Ch5- Memories

-^flashback continues-

Its been 4 month since Shinya become my boyfriend. No one ever know about our relationship. I try my best to keep this secret from my sister.

One day I walk over the forest. It is winter day. I wear my cloak and covered my head with a hood so no one could ever realize I'm a vampire.

Suddenly I heard sound of people walking. I was surprised then I tried ran but I was already surrounded by 5 human.

" Guren-sama, it's a vampire. " A girl with bright brown hair said to a black haired man.

" I know Sayuri. We can kill her if she's alone, " the words from the black haired man, feared me.

I turn away and run. I bumped into someone and fall to then ground. I noticed it's Shinya.

" What are you doing here? " he asked me.

" I was on my way to Sanguinem, " I replied.

He help me to stand up. I stared at him before smile.

" S-Shinya! Y-You're helping a v-vampire? " A red haired girl asked, stuttering.

Oh, they're know Shinya. Maybe those humans are Shinya's friend.

" What's going on here, Shinya? " the black haired man, holding his sword, asked Shinya.

Shinya smiles then grab my hand. I tugged before look at him.

" She's my girlfriend, " he said without hesitation.

I can see his friends jaw dropped. I'm sure they all are shocked.

" Seriously? Are you nuts? " the black haired man asked, disbelief.

Shinya don't response instead of laughing. I look at Shinya with a question, 'what's happening?' but he only keep laughing.

" Stop playing, Shinya! " I hissed.

" I'm not, " he whispered.

" Tsk! I gotta go! " I broke free from his grip and tried to walk away but I stopped. Force stop.

He hug me from behind.

" Okay... I guess they need some privacy. Let's go guys, " the red haired girl push their friends. The black haired man winks to Shinya before go.

" Let me go Shinya! " the more I struggle to broke free from his hug, the more tighter he hugs me.

I don't know what happen to me. When Shinya is around, I easily blushes and got weaker. I can't even broke free from his hug. It's like my vampire strength vanish.

" I won't let you go if you don't say the magic words. " He grin devilish.

" I won't say it. " I refuse. Suddenly a kiss dropped on my cheek.

I felt like my face is burning. I look around us, if there's anyone sees us.

" Say it, " Shinya whispers again makes me shiver all my body.

" No! " and again a kiss dropped on my cheek.

When Shinya try to kiss me again, I said, " fine! Fine! "

I can see Shinya smirk. Tch!

" I-I l-lov--" I was freaking stuttering. Argh! I can't say it! I know he is staring at me.

I bend my head down, " I-I love you. " I murmured in very low voice but I know he also can hear me.

" I don't hear it. Louder my dear. " I bite my lower lip. This man really make me go crazy.

" I love you! " I shouted.

He laugh then release me. It is annoying but he do look handsome when laughing. I mean more handsome. He stop when he realized I was gazing at him. I quickly look to the other side and blush extremely.

He hold my chin and make my face close to him. I close my eyes, cannot see into his beautiful blue eyes or I will gone mad because of it.
When we were about to kiss--

Beep! Beep! Beep!

My pocket watch ringing. It's time for Progenitors meeting. I can hear Shinya curses the pocket watch for spoiling our kiss. I chuckled a bit then stroke his bangs and kiss his forehead.

" I have to go, bye. " I said slowly.

He kiss me back before I walk deep into the forest, to Sanguinem.

It is a raining day. Shinya promised to meet me at a abandoned house near the forest where I met his friends 2 weeks ago. I tried to refuse to meet because I know today he supposed to go to school, but he said its okay. He got Guren and the others to cover him at school.

" Ohayou! " Shinya appears with his school uniform wet.

" Shinya! You can caught in fever by this. Here take my cloak. " I hand him my blue cloak but he refused.

" Its just my school uniform. I still got my T-shirt inside, " he smiles then kiss my forehead.

He take my hand then walk inside the house. We make a fire to warm our freezing bodies.

" So, why you want to meet me? " I asked while leaning my head on his shoulder.

" Nothing. I just miss you. We haven't meet for 2 weeks, you know. That's why I miss your so much. " He poked my cheeks make me blushing.

" Ne, Shinya. How long can we stay like this? " I asked him.

He looks at me. Maybe he doesn't have an answer for my question.

" I don't know Layla. I love you and I never want to leave you. " I feel touched by his words. My tears start to fall down. I hug him tightly.

Me too. I don't him to go and leave me.

He lies me on the ground and kiss me passionately. I close my eyes, I can feel his hand stroke my bangs.

He broke off from our kiss then whispers, " I want you, Layla. "

I was surprised but then I smile and nods. I close my eyes again.

The rain has stopped and I was ready to go. Shinya is still wearing his T-shirt then his already dried school uniform.

When we were outside the house, there are peoples waiting for us.

A man with weird eyebrows standing with his hand in his pocket, girl with yellow hairs. I noticed Mito, Guren, Sayuri, Yukimi and Goshi was there too. They're look guilty. Most important is Shinya looks very serious.

Guren mouthing, ' I'm sorry. We can't hold him. '

" So... A vampire huh? Beautiful vampire? Nice taste Shinya. " The 'Mr Eyebrows' speak. I can feel its sarcasm tone.

" It has nothing to do with you, Kureto-nii. " Shinya replied.

That's Mr Eyebrows name is Kureto. Shinya called him 'nii' thats mean he is Shinya's brother!

" Oh! But don't forget about your fiance, Shinya. " I was tugged upon hearing that Kureto's word.

" Fiance? You have a fiance? " I asked Shinya.

" Oh you don't know, miss Vampire? Shinya has a fiance and her name is Mahiru Hīragi. " That Kureto answer for Shinya.

I look at Shinya. He remained silent, meaning that Kureto was true. I felt pain in my heart. Hard to believe the truth.

" Y-you lied... " I said before ran from them.

I can hear other peoples called my name but I ignored them.

I ran through the forest until I didn't realize I was at Sanguinem entrance. Krul and Ferid are there. I think they know as I can see from Krul's angry face.

" Layla Tepes, from now on I forbids you to go outside Sanguinem without my permission! " Krul said in her very serious tone. They left me in front of Sanguinem entrance alone.

I fall on my knee, crying. I felt lonely, betrayed and heart broken. After all we through, only now I know the truth. He lied to me. I gave everything and he betray me. I can't hold it. Its painful.

-end of flashback-

I open my eyes. I'm back-- to the reality. I touch my chess. It's still painful even years already passed. Now I'm at a plane, fly to Europe where Lest Kerr lived.

I need to start a new life for Ryuzetsu, for Krul.

Ryuu... I'll be back...

Hohoho! Finally I finish Layla's and Shinya's past. Sorry for the romantic scene. I'm not good in kissing scene. Anyway, hope you enjoy it.. (^_-)

Btw, pic above is Layla... the original is Matou Sakura from Fate/Stay Night. I edit it
