Chapter 12

3rd Person's POV

"Hey, you okay?" Lisa felt a tap on her shoulder and saw a smiling Chaeyoung beside her.

"Yeah.. I'm fine I guess?" She answered unsure.

"Why are you sounding not sure?" Chaeng asked.

Lisa sighed and motioned to Chaeng to sit near her.

"I'll tell you a secret, I know you can keep it, right?" Lisa whispered.

Chaeng immediately nodded her head. "Sure, your secret will be safe with me."

"I'm still part of the dance crew." Lisa said.

Chaeng's eyebrow furrowed in confusion, "I thought you backed out?" She asked.

"It was just a show off to make Jennie believe that I left the team." Lisa said.

"Why do you have to hide it with your bestfriend?" Chaeng asked again.

"The thing is... Jennie wants me to keep myself away to them because they're... gay." Lisa said the last word like air.

"Seriously? What's the problem with hanging out with them? I mean, they're not bad people and you know that." Chaeyoung said.

"I know. But Jennie's mind is closed when it comes to people like them so I had to hide it to her until she accept them." Lisa explained.

"Why do you have to wait for her acceptance? Doesn't Jennie look a little controlling with that?" Chaeng said bluntly.

Lisa couldn't think of a reply. She suddenly lost her tongue. Chaeyoung wasn't the first person to say such thing about Jennie. Even the dance team thought the same.

"Oh.. I'm sorry. I don't know anything about your tight friendship. Maybe she's just ovet protective when it comes to you." Chaeyoung quickly changed her answer.

"Yeah.. I think so too? The truth is, Jennie and I doesn't have other friends except Jisoo so she's a little cautious when someone is trying to approach us." Lisa explained.

"Oh.. now I understand why I feel like she doesn't like me." Chaeyoung said shyly.

"Oh no! It's not like she doesn't like you, she just wants to know you more. Among the three of us, Jennie is really the hardest to give trust to people." Lisa said.

"Really? How about her relation to Alex? They seemed to be close now." She asked.

Lisa thought about it too.

"Maybe because they are classmates? And the fact that he's my childhood friend, she probably thought she could trust him. And I trust him too." Lisa said and smiled.

"Hmm... I wouldn't be surprised if one of these days I will hear thay they are dating already." Chaeyoung said with a giggle.

But that did not make Lisa laughed, her smile dropped and she looked straightly at Chaeyoung.

"Not that fast. Jennie never had a boyfriend. She will ask me if she's ready to have one." Lisa said seriously.

Suddenly, the thought of Jennie dating made her lost her mood.

"Hearing that, I really admire your  friendship now. It's like every decision in your lives you have someone to lean on and guide you so you won't fall. I wish I have one too." Chaeyoung said feeling envious.

Lisa just smiled at her, "Don't worry chipmunk, you have me." She said and winked at her.

Chaeyoung just rolled her eyes and playfully pushed Lisa's face away from her.

"Can I watch your practice?" Chaeng asked her.

Lisa smiled widely at the question.

"Sure!!" She said excitedly.

The two went together to the studio which surprised the team.

Lisa was quick to explain that their secret is safe with Chaeng and the group did not mind because they know that the girl is an Angel and she would not betray them.

Lisa was happy to have Chaeyoung with her. She was extra today, it looked like she was showing off because Chaeyoung is watching her.

Chaeyoung on the other hand was showering Lisa with praises and compliments which never failed to hyped Lisa more.

"Wow! I did not know you were that amazing! I love the body rolls, mate." Chaeyoung said and add a little of her Aussie accent at the end.

Lisa laughed at the Australians reactions, she was happy to see that someone appreciates her talent.

She wonder, 'will Jennie's reaction be like that too if my teammates are different?'

But the thought made her sad, she was happy to be with them and she's thankful that she was doing one of the things that makes her happy because they extended their hands to invite her.

"You really look perfect earlier, Lis. It's like I'm seeing another version of you when you're dancing, like another person. You look so happy doing it and being with them I know you guys will get the title this year, trust me. So don't ever think of backing out, Manoban. I will surely skin you alive." Chaeyoung threatened her. They are walking their way to the parking lot now. Lisa offered to take Chaeyoung home because it's late already.

Lisa laughed because of the Australian's cuteness. She sounds like...

'Jennie' she thought.

'Will she be proud like this to me? Will she say the same thing?'

She suddenly hope Jennie will be open minded and supportive like Chaeyoung too.

'Aish! Stop thinking and comparing them Lisa!' She scolded herself.

She looked at the Australian and smiled at her.

"Thank you for accompanying me Chaeng. I'm really happy you went with me." Lisa said sincerely.

"Don't be over dramatic about it, giraffe." Chaeyoung teased.

"Way to ruin the moment, Chipmunk. Be thankfuk you're cute." Lisa said and murdered Chaeyoung cheeks again.

"Yah! Lalisa let go!!!" Chaeyoung yelled.

Lisa let go of her cheeks and Chaeyoung was quick to rub it because Lisa pinched it hard.

"It hurts.." Chaeyoung pouted, Lisa saw that her pinch left a red mark and she suddenly felt guilty.

"Oh my God! I'm sorry, did I go that hard?" She said and caressed Chaeng's cheeks. "Here let me kiss the pain away." Lisa leaned in and peppered kisses on Chaeng's cheeks.

Chaeyoung was too flustered to pushed Lisa away. So when Lisa finished kissing her cheeks and looked at her again, she was a blushing mess.

In order for her to hide her embarrassment, she started to hit Lisa in annoyance.

"Yah! Do you really have to kiss me, huh? Huh? Who give you the right, you giraffe!" She said as she hit Lisa continuesly.

"Yah! Stop! Chipmunk be thankful, I just kissed the pain away!" Lisa said as she dodge Chaeyoung's hits while laughing.

"Who said I need your kisses? What are you a kid?" Chaeyound said still annoyed... more like embarrassed.

The two continued bickering and running around Lisa's car not feeling the pair of eyes throwing daggers to the both of them who saw everything they did.

"Jennie? You ready to go?" Alex, who just came back from the gym approached her.

Jennie looked at him and quickly put a smile in her face.

"Sorry Alex but I think you should go first." She said.

"Huh? What about you?" Alex asked her.

"Lisa is waiting for me, we have to go somewhere before we go home." Jennie said and pointed out Lisa's car.

Alex saw Lisa and her classmate Chaeyoung playing like a child at the other side of the parking lot so he decided to let Jennie go, believing that Lisa is really waiting for the brunette.

"Okay then. Take care." Alex said.

"Yeah, you too." Jennie answered then Alex went to his car and drove away.

When Jennie looked back at Lisa, the two were already entering her car so Jennie ran to reach them.

'Oh no you won't go alone with that woman, Manoban.' Jennie thought.
