this is wrong

Please try not to cry, and don't shout at the screens please and thank you. Hope you enjoy. (Listen to the song while reading the story)

Jeff's p.o.v

I have been waiting all day for l.j to get back, he left the house at 6:00 in the morning and didn't say when he'll be back so I thought maybe he just went killing, so I have been waiting all day for him and it was almost midnight. Possibly about another hour later he came home "Jack"! "Oh bloody hell, what"?! His words sent a shock to me what's his deal "you know you don't half to shout at me, but I was just gonna ask why are you home so late" "shut up" whoa what the hell "umm what did you say"? "God why are you always worried about me, I am my own person and I can come home when I want"! I wasn't about to take this and let him yell at me like that "what the hell is your deal"? "My deal? My deal it that you worrie about me too much" "I don't worry about you all that much" Jack then growled at me and raised his hand and whipped me in the face wich made my lip bleed, and it just came out I cryed because of that pain he then but not so loud "why is it that you can't understand me?, Jeff did you hear me"? He then grabbed my arm and was gonna pull me but I then looked up and punched him in the face it may have made him let go but then things got violent Jack looked at me his eyes already just a pure silver color and just like that I could already tell that he was mad he then picked up a fist and tryed to punch me but quickly I dodged it and took out my knife I then turnd around and attacked him to the floor, Jack tryed to shove a claw in my stomach but I quickly grabbed his wrist and pinned it over his head. What I didn't realize was that his other hand was on my back and he grabbed the back of my sweater and pulled me off him, that sent my knife across the room, immediately I got up and went for my knife but not before I got grabbed by my hair thrown to the ground "not so quick are you huh"? I kicked the back of his knee and that caused him to fall to his knees that bought me some time to get my knife and after I did I got on top of him and held the point of the knife up to his neck. As I held it there somthing just hit me, I became weak like I couldn't do anything so I dropped the knife and just started to cry "Jeff,? Are you crying"? "No"! He then looked at me I cryed in my hands also hidding my face, Jack then sat up and held me close to him "I'm sorry Jack, I'm so sorry" "shhh it's ok, just let it out" I began to cry a little harder "it's ok love" my crying calmed down and I just sat with Jack holding me. Jack then stood up but, he sorta pushed me off him and then went up stairs so I followed him I saw him go to the room but when I went in there I saw him take out a bag that looked like it was already filled "jack what are you doing"? He sighed then walked up to me "Jeff we need to talk" he then took me downstairs and sat me on the couch with him "look Jeff we have been dating for about year and we have been having a lot of problems, so I think that we need to breakup" this sent a huge shock of sadness and anger toward me "w-what do you mean"? I said in a sad voice "I just think that we need some time apart" I was now getting watery eyes and really close to balling right in front of Jack "but don't worry Jeff we might see each other again sometime but I just need to think about some things" he said as he put a hand on my shoulder then got up I got up as well then walked with him to the door he opened it then turnd around to look at me "well I gusse this is goodbye" "I gusse so" "well goodbye Jeff" "goodbye, laughing Jack" I let a tear fall out, then I felt Jack's thumb on my face as he wipe away my tear "don't look so sad" he then took his hand away then left, I stood there for a bit then ran upstairs to my room I buried my face in the pillows and just cryed I don't remember how long, but I do know that I cryed myself to sleep.

The next morning when I woak up my eyes hurt pretty bad so I went to the bathroom to look at myself my were eyes were just a deep shade of red but it didn't bother me. I added eye drops to my eyes then looked back in the mirror, I felt sad, alone, and depressed. For the next few days I stopped eating and killing, the only time I was ever active was when Jane would come aroud to try and fight me, but once she saw how skinny I was she tryed to help me but that didn't work at all. After an entire week of nothing happening and my depression, I went to my room, picked up my knife, slid my sleeve up, then slowly sliced my arm creating a mark that bled out it hurt for a bit then the pain stopped I did it again and again and the pain just made me feel a certain way I did the same thing to my other arm, I then rolled up my pants high enough to show my ankles and I then slid my knife on it a few times then repeated the process to my other ankle I didn't hurt but like I said the pain made me feel a certain way. After that I just sat on my bed with my knife in my hand.

