(Y/N): Your Name

Sanji's plan was to sneak into the island via Pudding's carpet, Rabiyan. Once he had Luffy, we will pick them up while sailing past Cacao Island and leaving Big Mom's territory at full speed. It sounds like an easy plan but, it will be difficult.

It was currently 12:55 AM which meant our promised time would be in 5 minutes, Sanji already went on ahead just in case Luffy happened to defeat Katakuri and was waiting for us.

As we got closer, an alarm rang through the whole island. A huge fleet was waiting for us at the coast of the island. 'Seems we are that formidable' I smirked to myself.

 "They see us!" Chopper started to panic, as usual, sucks Usopp isn't here so he can panic with him.

"There's only one ship on our side!" Brook then looked at me and pointed towards the fleet. "Doesn't it seem like overkill?!"

"It does, doesn't it but..."

"It's logical. Even though it was unintended, it's like we declared that we were going to be there." Jinbei mentioned.

"That's right. They can't let us escape no matter what," I agreed.

"So they had to throw away their pride... Even if they are the might Big Mom Pirates," I saw the look on Nami's face and I can tell she was proud. I am too, it's not every day an Emperor of the Sea gets pushed this far.

"Here they come!" Brook warned us as we saw them point their cannons towards us.

"No! We're gonna die!" Chopper started crying. "Luffy, hurry up!"

"Keep our distance from the island!" Nami told Jinbei.

"All right!" Jinbei turned the ship and I looked back to see the fleet lead by Smoothie not slowing down.

"We can't get pinned here..."

"Yeah we need to be careful," Nami agreed.

The clock felt like it was ticking way too slow but slowly but surely the clock hit 1 AM...

Cannonballs were shot towards us and Jinbei was dodging them like the skillful helmsman he is. Brook, Chopper, and I were thrown off our feet but I landed on Chopper who landed on Brook.

Purupurupuru, purupurupuru, purupurupuru... Gacha. I answered the transponder snail that was ringing.

"This is Sanji,"

"Sanji!" I felt a smile creep up on my face just from hearing from him.

"Luffy made it!"

"Yes!" Nami, Brook, Jinbei, Chopper, and I cheered.

"I'll see you guys soon!"

"Alright, I'll be waiting!"

"(Y/N)! WAS TH-" Gacha. I hung up on Sanji and let out a sigh.

"No that wasn't a proposal," Nami giggled at me but was soon cut off when the next round of cannonballs shot at us. Jinbei did an amazing job dodging it until a huge explosion occurred at the harbor. 'What the...'

"Those ships at the shore are burning!" Brook couldn't believe it.

"What's going on?!" Nami was confused about what was happening.

"Next! Prepare to fire!" I looked over and saw Germa 66's fleet shooting at Big Mom's fleet. 'Forgot they double-crossed them...'

"Hey, Jinbei. What do you think of Germa? Are they enemies or allies to us?" Nami asked him.

"They could've gotten away. Why bother coming to get us now?" Jinbei asked the question that Nami probably had.

"Oh! Maybe Reiju-san came to show me her panties..." Of course, Nami gave Brook a good kick to his skull.

"It's Sanji! Here he comes, guys! Sanji is carrying Luffy!" Carrot said from the top of the birds' nest. She was on the lookout for Sanji and Luffy.

"Yay!" Brook, Nami, and Chopper celebrated while I let out a sigh of relief.

"I knew he could do it!" Jinbei smiled.

"Now, everyone's here!" Sanji landed on the ship while slowly placing Luffy down.

"Yay! They're back!" Nami, Brook, and Chopper ran towards them and I was right behind them. Carrot jumped down from the birds' nest and joined in our fun.

"Luffy!" Nami and I were the first ones towards him.


"Luffy!" Carrot and Chopper ran towards Luffy.

"I'm glad that you're okay!" Chopper and Brook were crying tears of joy. But Luffy was sleeping with a snot bubble expanding and decreasing every time he snored, he was definitely exhausted.

"I'm so happy! Really!" Brook couldn't stop the tears going down his skull.

"He has been totally worn out..." Nami dropped to her knees.

"Well done! Luffy! Sanji!" Jinbei praised them.

