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Yoongi POV


Yoongi and Jimin were hanging out by Yoongi's piano.

Yoongi had asked Jimin his opinion for a new song that he had composed. Even though Jimin's job has nothing to do with being a singer, hence he is a model, he still helped out his hyung.

Yoongi started a conversation with the younger.

"Hey Jimin, got anything to do after this?" Yoongi asked, turning around on the bench to face the younger.

"Hm.. Let me check hyung." Jimin took out his phone from his pocket and checked the schedule that was made for him by his PA (personal assistant).

"Ah, I have nothing else to do hyung, why?" Jimin asked. Inserting his phone in the pockets of my jeans.

Yoongi thought for a little bit then said,

"Want to go out for some mochi and ice cream?" Yoongi said with a subtle smile knowing that Jimin would like to go.

Jimin's eyes lit up at the words of Yoongi.

He nodded his head eagerly and said "Yes."


Yoongi and Jimin had arrived at the younger's favorite mochi and ice cream store.

"Hyung~ I want this one" The younger pointed at a green tea flavored mochi.

The younger looked at more of the desserts and bit his lip.

Yoongi chuckled a bit at his dongsaeng.

"Wait! I want this one- No! This one hyung." Jimin said, pointing at a red bean paste filled mochi.

"Of course Jimin." Yoongi said.

"I'll take 4 red bean paste filled mochi's please." The older said to the cashier.

"Will that be all?" The cashier asked.

"One second please. Jimin would you like anything else?" Yoongi asked the younger.

"Can i get a small vanilla ice cream and water too?" Jimin said, well kinda asked.

"Sure. Add a small vanilla ice cream and 2 waters please." Yoongi said, turning back to the waiter.

"Your total will be $25 (27943.75 won)."

Yoongi paid for the food and they both headed to a table.

Their food came so they started to chat a bit.

They talked about their days and even talked about Jimin becoming a singer for his songs.

(I changed him from being a streamer to a producer)

"Hyung-" Jimin started but was cut off by Yoongi.

"Don't call me hyung anymore. Just Yoongi." Yoongi said, taking a sip from his water bottle.

"Oh. Are you sure hyun- I mean Yoongi?" Jimin asked and the older only nodded.

"Are you done eating your food Jimin?" Yoongi asked stacking the cups of his ice cream and mochi together.

"Yes Yoongi." Jimin smiled at the older looking at him.

"Should we go home now?" Yoongi asked.

"Sure." Jimin said. They cleaned up their cups and left a tip for the cashier before walking out of the little dessert cafe.

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"Hyung!" Jungkook called.

Everyone in the room turned to Jungkook who just came down from the staircase.

"Who?" Jimin asked.

"All of us are your hyungs?" Hoseok said.

Jungkook groaned in frustration.

"Jiminie hyung." Jungkook said, pointing at Jimin who was back at looking towards his phone.

"Me? What do you need?" Jimin asked, still looking at his phone smiling.

"Before i say anything, who are you texting?" Jungkook tried not to sound jealous, but it was obvious, everyone -except Jimin who didn't know anything- sensed the maknae's jealousy.

"Ah, Yoongi." Jimin straightforwardly said, then looking up to look at Jungkook.

Jungkook frowned at what Jimin said. "Yoongi again." He thought in his mind. The youngest shrugged it off of his mind and continued to ask Jimin.

"You said you would help me with my dance assignment." Jungkook simply said.

"Oh, that. Sure." Jimin turned off his phone and placed it in his pocket.

The others minded their own business either going back to their phones, watching the tv, or going back to their own rooms.

Jimin went to his room and got changed. Jungkook did the same.

"Let's go Kookie." He brought Jungkook to the practice room.


Wrote fully by me, but the next chapter will mostly be written by my friend @ma_sophia
