Part 7: Sinful Desire

*Disclaimer: This chapter contains mature content, (smut, immature language, or violence). Viewer discretion is advised.*

Karma anxiously sat in class, feeling uncomfortable and horny. The red male had a very difficult time keeping his hands off of Nagisa. That morning, both males agreed that they weren't going to act 'lovey-dovey' while they were in school. However this made it awfully hard for Karma to control himself. Ugh, how much longer? This is agony. Karma thought and looked out the window. The sun was shining brightly and the red assassinator wished he were back at Nagisa's house in bed snuggling. Karma sighed and thought about how cute Nagisa was in hopes the time would go by faster.

'Buzz!' Karma's phone vibrated and lit up as an incoming message appeared on the screen. He looked at the text and noticed it was from Nagisa. Karma blushed, reading the note.

Nagisa: Hey idiot, stop staring off into space. Class is more important than that widow.

Karma couldn't help but smile a goofy grin. However lately, the red male had been keeping his phone off. All of the other notifications and messages were irrelevant now that he had Nagisa. Karma would only turn his phone on when they weren't together. The red male then quickly texted Nagisa back.

Karma: Noooo I'm so boreddd. Plus, I know something else that's much more important than that window too ;)

Karma hit 'send' and got a reply almost immediately.

Nagisa: Quit slacking off!

Karma: Nahhh

Nagisa: 😑

Karma: Muahahaha >:)

Karma: Hey Nagi, guess what?

Nagisa: what do you want 😑

Karma: hehehe hi

Nagisa: b r u h

Karma: jk jk I'll tell you at lunch

Nagisa: mhm alright hot head. Now do your work or I won't listen to what you have to say.

Karma felt his face flush again and he knew his cheeks were red. Oh Nagisa, the things you do to me. Karma then put his phone away and began to take notes.


Nagisa sat across the classroom and every now and then he would glance over at Karma. They had just finished texting and now Nagisa could see Karma taking notes. The blue male chuckled to himself and focused on the lecture once more. He pondered what Karma had said over texts. The red male said he had something to tell Nagisa and the blue assassinator was curious as to what it could be.

Nagisa also felt anxious and uncomfortable. His body was hot and he wanted Karma to be hugging him. The blue male started to think about what it would be like if Karma was holding him right now. Oh how warm it would be. Nagisa would be lying if he said he wasn't feeling horny, but that was a feeling he was strictly taught not to experience at school — or ever in that matter. Nagisa wiggled around in his chair, unable to sit still. The bell for lunch finally rang and Karma couldn't be more relieved. He hurriedly made his way over to Nagisa and sat on top of Nagisa's desk.

"Hey little girl~!" Karma said with bright eyes. Nagisa grunted in response and tried to push the red male off of his desk.

"Cut it out! You know I don't like to be called that." Nagisa retorted and rolled his eyes. Even so, the blue male was already blushing due to Karma's presence.

"I've got something to tell you though, Nagi~." Karma said playfully, booping Nagisa's nose.

"H-hey! What did we talk about?? No lovey-dovey stuff!" Nagisa huffed, hiding his face in his hands out of embarrassment.

"Oops! My bad ~." Karma purred, obviously not listening to the blue male's request. Nagisa glared back at Karma in response.

"Well we have some time before the second half of class, I wanted to take a walk. This classroom is giving me a headache." Karma said, it was apparent on his face that he wanting to leave. Nagisa sighed but agreed. The bluenette was also feeling uncomfortable sitting at the desk. Both males then left the classroom and started walking down the hallway.

"Hang on a sec Nagi, I need to use the restroom." Karma said, urging the shorter male to follow him.

"What!? You're a grown student, I think you can use the bathroom by yourself!" Nagisa said in a huff but followed Karma into the bathroom anyway. Once they were in the bathroom, Karma forcefully shoved Nagisa into a stall and pressed his lips against Nagisa's. The bluenette let out a yelp as he was pushed hard against the stall door.

"K-karma what the hell do you think you're doing!?" Nagisa said flustered as he tried to push Akabane off of him.

"Remember when I said I had something to tell you~?" Karma questioned in a low voice. Nagisa shut his eyes hard. This was a public restroom and anyone could come in at any moment.

"Y-yes I remember, but you can't just k-kiss me like that!" Nagisa stuttered, whisper shouting at the red male.

