Chapter 5

Wednesday, September 19
8:54 a.m.

Mizuki POV

Today was the day when we had to get ready for a school festival. We have a festival at the beginning and end of the school year and we have parties on holidays. This was my favorite time of year and it's going to be my favorite month because... Wait for it... I don't have to take care of Itachi!

I was mentally dancing in my head and some girls then came up to me asking where the ribbons should be at.

"Give those to Tenten." They nodded and went right along. The boys were helping build the stands and learning a few things about what us girls have to live through.

Like cooking, cleaning, getting ready for a huge party and yeah. Sana came towards me and took me all the way towards where the dance floor will be like. It was bigger then expected, but hey we will have many students coming from other schools. I looked to see what was the problem and then I saw it, paint was everywhere, I face palmed myself and looked at the 4 boys who were trying to escape.

"Clean this up!! Tonight will be a big day!!" They all jumped and went to grab some supplies and started cleaning the huge mess.

I walked towards the other places and saw Hinata there painting a huge sign that is in cursive saying, "Back To School festival" I gave her a good job on it and saw that her guy was also helping but just a little bit.

While looking at Ino and her booth, she told me to test it out and gave me 3 a real Kunai there and pointed towards the three targets. I did hit the targets all at the same time which earned her to let out a loud gasp. I giggled and walked on to see the others, Sakura was currently blushing when she was getting dragged by her guy to there booth and I went to take a picture.

I looked at it and smiled. I looked around and took more pictures of everyone cooperating. I then went to check on the dance floor and saw it was now very shinny, the boys all looked very exhausted and I threw then an ice cream sandwich which they all caught.

They all ate it very fast and got up to go help others. I know there only acting like this so they can leave. I looked at the dance floor and saw it looked very empty, I then got the best idea and called Sana to help me.

"Sana I have a great idea!" I told her and her eyes widen. We both went running toward our dorms and grabbed an oversized shirt and shorts with flip flops.

I put my hair in a long ponytail and walked out waiting for Sana who then came out wearing the same thing I am wearing. We both tried running outside and started grabbing metal bars from the storage room and started building them into like a little fence for the dance.

Everyone gasped at what we were wearing because it's not considered lady like.

"Oh come on its not like you haven't done it." They all run up to there dorms and came out with work like clothes.

We all started building things painting and planting many cool stuff around. It was going to turn into the best party ever in history.

"Hey Itachi, Sasori! We need a little help!" They looked at us then turned around and walked away.

"We could help." I looked to see it was an old friend.

"Kakashi! Nice to see you." He and some of his friends came and get the thing that the DJ's use, oh what was that called? Oh well whatever.

We finished and it was about to be time. I called everyone towards the dance floor part and looked at them.

"Looks like we only have one hour to get ready! You all did great, well some of you." I looked at Itachi and Sasori who just crossed there arms and had an emotionless face.

"Anyway please go get ready for tonight, remember that many students from all around her are going to be coming."

"Wait does that mean even the Akatsuki students will come as well." Sakura asked.

"Yes but don't worry it will be fine." She nodded and then pulled her guy towards the school.

"What are you still doing here? Go get ready!" Everyone rushed and left.

Kakashi and his friends left as well while I started walking towards my dorm and went in. I looked at my dresses that I had but non of them really looked so good. Then all of a sudden I found the perfect dress.

I looked it over when I put it on the mirror and saw it was just the perfect dress for me. I went in and put a bit of makeup and then as going out my eyes widen.

"Who knew you will dress up for today." I said with a small laugh.

"Ha ha very funny." He looked me over and smiled. "You don't look so bad."

"Neither do you, you ready to go, oh yeah I forgot." I bent down and put him that tracker if he leaves campus. He sighed and we both went out. I looked at Sana who looked really mad.

"I am not wearing this stupid dress! I can't believe you persuaded me!" I looked at her and giggled.

"See even she thinks I look ugly!"

"No it's just that I never seen you dressed up, you normally just wear pants heals and a long shirt whenever it comes to these things."

I could see that he didn't really persuaded her but she decided to wear it because by the looks of it, Sasori is actually dresses up the same way Sana will.

"Come on!! Let's go we can't let the people waiting!" I said and started walking towards where everyone was at.

"Are you all ready?!" They all cheered and me and Sana went up ahead and opened the doors.

"GO HAVE SOME FUN!!" They all went to there booths and I went to open the gates for the others to get in. As they all came I went and flashed the lights on and the DJ who was... Who was it?? I think his name was Naruto, I don't know, started the music.

Everyone was either playing or on the dance floor. Hinata grabbed the microphone and looked someone that this blond told her to call up.

"Can we please have Itachi Uchiha up here." I looked around and saw Itachi there who started to grit his teeth. He started to walk up on stage and Hinata gave him the microphone and left.

Music started and he begin to sing.

Been sitting eyes wide open behind these four, walls hoping you'd call

His voice was so smooth that can make any girl fall in love with him.

