That one stupid friend (Chapter 4)

Izuku's POV - Wednesday - 4:27 PM

I just came from hanging out with Princ- Erika... Yuzuki was actually a really chill and funny person. We were hanging out for about 3 and a half hours and we went to normal places such as the mall and the fair, we also ended up going to a cafe. Of course we didn't stay in our costumes they gave us an extra change of clothes, like this new black and white jacket which was really comfy. They also let us keep the costumes, and I got the director's number because they really liked the way I acted and they wanted to call me for any roles or photoshoots. I was glad I had someone to talk to when I wasn't at school, I even got her number! I was walking inside the dorms hoping I wouldn't come across the class, and if I did I at least wouldn't be noticed. When I was in the common room there were people there... I mean of course there were, it's not like I own the place. Bakugo was chilling in a corner on a beanbag chair scrolling on his phone and Hagakure was talking with the girls and... Uraraka. It seems like no one noticed I walked in there since they were so focused on whatever they were doing. I walked up to Bakugo and waved "Hey Bakugo" I said while sitting on the other beanbag next to him. "Yo, What's up Midoriya, Where've you been?" he said still looking at his phone.

"I met a friend outside of school, they actually used to go to UA" I said while smiling "Oh really huh? Good for you little man, I hope I get to meet em!" he reached over and scruffed up my hair. "Haha yeah, you know the Yuzuki family?" I asked. "You mean the dead rich family who has over ¥100,000,000 based on stupid inventions from their processors and their stupid rich businesses." Bakugo said while gritting his teeth "Dammit I hate fucking rich people. Y'know we could've been born into rich families, but god chose us not to. Rich people are just people who get a silver platter handed down to them, being born rich was just a coincidence." he sighed. "Damn, what did rich people do to you? Calm down bro..." I said and looked at him confused. He rolled his eyes and said, "Why'd you mention the Yuzuki family?" I looked at him confused once again and realized we were talking about my new friend "O-Oh right, the one I made friends with was Erika Yuzuki" I said while scratching my head. Bakugo looked at me like I was joking and I looked back at him.

"HUH?! NO DAMN WAY DUDE YOU'RE JOKING RIGHT. THERE'S NO FUCKING WAY THAT ERIKA YUZ-" He stood up and yelled as I got up and covered his mouth as people were staring at us. "I'll tell you later so, Bakugo shut the fuck up?!" I whisper-yelled.  "Bakugo please refrain from yelling, and Deku where were you?" Iida walked up to us and did his stupid chopping hand signs. Bakugo chuckled and nudged my shoulder "Check out this loser" In the corner of our eye, we saw Kaminari wearing a skirt and talking about he was pregnant. "Pff..." I laughed "EXCUSE ME YOU TWO?! ARE YOU IGNORING YOUR CLASS PRESIDENT?!" Iida yelled and continued his hand-chopping. Bakugo wrapped his arm around my neck and whispered "4-eyes told me to stop goddamn yelling but look at his ass. The glasses really got to him" he sighed "Nah I think it's his big-ass eyebrows. I know why they called him Tenya when he was born, you pull that hair up and you can not tell me he doesn't have a fucking Ten-Head" I said which made Bakugo laugh and choke on air.

Hagakure POV

"What are they whispering about" Momo said while looking at Bakugo and Midoriya. Those two look like they're having fun, I wish I could join but even though I'm friends with them I'm still friends with the girls. "Toru you okay?" Mina asked me worryingly "She's probably fine" Uraraka said while looking at the two boys that were whispering about something with an annoyed look on her face. I don't know why she doesn't like him, I mean he gives great cuddles... and he's hot... and cute... and n- W-WOAH TORU GIRL, CALM DOWN... Haha..... I don't like him, I don't like him, I don- "Toru?" Jirou said "H-Huh? O-Oh yeah?! I'm fine, TOTALLY FINE! HAHA" I yelled. "Okay... then" Tsu said looking confused. "Should we go over there?" Momo said "I think we should, I don't like the way they're whispering in front of Iidababe like that" Mina said. "I- I don't think we should bother them" I said which made Uraraka raise an eyebrow at me. I just sighed and agreed with them anyway.

Izuku POV

Me and Bakugo were whispering about how stupid our classmates are just when the girls walked up to us. Iida was still ranting about us ignoring him "Bakugo you shouldn't ignore your class president... you too Deku" she said in a sour tone. Bakugo sighed but smirked "Way to ruin the mood eh?" he said while slapping my head "Ouch?! Why'd you hit me?!" I said while rubbing my head "Her face just annoyed me" he said back "So why would you hit me then?!" I yelled while he just shrugged and hit me with the 'Oops face' which made me sigh. The girls looked at us like they saw a ghost, I guess they were surprised were friends now. Hagakure laughed and pulled out her phone and texted someone. A second later I got a notification and I noticed I was the one she was texting 'Deku what were you two talking about?' I read and responded with an 'I'll tell u later' and turned off my phone. Bakugo was still making jokes about Iida and I could see the hurt in Iida's eyes. Poor Iida.

"So Deku. Where were you all day?" Mina asked. "H-Huh me?" I said and pointed at myself. Mina just replied with a yes and waited for me to answer. But before I could say anything Bakugo interrupted "He was out with a friend, you got a damn problem with that huh pinky?" he scoffed at her. When he said that everyone looked at me which made me sorta uncomfortable. "A friend?" Uraraka said. "U-Uhm, I made a new friend a few hours ago and we were at the fair and some places." I said in a low voice. "HECK YEAH AND SHE'S A GIRL!" Bakugo yelled "BAKUGO SHUT UP?! They weren't supposed to know that?!" I said while Hagakure looked at me surprised. "A girl. Do we know her?" Momo said. "Well, you should because the girl is none other than drum roll please..." he said "SHH?!" I covered his mouth but he moved my hand "Erika Yuzuki!" he said with a sinister face looking at me as I hit him with the 'I'm gonna kill you face'. Uraraka looked up from her phone surprised "Yuzuki... Do you mean that one American-ish Actress whose parents are dead rich?" Jirou said. "Eeeek! I'm such a big fan of Yuzuki" Mina said while clapping her hands together as Tsu agreed.

"Yep, I've even got pictures!" Bakugo said. Huh how does he have pictures, I didn't even- WAIT WHERES MY PHONE?! I looked over and before I could do anything Bakugo was already showing them pictures of me and Erika. Hagakure looked disappointed, I wonder what was wrong with her. "G-Guys we only took those for photos for her manager. We were modeling together is all, Erika's manager wanted us to take pictures for the media. "So what is this one huh? This doesn't look like a modeling photo to me." he said as he showed them an image of Erika kissing my cheek. "She kissed you Midoriya...?" Hagakure said. "Huh? W-What's wrong Toru?" I said confused "My name is Hagakure Deku."  she said. What's wrong with her? Toru walked away and waved at her friends saying she had homework to do but I could tell something was bothering her. Maybe she'll get better tomorrow?

That one stupid friend - MINI CHAPTER

Chapter 4 concluded
