Ship: Brakey, Alex x Jakey
Type: Hurt no comfort (kinda ig?)
Prompt idea: Bryan comes back to the Protector's Guild to hang out with Jakey but finds out a heartbreaking secret.
Bryan was excited, he finally got back from his camping trip with Davis. He was glade to finally find out why his dragon mentor had left him and finally figured out the secret to his parents mysterious deaths. He really needed the comfort of his lover. Luckily he was able to find some flower gems to take as a gift to Jamey to show he was sorry for being away for too long.

As he began to walk towards 'The Protector's guild hall walking slowly due to the lack of sleep and energy, the eye bags and reduced weight was enough evidence. But Bryan would forget all those things if it ment he could spend time with his precious lover.

Once he finally reached the guild hall and let himself in. He noticed it was pretty empty so he came to the conclusion that they were off on a mission, hopefully Jakey didn't leave yet. He continued walking until he heard a sound, it was the sound of two people talking to each other. It was coming from up in the library, 'Maybe it was Jakey and Kay''He thought. He planned on surprising both of them, so he made his way up the stairs as quickly and slowly as he could.

When he reached the floor he hid behind one of the book cases and snickered to himself when he was ready to up out, poked his head out slightly to get a better look when he felt his heart drop to his stomach. There stood Alex and Jakey... K I S S I N G. He stood there just staring at them before the gem flowers fell from his hands and hit the floor making a loud smashing noise, breaking the silence.

Both Alex and Jakey jumped and turned around to see the cause of the sound but stopped in their tracks when they say Bryan. There was a few minutes of awkward silence before Jakey spoke 'Bryan I-' he started but was soon shut down by Bryan 'How long?' He asked. 'Bryan please just let me-' 'NO JAKEY TELL ME HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN CHEATING ON ME?!' Bryan yelled out in anger tears of irritation falling from his eyes.

This was too much, Jakey was too much, Alex's presence was too much. He felt suffocated he needed to get out, so as a last resort he turned onto his heel and ran away; ignoring Jakey and Alex's calls for him. He ran as fast as he could hopping that running would help clear his mind, but it didn't help; he couldn't get the image of his lover kissing someone he thought of as a rival.

He didn't stop running until he reached the local market many people were there of course seeing that it was rush hour. But once Bryan stopped he felt even worse, the sudden rush of adrenaline made him sick and his head started spinning; it didn't help that he was surrounded by shops he had taken Jakey to when they were in engaged. Oh that's right... He and Jakey were supposed to get married soon.

The sudden realization made him gage, without thinking he ran into an empty alley way and dry heaved as he emptied his stomach of all the food he had consumed (which wasn't really much mind you), he spend the next five to ten minutes throwing up before collapsing on to the ground. He brought his hand up to his face to see the engagement ring on his finger and chuckled before falling into a fit of hysterical laughter as tears ran down his face.

His hand combed through his hair before grabbing onto it harshly as he pulled his head back and laughed even harder sobs breaking through as he snickered. He brought his head down and stared at the gravel floor and more tears fell from his eyes and giggles leaving his mouth. He was about to break the finger which his engagement was on when he heard a voice. 'Bryan?'

His head shot up and his heart stopped beating as he turned paper white. There stood both Divinus Magia, and Grimshad guilds the one who spoke was Allamous, his guild master the look of concern was written all over his face. 'Are you alright dear, why are you crying?' Jericho spoke softly as he sat next to Bryan placing a bad on his shoulder. Bryan looked down in shame. 'I-' but before he could speak Davis butted in.

'Probably crying over some stupid argument with his wife, am I right?' He said as he sniffed slightly at the end. 'That's not nice Davis, we don't know what happened so don't start making assumptions.' Boat scolded him. 'Oh get out of my hair I'm just messing with him, it's not like he he found 'em making out with someone else, right Bryan?!,' Davis exclaimed as he threw his arms behind his head.

This made Bryan snap he shock violently before breaking down into violent sobs, crying loudly. Jericho pulled Bryan into a hug as he cried into his shoulder, cooing and shushing him with small 'there theres' and 'it's a alright' here and there as he rubbed circled into his back. As Jericho was comforting Bryan both guilds turned towards Davis and glared at him. 'What?! 'Is not my fault, I didn' know!.' He yelled in prostate but one look from both his guild leaders was enough to shut him up.

Now the only sound that remained was Bryan's sobbing and the sound of Jericho trying to calm him down....
Thanks for reading