It's just a cruel existence like there's no point hoping at all

Baby, baby, I feel crazy, up all night, all night and everyday

Right that moment Hinata came and gave me a microphone. I was confused though I knew the whole song.

Give me something, oh, but you say nothing what is happening to me?

She and that blind guy shove me up stage and told me to sing along with him.

(And I don't want to live forever, 'cause I know I'll be living in vain)

(And I don't want to fit wherever)

(I just wanna keep calling your name)

until you come back home

I just wanna keep calling your name

until you come back home

I just wanna keep calling your name

Until you come back home

He was then about to sing the other verse when I beat him to it still very confused. Sakura was telling me to walk towards the front so he could see who was singing with him.

I'm sitting eyes wide open and I got one thing stuck in my mind

Wondering if I dodge a bullet or just lost the love of my life, oh

Baby, baby, I feel crazy, up all night, all night and everyday

I gave you something, but you gave me nothing
What is happening to me?

When he looked at me I rolled my eyes at him and looked a little shy when I was singing, oh how I just want to get off the stage already.

(And I don't want to live forever, 'cause I know I'll be living in vain)

(And I don't want to fit wherever)

(I just wanna keep calling your name)

Until you come back home

I just wanna keep calling your name

Until you come back home

I just wanna keep calling your name

Until you come back home

I've been looking sad in all the nicest places

Baby baby I feel crazy

I see you all around in all these empty faces

Up all night, all night and everyday

I've been looking sad in all the nicest places

Give me something, oh, but you say nothing

Now I'm in a cab, I tell 'em where your place is

What is happening to me?

Never in my rightful life will I sing again!

(I don't want to live forever, 'cause I know I'll be living in vain)

(And I don't want to fit wherever)

(I just wanna keep calling your name)

Until you come back home

I just wanna keep calling your name

Until you come back home

I just wanna keep calling your name

Until you come back home

I just wanna keep calling your name

Until you come back home

I just wanna keep calling your name

Until you come back home

I just wanna keep calling your name

Until you come back home

Everyone started applauding and then I saw my friends all laughing. I glared at them and got off, giving the microphone to Naruto.

"You are so going to pay for that!" I stormed off and went to go talk with Kakashi who looked like he was just eating ice cream.

"Hey how did you like singing up stage." He said.

"Ugh I don't want to talk about it, my freaking friends set everything up *sigh* you from all people know that I hate singing in front of people."

"Yeah I figured."

"So what's up, your all by yourself."

"Just came here to think."

"About what?"

"Just some stuff that isn't so important."


I stayed there looking at him and took out my camera.

"Picture?" He sighed and nodded. We took one and I put the camera away.

I looked at the night sky and I could feel his eyes looking at me.

"Is there something wrong?"

"No everything is just perfect." I smiled at him and looked back up the sky.

It was so peaceful and colorful. I looked at Kakashi which he later gave me a hug and whispered something in my ear which made my eyes go wide.

Wednesday, September 18
5:17 p.m.

Sana POV


You said if you get to pick my clothes then I will pick yours."

"But this?! No way!"

Ugh I was panicking because... Well I am forced to wear a dress. While going out me and Sasori were still in a argument and I heard Mizuki giggle.

"See even she thinks I look ugly!"

She started saying things which made me just walk out where they were at. Mizuki catched up and for being her hyper active self she took us towards the main hall, there we opened the doors and everyone went in. Mizuki went ahead and opened the school gates and there many of the other students came inside.

We were all having fun when I heard these guys talking about Itachi knowing how to sing.

"Wait he know how to sing?" I said butting in.


"How about we make him sing?" I said to this blond and he just smirked.

"You got yourself a deal, watch and learn."

He went up to Hinata and started telling her some stuff which made he nod her head.

"Can we please have Itachi Uchiha up here?"

He went up there and Hinata gave him the microphone ever so gently. Naruto put a song on well the karaoke version of the song and Itachi looked like if he knew because he was singing so... Amazing.

Any girl will love a guy with a voice like that, including me, but nah he isn't my type.

I listened and I told Hinata to take Mizuki up on stage, she didn't want to so me and Sakura decided to help her out. Mizuki wasn't really that much of a hand full but she got into the groove towards the end if the song. People were dancing and taking video of what was going on.

I in the other hand felt bored being there and decided on taking a walk around the now empty place. I then bumped into somebody and looked up only to see an old friend I haven't seen in ages.

"Shisui?! Is that you?" I asked the guy in front of me.

"No I'm Kenny the koala!" I hugged him and smiled.

"Wow you have gotten taller, how have you been?"

"Good and you?"

"I've been good, wow how has everything gone with you and your family, last time I saw you both you and your family were in bad terms."

"Were alright, thanks for your concern, and what about yours?"

"Uh... They died yesterday when on a mission."

"Oh I'm so sorry."

"No need, it's alright I have Mizuki with me so I'm fine."

We talked so much about our adventures and how things have changed from the last time we saw each other. It was so nice to finally see him, I still remembered I had this small crush on him and told him on the day he had to leave town. It's so cool that he returned.

"Do you remember the last day that I was here?"

