Chapter 8- Reschedule

Silvia's POV: 

As soon as I got to school, I noticed Harry standing in the corner with another guy. I quickly shifted my gaze towards my schedule. I had math first, and then art  second. That's a good start to the morning. 

I closed my locker and was about to turn, when someone popped up in front of me. I suddenly jumped back.

"Sorry, Silvia! I didn't mean to startle you." In front of me stood a tall girl with dirty blonde hair that went down to her elbows. She had shimmering eyes, and I noticed that one of her eyes was slightly lighter than the other. She also was wearing a white tank top. She wore dark black mascara and very long fingernails. I backed up a bit so she wouldn't scratch me. 

"Um, have we met?" I looked at the girl questioningly. 

"Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce myself!" The girl smiled a large smile, which showed me her clear-coloured braces. "My name is Olivia. I've gone to this school since grade 9. This is my first day of the grade twelve school year, since I just came back from my trip to the Bahamas 2 days ago. That's probably why you don't recognize me. You're new, right? My friend Mary told me all about you!" 

I nodded and replied with a "ya." 

"That's okay! I know we will be the best of friends!" Olivia exclaimed as she interlaced her arm with mine. She then looked at my schedule and said, "hey, you have math first, too? So do I! We can go down together! It's not starting for another 10 minutes anyway, but it's good to get there early!" 

"Ya, that would be nice." I smiled at her. 

"Before we go to math class, I should warn you. I do like math, but when the concepts get more challenging, I feel like punching someone!" Olivia punched her hand with her fist.

I bit my lip. This girl sounded intimidating.

"Just kidding! I might say that, but I would nver do something like that!" Olivia reassured.

I sighed with relief. "Okay, then let's go!" I said excitedly. 

On the way to math class, I was trying to cram some last minute studying for the big geography exam today. I was looking down at my book, not noticing who was in front of me. The next thing I knew, I had crashed into someone, sending my books and binders flying. Just as I was about to fall right to the ground, the person I bumped into caught me in their arms. I locked a gaze with a beautiful pair of emerald eyes, and I knew who it was straight away.

"Silvia, you have really got to learn how to take care of yourself! You could've gotten hurt." Harry helped me back to my feet before grabbing my scattered books. I brushed myself off and said, "well, I know that already from experience. It seems like I can't stop bumping into people in this school." I stared deeply into his eyes before recieving my books. Okay, so I admit that I wasn't really angry with him anymore, but I still had to pretend to so he could feel guilty. I lifted my chest witth a sense of pride. I put on my best evil smirk (which wasn't really that good) and began my talk.

"You shouldn't really be worrying about me, though. I mean, you should know that ditchers don't ever worry." I tried my best not laugh, and to my suprise, it was working. 

"Ditch...what are you talking.....oh. Look, Silvia, I'm very, very, very - "

"Woah that's a lot of 'very's,' " I said with a smile. Then I burst out laughing. 

"I'm sorry, but you should've seen your face!" I almost fell down again with amusement. Luckily Harry was there to help me keep my balance.

He looked over my shoulder and said, "hmm, I see. Well, like I said, you should start taking care of yourself." He waved to me just as he turned the hall.

Bye, I whispered dreamily to myself. I then turned around, and I saw Olivia texting on her phone. I looked at her very sparkly case and walked back to where she was standing. I totally forgot she was there, but she didn't really seem to mind.

Olivia's POV:

As soon as I finished my last text, I looked up to see if Silvia was done talking. Much to my suprise, she stood right in front of me.

"Woah! Didn't see you there," I told her. I locked my phone and put it in my jacket pocket. 

"Sorry for making you wait," she said. 

"Oh, no worries! I had to send a couple of e-mails and texts anyway, so this was the perfect time." I smiled at her. "So, how was your chat with you BF?" 

"BF...what? Him? No way! We are just...uh...friends?" She paused, as if she couldn't of the right word the classify him. Was he really her friend? Or something more?

"Uh huh, that's what they all say," I joked, although on the inside, I was kind of relieved they weren't together. The guy - whoever he was - caught my attention. He was gorgeous.

"No, seriously! His name is Harry, he's a new - "

"It's okay, you don't have to explain! I was only kidding." 

"Oh! Um, okay! Do you want to get to class now? It'll be starting any minute and I don't wanna be late!" With that, Silvia turned left and grabbed the door handle and was in the room before I could finish my reply.

