⭐️ch 3⭐️: the meeting

Michael's pov:

I'm so nervous! Our pup has finally started to show signs of shifting. That means we can finally bring our baby home. The flight we had felt like an eternity.

"David, what if he didn't want to see us after all this time? What if he hates us? I knew we shouldn't have gone with that human's offer. She seemed sketchy, and I doubt he's been treated well!"

"Honey, I'm sure things will work out. I do agree that the human lady wasn't trustworthy, but if she knew what was good for her, she wouldn't dare violate the contract." David tries to ashore me, much to his failure.

"But what if she did? What if he's been suffering all this time and we had no idea? I don't think I could ever forgive myself for that."

"Michael, if she's ever laid a finger on her, then may the moon goddess protect her because I'll be there to make sure she'd wished she was never born. And for your Oliver worries, I can promise that Oliver will love you! You are the most amazing, handsome, loving man in the world, and I'm sure our pup will agree soon."

The time went by, and we left the airport and got into our shofar ride. When you've been working for almost 200 years, you tend to build up a pretty nice amount of money. We are werewolves, after all.

Who would have guessed it? Time skip!

David's pov:

We pull up to the small shack that's supposed to be the home of our Serget. I feel my heart drop as I see the worst scenario unfold right in front of me. I see my poor baby curled up in a ball shivering on the curb. Me and Mikey exist from the car.

As we started to approach the small boy, we must have scared him because he immediately started running. The poor thing didn't get that far, though. His little legs gave out on him, and he collapsed on the grass. Michael scooped his tiny body up and carried our little boy to the car. It was time for me to have a little chat with Oliver's so-called "mother."

Ollie's POV:

It's been hours, I've been sitting out here for hours. I was starting to think they weren't coming, but suddenly, I saw this fantasy car pull up, and these two giant men step out. They start walking toward me, and I start to cry. They're going to eat me for shore!

I try to run away, but as soon as I try, my weak aching limbs give out on me, and I fall to the ground, finally losing consciousness.

Word count 453
