
ON AN ABANDONED ROAD just outside of New Orleans, there was a man with curly light-brown hair, pale skin and dark blue eyes that seem to penetrate one's soul when you look at it. The man was leaning against a black SUV carrying what seems to be a bundle of cloth in his arms. But if you'll look closely, you would see that this 'cloth' was actually moving or rather the child enveloped in its soft folds is moving.

It was obvious by the way that the man looks at the child that he loves her very much. That he would do anything in his power to ensure the child's safety, happiness, and well-being. It was as clear as day that she was his world. She was the gravity that binds him to the earth. Though, aside from the love and adoration evident in his eyes, you could also see the sorrow in them.

He was lost so deep in his thoughts that he did not notice the red convertible heading his way. Until its blazing headlights pulled him from his reverie. As the door of the newly arrived car opens, his gaze instantly fixates on the girl exiting the car. Taking in her icy blonde hair, her light blue eyes that are quite identical to his, her full lips, and her pale skin ; searching, looking and ensuring that the girl in front of him was alright and was not harmed in anyway what-so-ever.

As the girl makes a move towards the man, the man also makes a move towards her, meeting her halfway. When they were face-to-face with one another, the man breaks the silences by saying, "Hello little sister," with a slight smirk on his face.

His sister gives him a small smile while reaching out an arm to touch the baby. "She looks like her mother," she says to her brother. "Maybe there is a god after all," she adds making her brother smile whilst looking at the precious baby girl in his arms.

"She has a hint of the devil in her eyes," her brother replies to her, as a proud smile spreads across his face while gazing lovingly at his daughter. "That's all me," he says while looking up at his sister. His sister in turn smiles at him fondly.

"You'll need a witch you can trust to cast a cloaking spell," he said seriously to his sister. All playfulness suddenly gone from his voice and whole demeanor.

"I will get one," his sister replies to him instantly. Eagerness evident in her voice.

"No one can find out," he says to his little sister in an all business manner.

"I know what to do, Nik," she says to his brother. "Perhaps we'll get a white fence. I think that would be lovely," she says dreamily to her brother.

Nik re-adjusts his daughter, so that, she will be facing him. He chokes in a tear and gulps, as he says whilst looking at his beloved daughter, "This city would have seen you dead. But I will have it your home and every soul who wishes you harm will be struck down. Just as sure as my blood runs in your veins. You ... will return ... to me." He says to his daughter with a voice filled with so much love for his daughter and sorrow at their eminent separation.

He kisses his child in the forehead and cheeks; and then gives her to his sister whose face is filled with mixed emotions as she saw the heartwarming goodbye between father and daughter. And most importantly, because she has finally seen her brother's humanity that she thought was long gone.

Nik then takes out the chess piece that he had carved a long time ago for their father but gave it to her sister instead when they were little, so that, she will be braver like the little wooden night and no longer be scared by thunder. At the sight of the wooden night, she looks clearly taken aback at her brother's gesture. Never really realizing how much her brother cares for her, until now.

"In spite of our differences Rebekah. There is no one more I would trust with my daughter's life," he says to her while she looks at him, a tear escaping her eye. He then grabs the back of her head and then kisses her cheek. "Be happy, little sister," he says to her sincerely, wishing her and his child nothing but the best.

"She will be happy, Nik. I promise," Rebekah says whilst wiping the stray tear that has fallen on her cheek. "What's her name?" she asks her brother who tries to give her a reassuring smirk which he fails miserably at.

"Hope," her brother says after a moment of thought, "Her name is Hope." He finally says as he struggles to keep the tears from freely falling down his cheeks. The tears now freely cascading on his cheeks.

Rebekah then exchanges looks with her brother as they both slowly start to walk away from each other. With Nik walking with his back to the SUV, his gaze fixated on his sister and daughter without even batting an eyelash. While Rebekah turns away and heads to her convertible with the baby safely tucked in her arms. With one last look at her brother, Rebekah gets into her convertible. While, Nik looks at her and his daughter for one last time as they go inside the car. Attempting to say one last goodbye but fails to do so. Because his voice was caught in his throat due to so much emotions going through him because of his daughter's departure.

Both of them heading towards different directions. With Rebekah heading out of town with baby Hope. A promise of a new tomorrow for both of them. One without the constant threat and turmoil that New Orleans gave them. While her brother - Nik heads back into the city, heading straight back to the heart of the chaos and constant power struggle itself that made him give his daughter away in the first place. With a promise that he will make New Orleans her daughter's home, so that, she can one day return to him. A promise, not only to himself but also to his daughter and family, that he bounds to keep. Even if it's the last thing he does. No matter what the cost is.

Hi guys!! I'm Acir. I'm a big fan of The Originals and The Vampire Diaries. Thus, due to my love for it; I have decided to write this fanfic. This is actually the first time that I have ever wrote a fanfic. I really do hope that you guys enjoy this story. Thank you very much. Have fun :)
