Chapter 5

Arthit POV

I am bored. I don't know what to do. I have no works pending. Everything in the television box looked so useless. Even stalking my crush in the social media looked boring. Knot was not there, and it added fuel to my boredom. If he was here, I would have made him go mad by doing some mischief, but he has gone to native to visit his grandmother and here I am looking like a couch potato not knowing what to do.

"Arthit free today?" a friend of mine called bright asked.

"I am bored to the core and I am up for anything" I said to him in monotonous voice.

"Do you want to come to bar with me?" he asked.

"From when did your parents allowed you to go. I thought you are grounded from the chaos that you made last time" I replied.

"That is why I am asking when they are not in home. They have gone to trip and won't be in home until coming Monday. So, what do you say up for an adventure?" he said in his high-pitched voice as always.

"Why do I feel like you are going to pull some big trouble?" I said to him because I cannot shake that feeling of the dark aura.

"Are you coming or not. I heard that there is lot of hot and cute boys working in the bar" he said to me.

Though no one can match to my Kongathin I cannot say no to the visual treat, can I?

"Fine I will join. Where do you want me to meet?" I asked him.

"Come to our university. It is near, from there" Bright replied to me and cut the line.

I made sure I wear something badass. Every time when I go to bar there is always a problem of, they are mistaking me us under aged kid. So, I made sure that I did something extra on the ground.

Bright was already there waiting for me when I reached our university.

"Shall we go?" he asked me the moment he saw me. I nodded my head not saying anything. Bright being bright he was talking nonstop throughout the way. I was literally like when the bar will be reaching. It was not his fault it is just that I am not being myself today


"This bar is not for under 21 please leave" the man at the entrance said blocking our way

"We are 21" bright bragged so smooth. I said nothing. I just stood there with my hands in pocket. I some how fee that we are going to end up in trouble.

"Kid the bar for under 21 I on the other side" the man said.

"But I am saying right we are 21"

"ID please" the man asked.

"We forgot the ID but we have the ID of him. He is my friend" Bright said pointing to some man whom I have no idea who it was.

"We need your ID sir. Not his. He is regular customer here, so we know who he is" the man said.

"If he said that we are above 21 then you leave us in right" bright asked the man

"Hey" he yelled at the muscled man. I am not able to see his face but seeing his sculped body from behind. I am sure that he must be hot.

"What do you want?" the Greek god asked but when he turned both of our face paled. He is not Greek god, but he is the KONGPOB SUTHILUCK. We are done for. I am done for. Bright may not know him, but I don't know what to say. If I can I just wish that the ground swallow me completely

"Is there something I can do for you Kid?" He asked looking straight in my eyes.

"Just say that we are with you they are not letting us in" bright being bright was yelling as always. I was trying to sush him, but he is in no mood to listen. He said nothing to the us but looked at man and whispered something.

"you both are not allowed in" he said in firm voice.

"Hey what did you say?" Bright was about to launch himself on Kongpob but I stopped him before he bring both of us into trouble.

"Bright let us go. We can go to some other bar" I was pulling Bright but the other one was not budging even a bit.

"But I want to go to this bar" Bright was whining.

"Bright he is my professor. Don't make things worse than this let us go" I said to him.

"But that doesn't give him rights to spoil my Friday night" Bright was sulking.

"We can go somewhere else" I said to him

And everything happened in flash some beefy man was slapping my ass

"I can be your dom don't beg the tiny man" he said grabbing my waist. Before I can react.

"He is under my care both of them" kongpob said to the man and sized his hand my waist.

"I don't mind sharing Moon" he said to him.

"I said they are under my care" Kongpob said if eyes could kill the man would have been dead. He was throwing dagger from his eyes.

"This one is too hot" he said again trying to grab my ass. I tried to move away from him and there was a loud sound and the man was lying unconscious on the ground. He was grabbing both of us.

"GO HOME BOTH OF YOU" he said yelling at us. We both were too stunned even to say anything and nodded our heads. I have heard that he was fierce dragon but for the first time I am seeing he breathes fire. Me and bright ran away before he can do anything.

Crap I screwed it big time.