L.j's p.o.v

I left Jeff because I need to clear my mind from a lot of things, I didn't feel lonely when I left but I did feel a bit sad and to make that go away I went hunting everyday. After a week or so I found out that I forgot one of my bags back at Jeff's place, there was no way that I could go back who knows what Jeff will do to me, but I really needed that bag back so I gathers all my courage then left to his house. When I got there I knocked on the door "Jeff"? No respond "it's me l.j" still nothing so I walked in "Jeff"?! Still nothing he wasn't in the living room nor the kitchen, I then went upstairs to find him. I walked to his room and slightly knocked on the door "Jeff, are you in there"? Still no respond so I walked in, I saw Jeff on his bed with his hood up not moving I then walked over to his side "Jeff are you ok"? I saw that he had the knife in his hand holding it tight I was worried that if I touched him I would get stabbed. I looked down at his arms and saw that they had cuts all over them and were leaking blood instently I grabbed his arm and took a better look "Jeff what did you do to your arm"?! I started to panic, I sat in front of him, took out a bandage rap and rapped up his wrist. I put my hands on his shoulders then sorta shook him, he didn't move at all till a few seconds later "you left me, you made me sad, you caused me to do this, then you came back, but why"? He seemed sad but not normal sad like depressed sad, I then got up and sat next to him I rap an arm around him and hugged him tight "Jeff, please don't do this anymore" I thought that he would be surprised to see me but it seems like he has no expression now I was actually regretting leaving him I felt sorry for him and now just didn't want to let him go. "Get out" "what"? "I said get out" he then jekred out of my arms and stood up "b-but Jeff" I stood up then walked over to him and put a hand on his shoulder he jerked away. "I never want to see you again, you broke my heart and caused me to do this to myself"! "Jeff please calm down" I tryed to walk up to him but he immediately raised his fist up and tryed to hit me I caught his fist in my hands then tryed to push him back but then he tryed to scratch my face "Jeff stop"! I felt him become weak then he stoped and just stayed silent "Jeff please that's enough" I loosened my grip on his wrist and he fell to his knees sobbing. I got down on my knees as well and tryed to hug him but once got a hand on him he scooted back "Jeff please don't be like that" I tryed to set my hand on him again "no, don't touch me"! He looked like an abused animal and all I wanted to do was give him a hug and tell him its ok but he wont let me touch him. I had no other choice so when I reached for him again he tryed to swat me, but I grabbed his hands and pinned him on the floor with me on top of him he was starting to struggle under me but then I leaned down and kissed his cheek "I hope that your done" he stopped moving finally and just gave up, he was now growling in pain "jeff are you ok"? "Your squeezing my wrist" I looked up at his wrist I squeezed them hard enough to bleed again, gently I realised them, Jeff rubbed his wrist then layed there motionless "please get off me" I slowly got off him he sat up and hid his face behind his hair "please dont be mad at me" "how can I not be mad at you, I was your toy and you broke me, why, why did you do it"? "Jeff I'm sorry" he let out a sigh and pulled his knees up to his chest I crawls up to him and put a hand on his head as I did that I started to gently run my fingers through his hair. "Why are you doing this to me" "Jeff I'm sorry" I then rapped my arms around him and kissed his head he didn't react to it but he did lean closer to me "all I want is for you to forgive me that's all" he let out a sigh "how can I forgive you, you broke up with me" "I know, and now that I see you I regret leaving you" he looked up at me with sad puppy eyes "really"? "yes Jeff I mean it" I leand in a little more as did Jeff then before I new it I kissing Jeff. Our kiss lasted for a good ten seconds then broke, I then stood up and helped Jeff up too, I rapped my arms around his waist and he set his hands on my shoulders was hugged I looked into those big beautiful eyes of his and gave him another kiss but this one was a more passionate kiss, he put his arms around my neck and pulled me closer to him I started to slip a hand under his shirt. "Jack what are you doing"? He pulled his face away from mine and just looked at me "sorry Jeff its just tha-" he hushed me with a kiss "things might get rough" he then started to kiss my neck he found my sweet spot and I moand, I grabbed his ass and felt him move up one of his legs I held it against me and slightly rubbed it, Jeff then jumped up I was able to catch him and when I did I carried him to the bed Jeff gave me a kiss that was very passionate, I felt him nibble on my lower lip I sucked on his toung, we bolth then pulled away and were breathing heavily a thin trail of saliva connect us. Jeff pulled me down only to wisper in my ear "take your shirt off" I did as he said and took off my shirt I leand in forward and kissed him again I took a hand and slid it a bit under Jeff's shirt then instently took it off "you were always quick at doing that". I put my hand on Jeff's pants line then undid them his hands then rushed to my pants and undid them he put his hands on my chest and traild his finger up and down till his hands reached my neck that's when he pulled me down to his level to give me a kiss "Jeff I want to make you mine again" "then go ahead". I quickly took off his pants, I took the waist line of his boxers in my mouth and pulled them off, I took off my pants and boxers then positioned myself and got ready to go in "are you ready Jeff"? "Yes I am". I instently inserted myself in him, each moan was a magical sound that made me not want to let him go
I moved at a faster pace that was constantly making Jeff moan and letting pleasure wash over us, after a few more thrust I felt my climax starting to build up. "Jeffy I'm close"! "me too Jackie"!. I through my head back and screamed in pleasure as I hit my climax as did Jeff
I licked up his mess that landed on him
I layed down next to him and gave him a kiss "I love you Jeff" "I love you too Jack" I pulled him next to me and pulled the blankets on top of us and held Jeff close to me "Jack since we did this dose this mean that were together again"? I smiled and kissed his head and ran my fingers through his hair "I did make you mine again didn't I"? "Yes you did" "then were back together, and I promise that I'm not gonna let you go" Jeff snuggled into my chest, I reached behind me and grabbed Jeff's mask and put it over his eyes "thank you" "how else did you think that you were gonna fall asleep"? "Goodnight Jack, I love you" "I love you too Jeff". Soon Jeff fell asleep and so did I and we slept the night away.

I hope that you guys liked this one I sure did. Let me just point somthing out depression is very serious and its not something to laugh about, yes pain can feel good somtimes but the pain that's in your heart dosn't feel good at all.
But back to the story please like, comment, vote, share, read, ask, and enjoy, more story's to come. Until next time, bye.