"Don't tell me the one where... Oh gosh!"

We both begin to laugh and I felt like if someone was watching us but I ignored it. We kept on talking on what has been happening now and all the weird things.

"So I am in charge of being like the teacher or tutor or whatever you want to call it to a delinquent."

"What who is it?"

"His name is Sasori, and he goes to the school named Akatsuki."

His eyes widen and then he turned around.

"Is that so."

"Yeah, he's a real pain."

He didn't look at me but just stand there looking far off towards the woods.

"Do you know over there they already teach them how to do jutsu in a young age." I looked at him surprised.


"Were not aloud to, looks like there principal allows it in secret. Sasori is known to be a puppet master, though I can't believe he hasn't turn you into one of his human puppets." He said that ever so quietly that I found it hard to hear everything but I managed to.

I stood there and looked at him, I smiled when our eyes met.

"Everything will be okay, he might be a puppet master but I'm stronger then that to think of what he will do to me. If something happens then it happens for a reason no biggy."

"You know your always so true to yourself."

"How is that?"

"Your always that strong little girl who always brought a smile to everyone's face. Your that little girl that made it hard for me to say goodbye."

I blushed as he put a strain of my hair behind my ear and held my cheek coming closer. We were about an inch apart for the kiss to be sealed but something or someone grabbed me and pulled me away from him. I looked to see who it was and saw Sasori there with a mad face on.

I gulped because I never saw him be like that before which really scared me, he was somebody different somebody I never thought will be part of him.

"Stay away from her you got that!" He growled at Shisui.

"Fine I will try, but you do know that deep inside she still loves me." He left and I looked at Sasori.

"What was that for?" I asked him.

"Tch, let's just go back." I saw his face turn red and I begin to giggle.

"What?!" He said with a growl.

"Nothing but I think you got jealous."

"Me oh please like I would get jealous over a guy like that."

"Do you think I'm pretty?" I asked him this made him blush even more.

"Yeah." I didn't hear him so I decided to ask him again.

"What was that."

"No your to ugly, I was just protecting you by a pervert like him!"


We started getting in a big argument and this brought the attention of the people who we didn't see was looking at us argue.

"Uh, how long were you two here?" I asked Kakashi and Mizuki.

"Long enough to hear that he said you ugly." Mizuki said while laughing.

I stormed off and begin to go and talk with Hinata but she was busy talking with he DJ who so happens to be the guy she has to tutor. I thought about talking with Sakura but she was there talking with Sasuke. Ino was by her self but I don't want to get up with her. I then saw Temari who was also alone and decided why not talk to her.

"Hey Temari, do you like the dance so far?"

"Yeah it's nice though Shikamaru is with his friends which makes things so boring, should you be dancing?"

"Nah I don't have a partner."

"Oh what about that red head you have to take care of?"

"Got in an argument."

"Oh, explains a lot."

We kept on changing subjects rapidly because we didn't know what to say that is until somebody tapped my shoulder, I looked to see who it was and for my surprise it was Sasori.

"Dance with me." He commanded which made me glare at him.

"But I'm with Temari, of course I can't leave her alone." I said thinking I'm all smart.

"She's all yours red." Temari pushed me towards him and he took me towards the dance floor where the DJ put a slow song.

It was very awkward mainly because Mizuki was taking pictures. Sasori was there just looking a bit flustered, I was just there looking the opposite way of him.

"Hey." He said all of a sudden.

"Hi." I replied.

That was it until the song was over and we went back to our seats. Mizuki was showing the pictures to Kakashi, and it was so funny when his eyes widen. Like he has that mask every single time that it's only his eyes where you could see his emotions.

They walked around taking pictures and chatting while Itachi was there all bored on the bench. I saw him get up and walked towards where Mizuki was at and asked her to dance. Kakashi came around and sat next to me and sighed.

"Ugh I was going to ask her." He said out loud.

I looked at him and his eyes widen, I was about to say something but he beat me to it.

"Don't ever say anything on what I said to Mizuki!" I nodded and just looked at them dance.

Unlike me and Sasori they seem to be getting along, though when he stepped on her, boy im sorry for you. She held in the pain and kept on dancing practically much saying how much she hates him. I sat there with nothing else to do but keep a conversation with Kakashi who was there and will actually listen to my complaints.

He didn't really look so interested but he still listened and gave me tips, I nodded and looked at the time. It was almost past midnight which meant.... FIREWORKS!!!

The song stopped and I grabbed Mizuki and started getting a lighter and lighting all the fireworks. Everyone looked at them in aww, there was on that had a heart and I looked at Mizuki who started blushing at something Kakashi said but she just turned around.

"Hey there gorgeous~" I looked to see who it was and as I predicted it was Shisui.

"Gorgeous? Are you trying to flatter me?" He shrugged and looked back at me.

"Aye it was worth a shot." I smiled and giggled a bit.

"You are quite something Shisui Uchiha."

We both looked at the fireworks together and then I felt a hand touch mine.

"Huh?" I looked to see Shisui there looking up at the fireworks like if nothing happened so I ignored it.
