have a lot of fun, I promise".

The teams were randomly selected. To make it fair, a computer decided what team each of them were assigned.
" team Red! Follow me!" Hanna's hand shoots into the air as she had pointed herself out as the team red leader. Since the blue team hadn't chosen a leader yet, Lena who was a team blue member shoot her hand up, taking the lead since no one else on her team did.
" alright then, team blue follows me" the group of people parted from each other and followed their leader into each their bases.
" good luck Genji" Angela whispers to him before she follows Lena to the other side of the map. Unluckily, Genji had ended up on the opposite team, and was now teaming up with Hanna, McCree, Sombra and Mei. To Genji's disappointment, Angela had ended up on the opposite team. But his luck hadn't ran out just yet, because now he was teaming up with the previous gun champion McCree, and that not being all, Hanna was a quite good shooter as well.
He had no idea about Sombra tho. He had seen her around from time to time and she had mostly spent her time with Akande and the gang, but unlike her other friends, she didn't seem to care about him, and that was a good thing.
But how in the world had McCree managed to even ask her out!? Was this a date between them? Lúcio had told him about McCree's love interest in her, but he would have expected her to ignore him as she always did.
" alright partner" Genji felt a hand on his shoulder as he suddenly was pulled over to McCree who had grabbed him from behind.
" what's up?" Genji replies.
" what's up? Dude, we're going to win this war. You see, I have a plan, and that includes the three of us!" McCree speaks as Genji looks up to see Sombra standing next to him. She shyly looked away. She felt unsure of them, no one knew that feeling better than Genji. He had also been a bit nervous around new people when he first started at this school, so he knew exactly what would help to make her feel more comfortable.
Without another second to waste, he reaches out his hand towards her, grinning widely at her.
" Hey, Sombra right?" He spoke as he watched her turn her attention towards him. She wasn't exactly sure what to do next, but it would be awkward if she didn't do anything, so In the end, she took his hand and gently shakes it.
" yeah.. that's me" she mumbles as a reply.
" you should watch out, this guy is dangerous when it comes to games like this." Genji chuckles.
" he went totally overkill last time we did something like this"
Sombra couldn't help but chuckle a little. Was this really true? She knew McCree was a energetic person with a wild personality, but Genji made him sound almost dangerous.
" that honestly wouldn't surprise me" she replies as the team enters their base to where they're supposed to start.
" just watch, I promise you, he's a madman when it comes to gunfights"
" well if Lúcio hadn't failed to set up the trap we had made for you guys at my sleepover, I bet I would have taken you all down in just matters of seconds" Hanna suddenly speaks up.
" aw come on, let me keep my honor, it's not like you could have avoided me and my skills." McCree widely grins down at the short gamer who already had picked up a gun from the table before them.
" are you challenging me, cowboy?" Hanna raises an eyebrow at him and McCree was just about to reply when Mei cuts them all off.
" come on guys! The game is just about to start! And I think we need a strategy!"
And just as she had pointed that out. The doors to the base opens and the game begins.
McCree and Hanna looks up at each other before they both bursts out.
" the one with most kills is the best shooter!" They both yell before they disappear into the maze of tunnels and walls.
Genji, Sombra and Mei just quietly stands there as they're all surprised at the stupidity coming from the two of them.
" so much for teamwork..." Mei angrily mumbles as she herself runs out into the maze alone.
" they're not going to make it... are they...?" Genji mumbles as he tilts his head a little to look over at Sombra.
" no.. they're all dead." She replies and looks over at him. For some reason, she wanted to burst out in laughter, but instead, she got an idea.
" Genji, right? Wane join me in taking down the enemy team?" A grin crosses her face and Genji realizes that she has something on her mind.
" you got a plan?" He grins back.
" kinda" she replies.
" then I'm in."
