Prisoner in Wonderland Demyx & Reader

Note: So. I did this out of boredom. Yeah. This is a bit improvised but it's still really good. Also the "purple goop" is based off of the Cat in the Hat life action movie goop. Ya know the weird sticky purple stuff Alec Baldwin was covered in--basically that.

It'll make more sense when you read it.

Also I am going to change the story title so if you notice it's not the same that's why.

If you haven't noticed I have another story going on which is Believe. It's only going to be maybe three chapters so when I combine all my other kingdom hearts oneshots and stories I'm going to put that in there too just to keep it safe.

I am also going to be putting my stories out on Archive of Our Own since my account is finally set up.

My stories will probably be a bit neater there so if you wanna check it out I should have a few by midnight eastern time.

Okay that's all!


You were bored.

So bored.

All of your friends were out on a mission leaving you alone with no one. You asked Saix for a mission but he said that every mission was already filled.

Jeeze the ONE TIME you actually WANT to go on a mission you CANT!

After a while you decided to go to Wonderland.

You'd probably talk to the Cheshire Cat to waste some time. You summoned a portal and stepped through into the wondrous world.

You wandered around for a bit searching for the Cheshire Cat.

Of course the one time you want something it's not avaliable. 

"Cheshire! Cheshire! You here!" You called.

"Oh will you silence!" One of the flowers hissed.

"Shut it weed! I'm looking for someone." You said not even glancing at them.

"Weed?! How dare you!"

"Go photosynthesis or something you snot-nosed flower."

The flowers angrily shook their fists and cursed you, looking ready to uproot.

You continued onwards until you arrived to the Mad Hatters tea party.

"Hey guys! May I join you?" You asked.

"Who's that?" The March Hare asked the tea pot in his hands.

It didn't reply back but he chuckled, "Ah! That's right! It's (Name)!"

"(Name)? Oooooh come here darling!" The Mad Hatter called.

You sat down at one of the chairs and poured yourself some tea and grabbed a couple cubes of sugar.

You had been with the two crazies long enough to know when to dodge or raise your tea cup to avoid a flying spoon or scone.

You snatched a scone that was flying through the air and took a bite. Wonderland food seemed better than regular food.

Not just because of the unknown side effects but this was a magical world.

You also loved being with them since it was entertaining to watch them. They'd talk nonesense and do other strange things.

At the moment they were sword fighting each other on the table with spoons. Crumbs from crushed pastries were flying everywhere and porcelain was being smashed.

This was wonderland so it was a bit of a wonder how they were able to ruin so many pastries and pottery and yet still have plenty to smash.

You finally grew bored and bid them ado before wandering off. They were still in the midsts of their spoon fight to notice you leaving.

As you were wandering the forest a small army of cards suddenly came marching your way.

They stopped in front of you and you blinked in confusion.


"Silence prisoner!" An ace card barked.


"You are wearing the dark coat! You are a companion to the current prisoner! You are under arrest under the Queens orders!"

"Eh? What did the other black coat do?"

"He was causing an unpleasant racket that angered the queen."


"Listen, I'm not in compliance with him but I can be an attorney for him."

"Silence prisoner!" The ace snapped pointing his sphere at you.

The others followed and you sighed raising your hands up half heartedly.

They marched behind you, keeping their spheres pointed at your back. The leader card barked orders at you on which way to go, even though you had gone here long enough to know where to go.

You usually avoided the Queens castle since the queen was highly unpredictable and definitely had anger issues.

The few times you had accidentally crossed paths you were exhausted trying not to do anything to set her off.

Any wrong moves or choice of words in a compliment would set her off. You arrived to the castle and saw the roses in the garden were still the painted roses.

A few cards were slathering up the cracks with red paint, splattering the color everywhere.

"March black coat!" The ace card demanded shoving your shoulder.

"Don't push it paper or I'll cut you with scissors." You growled.

"How dare you threaten me heathen!"

"How dare you arrest me just because I am wearing a dark coat!"

"Continue to your cell!"

"I am walking!"

"Walk faster then!"

"You want me to sprint?"

"Enough with the cocky remarks."

"My heads going to be cut off anyways does it matter?" You shrugged.

You finally arrived to the dungeon and surprisingly it looked...nice.

The walls were decorated with hearts, diamonds, and spades and it was well lit and clean. Expect for the cell doors that were made out of some metal seeming material.

Looked sturdy too.

The ace card shoved you in an avaliable one and slammed the door shut. He twisted a key into the lock glaring at you.

"Just wait until the Queen gets word of this!" He threatened.

You smirked and shoved him through the bars causing him to stumble into his fellow cards causing literally the entire deck of cards to fall.

"This isn't over prisoner!" The ace card shouted assorting his men.

"Sure seems over to me! I know how to play cards!" You shouted.

The door to the jail closed and you sighed. You wanted something to do but being stuck in a boring jail cell didn't make matters better.

"(Name)? Is that you?"

You looked up and across from you was Demyx.

"I knew you were the one to cause the noise complaint." You grumbled.

"I was bored during my mission so I decided to play my sitar but the locals didn't like it for whatever reason." Demyx frowned.

"Well this is Wonderland. Everything's wacky and twisted here. I think I wanna go home now, let's go."

You raised your hand to summon a portal.

It didn't show up.

You tried again.


You snapped your fingers, clapped your hands, and even stomped the ground but nothing was working.

"Okaaaaay what's going on?" You asked Demyx.

"I don't know! Something in these cells are causing us to be unable to use our powers! I tried so many times but nothing was working! At least I won't die alone." He sighed in relief.

"Demyx. We are not accepting execution as an option! Now get your head together and think! What's a way we can get out."

"Do nothing really." He sighed sitting on his bench.

