the final part

It was time to go outside. Brian took a deep breath, still seething about what happened earlier. Brian wondered, Am I gay? He felt disgusted to even think of such information, and just when he was thinking about all the wrong things, Nathan showed up. "Yo, Brian... who are you angry at?" Brian whipped his head to the left, tears in his eyes. "Shut up!" Brian yelled, dashing off towards his favourite brick wall. This left Nathan dazed, with wide eyes.

Brian screamed, he screamed until his lungs couldn't stand it anymore. He used all of his energy punching the wall until his knuckles bled. He took a deep breath..."WHY!?" The only thing he could ask himself was why. Why he loved Nathan when everyone else hated him. He punched the wall again. What Brian wasn't aware of was the group of his classmates peering at him from the other side of the wall. One of them walked up to him. His name was Sean. "Why are you angry?" Sean laughed. Brian turned his head to him, breathing heavily like he was a wild animal. "Leave me alone..." Brian said as the first warning. Yet Sean and his friends kept prodding at him like he was a creature that would entertain them. After several minutes, he gave them their last warning. "JUST LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE!!" Brian raised a fist to them and walked away. He took a glance at Nathan, and he noticed that Nathan was looking at him as well. Nathan looked away quickly, but Brian just stood there like a deer in headlights. He felt his face turn red. He ran away.

When everyone went inside and back to their assigned desks, Brian felt eyes staring at him from everywhere in the classroom. Nobody paid proper attention to him and his bloody fists, or they just didn't care. Well, except for Nathan. Nathan leaned towards Brian and asked, "What's up with your knuckles? What did you do?" Brian scoffed, "I didn't do anything to them, I'm fine!" He was about to turn away when Nathan suddenly grabbed his wrist and studied his wounded fist. "Im taking you to the office." Nathan said in his most serious voice. "What? No!" Brian whispered.

"BOYS. WHAT'S THE PROBLEM HERE?" Mr [bleep] yelled.

Nathan lowered his head. "I-I'm taking him to the office, sir. He is injured." "IS THIS TRUE BRIAN?" Mr [bleep] eyed Brian accusingly. Brian chuckled nervously, "Yeah, I got hurt." Mr [bleep] nodded. "You may go."

Brian had completely forgotten about the fact that Nathan was still gripping his wrist. Brian pulls his hand away, blushing. "Let's go."


Once they get to the office, Nathan lets go of Brian's arm. It seemed like he wasn't aware that he was holding onto Brian the entire time... The thought of Nathan holding his hand made Brian turn red. He had to find a way to suppress his sins. He'd look that up later, since he still had a matter to attend to.

They were both waiting for the nurse to appear. Nathan sat there quiet, not paying much attention to anything going on around him. He was hunched over, looking at the floor. This was regular Nathan behavior.

Brian, however, was jittery and fidgeting, a stark contrast to his regular, relaxed behavior.

Brian was starting to worry, but the nurse walked in so I guess it's okay.

"HM.. WHAT IS THE ISSUE GUYS? OH, YOU'RE BLEEDING, I SEE." The nurse spoke all her words with great clarity and volume, but the volume level was a little too high to still be considered a comfortable range..

Nathan stood up and skated over to the nurse. "Yes. Brian is hurt so I took him here..." he looked into Brian's brown ORBS, his care for Brian wasn't too apparent, was it? The nurse surely wouldn't be able to tell.

The Nurse nods her head. "Ah, thank you. You seem to care about this Brian a lot, so I appreciate that, but you must go back to class my dear. Brian is in good hands. I will take care of him." The nurse continued while Nathan was saying his goodbyes. "The cure is very simple, an ice pack for the bleeding, and a paper towel to make sure you can hold the ice well." She hands Brian the items, all while his concern increases. "Erm. Miss. I think I'll just go back to Nathan."

The nurse chuckles fondly. "I see your affection towards that boy, Brian. I see you and him having a future together." Brian gasps, slightly offended that an adult would suggest him being gay. The nurse continues, "You know what I don't see? I don't see you ever getting a girlfriend, Brian. You are not straight. Punching the wall will not do anything. to change you."

Brian looks up from that speech, his feelings for Nathan surging out of his heart. "You- You're right, miss. Thank you. I have to embrace myself for who I truly am! I am gay!"

He storms out of the office and returns to class, where his hand meets Nathan's hand, and they run to the washroom. Brian is nervous, but he has to be honest with the one he loves.

He takes one last deep breath. "Nathan... I... I.. I! I love you! I was hurting myself because I didn't want to be gay, but I know what it's like now. I don't feel bad anymore. I surely won't feel bad if I am gay with you. Please, accept my confession!" His hands are now gripping Nathan's shoulders. Nathan's expression looks confused, it's like he doesn't know what to say.

"Brian... I love you too... let's be gay. together." Nathan shows a cute smile, revealing the parasites in his teeth.

Brian smiles, knowing he wouldn't want it any other way.

Then they kiss and get married to Brian's polycule.