"I was so worried, Luffy!" Carrot hugged and bit his ear. "Garchu!" Luffy's snot bubble popped and he woke up with half-lidded eyes.

"You guys... You kept me waiting so long!"

"Yeah, right!" Nami snapped at him.

"Luffy... Did you beat Katakuri?" Chopper asked and he looked towards him giving him a smile.


"Wow!" Chopper was easily amazed, well I am too.

"I'm so impressed, Luffy-san!" Brook complimented him while Luffy laughed and went back to sleep instantly.

"He fell asleep?!" Carrot couldn't believe it.

"The cuts and bruises are still fresh..." Nami checked out his wounds.

"Chopper-san, see to his wounds! He's losing too much blood, isn't he?!" Brook told Chopper who was too busy being amazed.

"Yeah!" Chopper got straight to work but then looked over to Sanji who lit his cigarette. "Sanji, you too. You got shot!"

"Mm? Oh, this is nothing." He put his hand over his left arm which was bleeding. "Treat Luffy first." I got up from beside Luffy and stood next to Sanji.

"Once Luffy gets patched up, you will go to Chopper. Understand?" I told him sternly.

"Hai, (Y/N)-san! Are you worried about me?" Sanji gave me heart eyes. I turned my head feeling a blush slowly spread across my face.

"Y-yes... You are officially back," I stepped towards Sanji and gave him a hug. "Please don't leave me again..."

"(Y/N)...I will never leave your side again. I promise," He returned the hug back.

"That's a promise then," I whispered. Our moment was short-lived when shots were being fired at us from behind.

"They've caught up to us before we realized!" Brook looked back at the fleet Smoothie led.

"We haven't lost them yet! Treat him as we sail away!" Nami told Chopper. As we were escaping Germa's Fleet was sailing towards us and straight towards the fleet behind us. They blocked the cannon shots that were shot directly at us.

As we were going past their main ship Judge stood there looking down on us. Staring especially at Luffy and ignoring Sanji.

"What's so good about him?!" Luffy slowly opened his eyes realizing he was talking to him. "This is Emperor of the Sea territory... Once you enter, you'll never be able to get out! You risked your life just to get him back?! Sanji is Germa's failure! He works as a cook because he has no pride in his royal blood!"

"Uh-huh..." Luffy nodded but I can tell he wasn't really getting what Judge was saying.

"He's easily moved like an idiot and his soft mind makes him put his life on the line for the weak! A failed soldier who is far from perfect... That's all he is!" We all looked up at Judge and I barely kept in my anger. Luffy just sighed out.

"Goodbye! Thank you for your help!" Luffy waved at Judge giving him a smile.

"Why don't you say something?! Straw Hat!" Judge yelled at Luffy but he kept ignoring him.

"I'm surprised. Why did he suddenly start listing all the good things about you?" Luffy looked at Sanji confused.

"What?! He didn't mean it that way!" Sanji turned towards Luffy and my anger was instantly gone.

"You guys are amazing!" Jinbei started to laugh and I joined him. Nami and Sanji just shook their head.

"Why's that?" Luffy asked then Chopper and Carrot. Brook joined the laugh and Nami let out a little giggle. The fun was short when Carrot jumped up and told us to look ahead. A massive fleet was ahead of us.

"AHHHH! When did they arrive?!" Chopper screamed along with Brook.

"We got pinned down!" I cried out.

"All their available ships came around the island!" Nami said. "We're surrounded!" The ships ahead of us started to shot at us and just barely missing.

"We're already in their attack range!" I said. Not only were they in front of us but the whole fleet were paddle ships so they were rapidly closing the gap.

We thought we were finished until a big monster came out from the sea.

"Those who trouble Boss... I won't forgive!" Ships were falling from where he surfaced out the water.

"WHAT?!" Nami yelled out. I recognized the monster from Fish-Man Island.

"He's a member of Hordy's group from the Fish-Man Island..." Chopper was in shock.

"Wadatsumi! No way!"  Jinbei quickly jumped off the ship and into the sea.

"Jinbei!" Luffy called out to him but he was already gone.

"Go away!" The monster, who I assume is Wadatsumi, grabbed and threw the enemy ships in the air.

"So cool!" Chopper cheered.