"Nagisa...I can't wait any longer. I need to touch you..." Karma breathed out, his words were breathy and his expression was filled with lust and desire.

"You what!? Are you insane!?" Nagisa spat out and struggled against Karma's tight grip. What was he thinking!? We can't do anything dirty here! This was a school! And Kuro-Sensei would most definitely hear us!

"Shhh...Shiota...stop resisting me." Karma growled, already exploring Nagisa's chest and toying with Nagisa's nipples.

"A-ah! K-karma!" Nagisa bit back his moans and turned his face away from the red assassinator.

"No...Nagisa, don't turn away....look at me." Karma said, his desire intense and overpowering. Nagisa didn't want to lose this battle, he couldn't give up now, not when Karma was forcing his dominance over him. The blue male decided to play along and he met Karma's lust-filled dagger eyes with his own icy blue ones. Karma then pinched one of Nagisa's nipples and the shorter male gasped. The pleasure and pain were exhilarating.

"....I like it when you gasp..." Karma mumbled and forced another kiss on Nagisa's lips. Nagisa was overly sensitive and he felt every twist and tug from Karma's fingers. It so felt good.

"Heh... I can tell you're enjoying this, Nagi." Karma added on, watching Nagisa's face melt. The blue male nodded his head, almost admitting defeat to Karma's dominance. Stupid fucking Karma... Nagisa was not about to let Karma win.

"You sure t-talk a lot of talk, Akabane... but can you back it up?" Nagisa said, tilting his head to the side as if to challenge the taller male.

"You better show me what you've got, Karma." Nagisa said, ecstasy dripping from his lips. Karma took the challenge head-on and slipped one of his hands underneath Nagisa's waistband. Karma then quickly grabbed hold of Nagisa's dick and he started pumping his hand.

"F-fuck you...idiot.." Nagisa said, his voice quivering. He was losing the battle before it even started.

"Heh...I am fucking you." Karma replied slyly and took his own member out of his pants. Nagisa was breathing hard, still in disbelief that they were even doing this at school. But it didn't matter, both males weren't going to stop. There was no turning back now.

"S-shut up Karma...!" Nagisa's shaky voice echoed through Karma's body and he loved it. Nagisa tried his best to stay quiet, but it was getting harder to breath by the minute. Karma was now pumping both his and Nagisa's erections together in one hand. Nagisa thought it was amazing to feel Karma's dick against his own again. This was really happening. Karma is jacking me off in the school bathroom.

"Mhm, that's right Shiota...f-fight me." Karma said, still keeping his voice low as the rhythm of his thrusts quickened. Nagisa was close and he wanted very badly to release, but he held back, still determined to win this 'game.'

"K-Karma...!" Nagisa stifled a loud moan as his body trembled. He couldn't hold back much longer.

"....Mmh...Y-Yes..." Karma moaned softly.

"...Does my Nagi want to cum~?" Karma teased breathily, also feeling close to orgasm himself. Nagisa just nodded his head, afraid that if he spoke, he would moan uncontrollably.

"...Go on then....Cum for me...Right now." Karma panted, feeling heat build up everywhere from within. Nagisa couldn't take it anymore. The blue male moaned loudly and released hard, shooting strands of cum through Karma's fingers. Karma breathed Nagisa's name before he too came as well, releasing between them. Breathless, both males panted and slowly came down from their high.

" idiot." Nagisa said slowly, taking deep breaths as he leaned his head against Karma's chest.

"Heh...But I'm an idiot who won." Karma said, pushing the stray hairs out of Nagisa's face and placing gentle kisses on the blue male's forehead.

"We're definitely going to talk about this later...There's no way I'm letting you off the hook for doing this to me at school." Nagisa said, feeling drowsy but satisfied. Karma chuckled and started to clean both of them up.

"Hmmm....Fine, but I'm still the winner." Karma replied, smiling triumphantly.

"Yes, you've won my Karma." Nagisa said, his face still rosy and vibrant even though he felt tired. Once they were both cleaned up, Karma lead Nagisa back down the hallway making sure no one was around to witness them come out of the bathroom together. Before heading back into the classroom, Karma kissed Nagisa one last time. The bluenette kissed back, feeling content and very scandalous.

"I love you, idiot." Nagisa said.

"I love you too, Shiota." Karma replied. Then, they both walked into the classroom.
