Chapter 1

Pov: David
"F*ck my a**!! I'm tired of school!!" I said walking in the band room.

It's the fourth hour, my free period. Usually, I just walk with Bertina from the third hour to the band room, then we would meet with Dulce and Jordan there. Fourth is my favorite hour cause all we do is spill the tea on everyone.

Today is a month since school has started and are just settling into our schedules. I was bored and tired of school already. I shouldn't have, but I did. Bertina gets to her spot for jazz band and grabs a stand to rest on it, while I just lay on the floor next to her. I feel like I have something to do, but I just didn't do anything. I had started to play with Bertina's shoelaces and soon they were untied.

"Do you want to die!" Bertina said jokingly.

"Do you want to eat this a**!" I replied to her.

Bertina and I had been friends since middle school,  we say a lot of these crude words to each other and then say the sweetest the next. Bertina is like a sister to me, she will always be my family. She has helped me understand myself and had to lead me in many ways. I remember when I came out to her, she was the first person I told. Like everyone I came out to, she said this.

"I knew you were gay, it's like obvious."

After that, we would tell each other everything, from what was happening at home to asking personal questions about sex. The bond that we made was tight and I would never want to change that.

"Turn around!" She said.

I had done so, and then I bent over to show her my butt. Dulce and Jordan had laughed. Then Dulce had walked to Mr, Harrington's office, on the right side of the room when you walk in, to file all the music in our library. Jordan had left to the bathroom from the back doors, directly parallel to main doors of the room, to the breezeway. Bertina and I were left alone in the band room. I sat down and Bertina was just on her phone playing Mrs. Thickens, aka Granny. Bertina had been calling the game Mrs. Thickens for no reason, soon the name had stuck. 

I grabbed my phone and opened it to Facebook. I scrolled by so many boring posts and ads, then I got to a video. the video was a really cute boy, I think I know the boy in this video but I can't remember who he is. The boy was sitting on a stool playing an electric guitar, the room was dim and it looked like he was on a small stage at a little restaurant. 

"The boy can play," I said quietly to myself.

The boy started to sing and as I realized who I was watching on my phone, the boy in the video was walking into the band room. The boy was Jay Chavez, I should have known that it was him  and he starts to walk towards me and Bertina. To my surprise, he smiles at me and then turns to the right to grab his guitar. Then he goes out the main doors of the room to the left.

I can't believe that Jay smiled at me, let alone even look at me. I started to feel my heart race and I feel like my face is burning up. I grabbed my backpack.

"Oh no, not again, WHY!" I said screaming into my backpack.


A.N. -Hey everyone here is the first chapter, I really hope you guys like it. Just let me know what do you don't like or what do like, just leave a comment so I know how you all are feeling about this story. I love the feedback.❤

Oh and just want to tell you that will be trying to keep to a schedule so I'll be updating y'all every Friday @ 11 am, I am feeling excited so I'll post it early.❤

But if you really liked this chapter!!!!!! Then vote!!!!!😉

🌹Love y'all mi Rosita's🌹
