Chapter Seven

I walk into one of the many houses that are abandoned in this world. I'm not sure what year I am in, but according to my calender that I keep to track how long I've been here, says I've been here for five hundred years.

The house that I am staying in is nothing fancy, it is actually quite small. Just a bedroom, kitchen, and living room. I walk into the kitchen to search for something to make for dinner.

I don't find any. I remember last night I used up every thing in the cabinets to make beans. In my defense there wasn't much up there.

I let out a sigh and walk back outside. I quickly grab a horse and a saddle. I didn't see the need to hook the horse up to the carriage.

When I arrived in the village, I raid one of the markets. I grab pretty much anything that I see.

I leave and head back to the house. When I walk back inside the house I see Niklaus sitting at the table. I wave at him and start making supper.

"How do you feel about chicken?" I ask him, as I turn around. My other siblings are there. Finn, Kol, Elijah, and Rebekah. "Nik, you didn't tell me everyone was coming over."

Rebekah stands up and walks over to me, "Here Sis, let me help." She grabs the chicken and starts preparing it.

I turn back to the counter and start chopping the vegetables. I hear my brothers laughing behind me.


Once everything is finished cooking we all seat at the table. "Guys the world has changed so much since we were kids." I announce as I continue eating.

Nik looks at me, "So have we," We all not our head in agreement.

The others have disappeared now, it is just me and my twin. Open my mouth to ask my brother a question, but words don't come out. He turns to look at me, "What is it Angelyn?"

"What is it like out there?" I ask once I have enough courage. He looks at me confused so I continue. "Out there." I repeat. "In the real world. Is it the same as it is here?"

He pushes his plate back and turns to look at me. "It's different." He pauses as if trying to remember. "I think the real would is a few years ahead of this one."

It stay quite for few minutes, both of us pondering on the what if's. "When can I join you in that world?" I ask with hope in my voice that I will get out of this prison.

When I ask this he seems to grow sad, "Only mother can let you out." I feel my heart drop, but there is still a bit of hope. "But, she's dead."

I feel my world come crashing down, "I'm never getting out?" I ask mostly to myself. I see Niklaus shake his head. "I'm just suppose to spend the rest of eternity in here? I'm already going mad!" I yell at him.

"Your not." He trys to reasure me.

"No, I am." I stand up and step back a bit. "I mean I'm talking to you. I see Henrik, and father here. I see you guys." He stands up and walks near me. "Henrik is dead, and father has been trying to kill me, and succeed a few times, since I've been here. Well he didn't actually kill me, it was my own stupidity, but it was because of him" I ramble before I look at him and back away. "You don't know what I've been through! So don't tell me I'm not crazy, we both know I am."

I storm out of the room and head to the bedroom so that I can be alone. Even though I am alone all of the time.

When I open the door I see him sitting on the bed. I try to close the door before he can see me, but it's too late. "Angelyn, can we go watch the beast change?" Henrik asks.

I shake my head. It's all in my head I try to remind myslef. This isn't real. I'm hallucinating. I am the only person in a prison world.

I notice the stab marks appear on his chest, he looks down at it as blood oozes from the wound. "Why did you do it?" His voice breaks as he asks. He looks up at me with tears in his eyes.

"I had to." I tell him.

He walks closer to me and grabs my arm, "You killed me! Why did you do it?" He digs his nails into my arm. Blood runs down it.

I push him away and he falls on the floor, "You gave me no choice." I sob.

He stands up and stares at me, "There is always a choice. You just chose the easy one."

"I had to." I repeat. "You were going to tell father." I see the anger in his eyes grow. "You were going to tell father that.." I trial off not wanting to have this dicussuon.

I can tell that Henrik is mad because I won't tell him the reason I killed him. "Why did you kill me?" He yells his voice becoming deeper and demonic sounding.

"You were going to tell father, I had to stop you." I feel the emotions drain from me as I stare at my dead brother.

"What was I going to tell him?"

I stare at him with a bored expression. "You were going to tell him that I was the one that I failed at training and caused someone to be killed."

When I wake up my back is killing me. I see the sun shining down on me. I hear the rush of water. Looking around me I realize that I am floating down the river.

I ignore the dream that I had while I was dead. Which really wasn't a dream more like a flashback.

Kai killed me. It's not like I care, I was going to do it myself, but it still made me mad. I start to swim towards the shore. Crawling out of the water, soaking wet, I head to the Parker house. I learned his last name from the new paper article that was about his family.

As I walk through the woods I leave a trail of water behind me.