I followed behind shortly. I don't like to be late, but even if I am a little late, who cares? Okay, so maybe I was  now acting a bit differently than before, but I couldn't help it. I'd fallen head over heels for Harry, and that's because I wasn't texting the entire time Silvia and Harry were talking, I was actually staring at him and listening to their conversation.

As soon as I entered the class, I saw him. Right there. Here's even more exciting news. His seat was beside the last empty spot available in the class. So guess where I had to sit?

Luckily, I saw Silvia behind me, and I relaxed again, but really, on the inside, my stomach was churning.

 Silvia's POV:

I could see someone looking at me out of the corner of my eye, so I looked up to see who it was. As soon as I saw the flowing dirty blonde hair, I automatically knew who it was.

I tapped on Olivia's shoulder, and she turned around very quickly, as if she was waiting for someone to do this all along.

"Hey!" I said excitedly. I had rushed into the classroom and didn't really get the chance to talk to Olivia since I saw her outside the room.

"Um, hey." She said, in a dull, not-her-ecstatic-self sort of tone. 

"Uh, what's wrong?"

"Oh, no, nothing's wrong." Olivia replied. 

"Oh. Are you sure? If there is, you can always tell me. You're a really good person, so I'd love to help you." I assured her. 

"Thanks, Silvia. You're really nice and a very good person, too. Trust me, though, everything's absolutely fine! I, uh, forgot to do my homework so I was a little bit tensed, but after you reassured me, I'm totally fine!" She  put her hand on my shoulder and said, "seriously, though. I really appreciate it."

"Alright, class! Time to settle in." Mrs. Ford called. 

Olivia quickly turned back around to face the front of the class. 

"First of all, welcome back Olivia." She gestured over at Olivia and Olivia nodded in acknowledgement. 

"Alright, class, here is what we are going to do today." Mrs. Ford clapped her hands together and started writing our schedule on the board. 

I started writing down the notes, and then I opened my binder to the next assignment , like Mrs. Ford has written on the board. 

I looked around to see if anyone was doing the same, and sure enough, the only person (other than me) who was doing what was asked was Harry. 

Not even Olivia was doing her work. She continously looked nervously to her left and then back again. I pointed my gaze to where she was looking, and saw that she was noticing Harry. Was she just trying to see what she was supposed to work on? Or something else?

I decided to ask her what was really the matter, but just as I leaned forward to tap her shoulder, she turned around abruptly. 

I jerked back into my seat and quickly put a welcoming smile on my face. 

"Uh, hey!" I said waving at her. 

"Oh, Silvia. Listen, I needed to talk to you about something...." 

YES! I knew there was something on her mind, and finally she got the nerve to talk to me about it. Wait, maybe it was something to do with math class....

"Ya, go ahead! Like I said, you can tell me anything."

"No, no, not here. Maybe after class?"

"Oh ya, sure."

"Girls, I think this isn't a time to be chit-chatting." Mrs. Ford looked at us sternly. 

I buried my face into my cardigan sleeve and avoided eye contact with her for the rest of the class. 

 Once class was over, I gathered all of my books together and sent Olivia off, telling her I would meet her outside the classroom. I was in a rush, because I really wanted to know what was up with Olivia, and find a way to help her. I really didn't want to see her stressed out like that. Oh, and I also didn't really want to be late for the next period. 

I was about to head out of the door when someone called my name. I pivet turned, I found the owner of the call. 

There he was, standing in the middle of the class, with a grin drawn on his face.

"Yes, Harry? Did you need anything?" I asked curiously. 

"Um, yeah. Listen, Silvia, I know we shoud forgot about our little incident in the coffee shop, so I was wondering, do you, uh, wanna reschedule? I mean, are you free another time?" He looked into my eyes hopefully. I kept staring until he snapped me back to reality with a shake. 

"Silvia! Are you okay?" I asked, shaking my shoulder.

"Oh, ya! Oh, and, of course we can, um, 'reschedule.' " I giggled a bit at the term used for an informal da-I mean, "meeting."

"So, maybe this Thursday? After school?" 

"Ya! This time, though, we will make sure not to miss each other!" We both laughed together. I really enjoyed that moment. It felt good to have a laugh like that with a person after a long time. 