"I really wish Ches' was here." You sighed.

"You called?"

A float smile suddenly appeared followed by eyes, a head, and a pudgy striped body and bushy tail.

"Ches'! It's about time you showed up! I've been searching for you all day."

"On the contrary darling, I was present at the past."

"What does that mean?" Demyx asked.

"It means he was with me the entire time but he just loves to show up only at the worst of times." You explained.

"Quite true."

"Do you think you can find the keys and get us out of here?" You pleaded.

"I'm afraid your way of escaping is not possible. Even in an impossible world such as this one. However escape is possible. You just need to use your noddle to wriggle your way through the bars that hold you only mentally."

Demyx looked at you for answers.

"I must go now before I am caught."

With that he vanished leaving you and Demyx.

"That was no help at all!" Demyx frowned.

You muttered his riddle in your head pieceing the puzzle together until you understood. You hummed and looked at the bars wriggling them to find a weak one.

They were pretty strong. You kicked at one of the bars with your boot but that only caused the door to rattle.

You tried searching for something to pick the lock but there was nothing.

You groaned and pressed your head to the bars. That's when you noticed you could easily slip your head through the gap.


The bars expanded like rubber!

"Demyx! The bars are expandable! We can slip through!"

You continued and slipped one arm through, your shoulders, your other arm, your waist, hips, and finally your legs.

Once you were completely through you helped Demyx who was stuck at his hips since he went straight forward, not sideways.

You took his arms and yanked him out from between the bars.

"We're free!" He cheered loudly.

"Demyx!" You hissed.

You heard the clanking of footsteps and knew it was the cards.

"The prisoners! They are escaping!" The ace card shouted well pointing at you guys.

You grabbed Demyx's hand and ran well the boy looked shaken. You tried to summon a portal but you still couldn't.

You were able to find a fairly good sized rock during your run and stopped for a quick second to grab it. You threw it at the ace card and it slammed into his face once again causing the cards to fall like dominos.

"Good shot!" Demyx complimented as you continued to run.

You suddenly skidded to a stop in front of several doors. They all were different sizes, shapes, and colors, with strange shapes on the doors.

You scanned each door until you settled on one that had an image of a...well you didn't even know what it was.

Either way you tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge. You grunted and slammed your fists onto the door.



You stepped back and summoned your keyblade. A stream of light came from the tip and you heard a satisfying click.

"Hurry!" Demyx cried hearing the cards marching into the room.

"Lets hope this one gets us out of here."

You swung open the door and ran through.

"Stop!" The cards called, meer feet away.

Demyx followed and slammed the door behind hin causing the cards to crash into the door.

He took a step and suddenly he was free falling. He belly flopped into a purple liquid.

He swam to the surface and called your name blindly.

"I'm here!" You called.

You looked around and saw you were in some sort of lake. A platapyus swam by (go figure they're in Wonderland) you.

"I think we're in some kind of lake?" You answered.

"Ugh! I swallowed some of the water! It tasted like cough syrup it was so disgusting!" Demyx whined.

"Oh man up! C'mon let's get out of this gross smelling water."

"I'm ready to go home." Demyx sighed.

"I'm not returning to Wonderland for a while." You grumbled.

"You know you could've just summoned your keyblade in the cell right?"

"Lets go home now!" You blurted.

Demyx chuckled.

"Tell anyone, especially Axel and I will make it impossible for you to play your sitar since both of your hands will be broken."....

You arrived in the grey room where Saix was standing with a clipboard, talking to the Superior.

"There you are number fifteen. I have a mission for you..."

He blinked in confusion noticing you and Demyx were covered in some kind of purple goop. You both had left a track of puddles rom where you stepped out from the portal.

"It's a long story." You answered.

Demyx sneezed and purple goo sprayed from his nose. 

"Make sure you give the dusks your clothing to not leave puddles all over my white floor." Xemnas ordered.

"All our clothes?" Demyx asked.

"Yes, down to your boxers." You replied sarcastically.

"So says the girl who forgot she had a-"

"I will end you if you finish that sentence!" You threatened.


"Demy!" You punched him in the arm and he whined.

"Whoooaaa what happened to you guys?" Axel questioned, stepping in with Roxas.

"Long story." You and the sitarist said in unison.

You unzipped your soddened jacket revealing your black tank top and leggings underneath. You took off your boots and pools of the purple goop gushed from your boot similar to a river.

You also peeled off your wet socks. You handed it all to one of the dusks and politely thanked them. Demyx followed along until he was coatless and barefoot as well.

They didn't seem too happy with having to do laundry and clean up the sticky goop.

"Return to your quarters and take a shower. You both smell horrible." Xemnas cringed.

"Yes superior." You nodded.

You hurried off bare foot to your rooms.

"Ugggh, I feel so disgusting!" Demyx complained.

He slapped his hands on his face and when he pulled them from his cheeks a thick string of goop stretched from them.

"You owe me big time for this you know."

"Taco Belle?"*



"Good. In the meantime have fun getting the goop out of your hair."

"You too." He said slapping your shoulder.

He had to struggled to peel his hand off your back.

"How about we don't touch anything until we're clean."

"Yeah sounds good." He nodded.

You opened your room door and headed straight for the shower.

You peeled off the rest of your ruined clothes and sent them down the laundry shoot.

After a long and difficult shower you were finally able to get the purple goop out of your hair and down the drain. Your poor skin felt itchy and sore from peeling the purple substance off your skin.

You were suddenly extremely fatigued too. It was only noon yet you felt like you hadn't slept in days. Once you were done you changed into your pajamas and flopped on your bed.

You didn't even make it under the covers.

You were comfy laying on the sheets.

You felt feverish.

A nice nap definitely would help.

