
After that day David and Regina had been meeting up in Granny's  now and again. Simply talking about hopes and fears. Normality had begun to return to the town, as the fear began to settle too.  Most residents had seemed almost forget the threat over the town. Except the main ten. The main ten contributors who had been hard at work, along with the odd man from The Merry Men of course. Children were at school, parents and guardians at work. Each person soon began getting into a routine again, which was perfect for Zelena. All she needed for normality to return before she would do what she'd been waiting to do. Her and her little helper of course. He'd helped her do this. He'd come up with the plan himself. There was of course the price she had to pay, but by this point she do anything. Anything to make sure Regina never got her happy ending.
"This'll kill you." He warned her. She hook her head as if it were nonsense.
"I don't care! As long as she has everything taken from her. I will be happy. Even if I'm dead. If be happy." Her eyes were wide with craze as she spoke.
"Fine then, but I just thought you should know what you're getting yourself into."
"Yes! Of course I know! There's only one way for her to live. And I know she won't choose it! Crushing the heart of the person she loves most. Never in a million years. Her precious son-
"Your nephew." He spoke up, but she continued as if he hadn't spoken.
"Means too much to her. She'll go for the easy way out. The way that only she will get hurt. Trust me, Darling. I know her."
Meanwhile in the town the young children of the school were getting prepared for a school trip to the clock tower.
"Okay, so helpers for this trip are, Grace, Henry, Josh, Emilie, Adam and Eddy. Oh and can Jennifer please join them." Henry's teacher read out to the class as each of them stood up and went to grab there coats from their lockers.
"Excuse me, miss?"
"Yes Henry?"
"Where are we meeting?"
"Oh you are meeting me and the kindergarten kids in the grass in five minutes." She smiled.
"Great, thanks Miss De Ravin." He called as he went for his stuff.
"What are we doing for lunch, my love?" Robin asked as they she read the paper.
"Uh I hadn't thought about it why?"
"Well I was thinking maybe we could go to Granny's? Me and you haven't been there just the two of us in a while."
"I'd love that. Henry is actually helping with a school trip to the clock tower today as well. Would be funny wig we ran into him." She chuckled as he looked towards the sink.
"Ugh." He sighed as he looked at the pile up of dishes.
"What?" She followed his gaze and sighed as she saw the sight.
"Who's turn is it?" He knew who's turn is was, he just wanted to test the waters.
"Yours." She smirked as he gave him puppy dog eyes.
"You get to do it with magic. Why can't you do the same for me?"
"Cause I'm the one with the magic." She smiled as she read over another article.
"Couldn't you just magically do them, just once?"
"Why not?" He moaned like a five year old.
"Cause I said so." She smirked as he finally gave in and got up, huffing in the process.
"What did I ever do to deserve this?" He sighed as she laughed at him. She looked out the kitchen door as their door bell went. Getting up to to get it she whispered into his ear as she passed.
"You did me."
She held down the laugh as she heard him groan.
"Oh I love you but sometimes..." He trailed off as she walked away.
Opening the door she looked around. No one was standing there. Or anywhere around her house. As she went to close the door she noticed an envelope resting in the ground. She picked it up and went back inside, her heart racing at what was scrolled across the front.
Quickly opening it her heart sped even quicker as she read through it, over and over again, not understanding the meaning, but knowing it was important. She stuff it into her pocket and went through the to Robin.
"Wanna go for lunch now?"
Henry watched as the little kids looked up at the tower. Little did they know how much crap had happened here.
The teachers spoke random facts to the kids, making sure they kept an eye out for any cars. It was still pretty cold out for the start of February. Most kids were wearing hats and scarfs, some wearing gloves too.
"Okay kids! Time to head back!" A teacher called as everyone turned to head back to the school. They started walking when Miss De Ravin came running up to Henry with a little girl who was crying.
"Henry Cara dropped her glove back at the tower, can you run and grab it?"
"Yea of course!"
"It's...pink...and...has a...yellow...flower on...it." The little girl spoke between little sniffles.
"No problem, I'll go get it and bring it right back to you."
Henry jogged back to the tower and saw the little pink glove lying in the middle of the road. As he got closer he saw Regina and Robin coming out of Granny's.
"Look there's Henry! Hey!" Regina shouted as he waved back to her. Robin quickly pulled her hand down and looked at her.
"You'll embarrass him, sweetheart." He whispered as she nodded.
"Right okay, I'll stop." She looked down and then looked back to Henry.
"Hey Mom! Hey Robin!" Henry shouted over, causing Regina to wave again.
He knelt down to the ground and picked the glove up. As he did so a deafening sound took over the town. The large boom making everyone duck down. Henry went flying back as he covered his head. He looked up as the clock tower exploded in front of him, well only the clock part. Regina looked up and saw the building being engulfed in smoke. But this smoke wasn't just any smoke, it was green. Suddenly realisation came over Regina. The note was a warning. A cryptic warning,but a warning none the less. She scramble in her pockets looking for the note. Everything suddenly falling into place. She pulled it out and reread it.

Uh oh....
I feel like you kinda hate me? Am I right?
