Chapter 30

*After a long wait enjoy*

Xayah's POV

"What the hell is happening", I covered Nila's mouth to keep up from getting caught but it looked like it was too late. The three men that walked in were covered in dirty and deep scratches that looked like a wild dog went after them.

"Well, Well Well look what we have here". One of them with ginger hair that was all knotted looked at Nila as if she was a full-course meal.

I felt my stomach drop to my ass as soon as these guys stepped closer. The smell coming off of them was so rancid that it almost made both of us gag. "Do not come any closer!". They all laughed at us and crept in closer.

"I don't think you understand, you don't have a choice in the matter and based on your scents you guys have a powerful one circulating you." He sat down on one of the stools in the kitchen and smashed the countertop aggressively while gritting his teeth. Good thing I moved away from that area."You two smell like those bastards Sebastian and what was that idiot Beta's name, Brody?"

"It's Cody!", I squeezed Nila's hand to calm them down.

"So what makes you guys special to them? ...And if you lie there will be consequences". He snapped his fingers and in no time ginger hair and brute number three with with a shaved head grabbed us forcefully by the arms. But my blood went cold when I saw shaved head sticking his hand in Nila's top with a knife on her left breast.

Nila shook her head no at me but I wasn't about to risk her safety. The palm of my hands broke out into deep sweat and I had no choice but to talk. "They're...They're our mates. But we just found out today! we didn't agree to anything though." I stopped myself and the leader of this attack looked at me weirdly. his nose flared widely with a big breath and then his eyes had a hint of satisfaction.

"Did you just smell our house?" I looked at him in confusion.

"Can't be getting interrupted by others who could come any minute and not only that you guys smell...pure". The sound that he tried to pull off as a purr sounded more perverted than a priest at an elementary school. "I think you guys will be loved at our pack's home".

Nila and I looked back and forth at each other and our eyes widened. "PACK?! HOME?!", we stated simultaneously.

"Yeah my men need some company and the others have been used up and two black beauties would change up their taste". Nila Snorted at their comment which led to her wincing since shaved head pressed his knife harder against her.

"So men...we leave". The hell we will. I tried to wiggle out of ginger's grip but it just became worse the harder I pulled. I could hear Nila struggling and screaming while being raised in the hair. I pulled harder and in time I felt a stinging sensation on my face. Did...Did I just get slapped?

"You try that again and next time it won't be a slap". He forced me out the front door with Nila trailing behind in shaved head's grip.

Where are Sebastian and Cody?!
