Sleep my Angel (Karamatsu x Depressed!Reader)

What will be in this chapter is very sad. It'll be having suicide, self harm, and a lot of angst and depression throughout this chapter.
If you end up reading it, I hope you do enjoy it, I'll try my best to make it less depressing.


You don't like yourself. In fact you despise yourself. People always tell you how ugly, and annoying you are and it hurts. Of course, no one physically harms you, but they mentally do.

These words don't come from actual people. No, they come from the demons inside your head, telling you to cut.

You go into the bathroom, pick up your trusty razor. You look in the mirror.




'Nothing good ever happens to you'

Little did you know something wonderful did happen. You have a wonderful boyfriend Karamatsu. Yes, he is very aware of your pain.


One cut, two cuts


Slash again

'You are not a Karamatsu girl, you're Karamatsu trash

Here it comes. When Kara pops into your mind, the pain gets worse.


Four cuts, five cuts, six cuts.

You put the razor down, you don't feel like doing your legs today. You walk out of the bathroom and look at your apartment. It's a rats nest. You don't feel like living here anymore. You didn't feel like living at all. You go outside, get into your car, and went for a drive.

You reached a cliff, you parked and got out of the car. You go to the edge. You look down and see a beautiful ocean.

"I guess, this will be fine."

You closed your eyes, and breathed in and out.


You turned around quickly. Your boyfriend standing there shaking. He followed here, because he knew what you wanted to do, he knew how much pain you are going through, he knows how much you want to jump right now.

"(Y/N), it'll be ok. Come over here to me, and I'll treat you to a nice night. I can stay over if you needed to." Tears fall down the poor man's cheeks. He reached his arms out for you, but you never come.

"I'm tired Karamatsu."

"Then we can just sleep together-"

"No. I'm tired of living."

"I know you are my angel.. Come to me and you'll be all right."


"Yes I promise you my angel. We can have a peaceful night if you just trust me please."

"You'll just leave me I know it. I'm an annoying, ugly, bitch."

"I wouldn't be dating you if were a bitch. You're not ugly at all, or even annoying. Stop telling yourself these lies."

"Stop telling me your lies. "

"I'm not lying at all. " he steps forward a bit.

"I love you my angel. I always will."

"I love you too.. but I can't live like this. "

"My angel, I want you to come to me please, step away from the edge. I'll make you a nice dinner. I can spend the night. So you can sleep my angel."

"Aren't i doing just that? Sleeping with the angels."

"No! Don't do that! When I say sleep my angel I meant sleeping with me peacefully because you're my angel, not you TURNING INTO ONE!"


"Yes my honey?"

"I'm going to sleep with the angels ok?"



You're gone. Karamatsu reaches his hand out and-

He wakes up. He looks down at the sheets he is covered in. That day ended differently actually...


"Yes my honey?"

"I want to sleep with my angel..."

You run into his arms. You decided to give life another try. You ended up getting better, and Karamatsu stayed by your side. And you stayed by his, as of right now you are sleeping beside peacefully.

He looks at you crying. You open your eyes and look at him.

"Kara? Did you have that dream again?"

He nods. You pull him into a tight embrace.

"I'm not leaving you ok? I'll never try something that again, I promise. "

He looks at your arms. Your cuts are only but scars now. He cries into your shoulder.

"It'll be ok. Just try to sleep ok? "

He slowly crawls back under the sheets with you still in his arms.

"Try Kara. Just sleep my angel."

I decided to make the ending happy so you're welcome. If you want the alternate ending, please let me know and I'll tell you.

