Online ~ Chapter 9

~ Third person.

Melanie squealed as troye and Melanie began to land at the airport of Bora Bora. They landed in the morning, everyone waiting in the air port already.

"Melanie calm down! I want to enjoy my last moments in first class." Troye wined sarcastically making Melanie giggle.

They dashed off of the plane, making it off first with their luggage in their hands. They ran hand in hand towards the food court where they were going to meet. 

"Stop- running- can't- breathe." Melanie puffed, hands on her knees as Troye grabbed her wrist a pulled her into the food court, rolling his eyes.

They stood there, glancing around the room until Melanie pointed out halsey's bright pink hair and Josh's bright (piss) yellow. As they began to walk over, Brendon stopped all conversation, seeing the two-toned hair of little Melanie.

"Melanieee!!" He yelled, running over with open arms as Melanie was engulfed into a hug bear hug. 

Halsey and Jenna laughed loudly as Sarah face-palmed. While Brendon was occupied forcing troye into a hug, lana waltzed over to melanie with open arms and swaying hips. They hugged tightly and complemented each other's carefully shaped and painted nails. As soon as Lana was out of view, Melanie had fallen onto the floor  from halsey, jenna and tyler jumping/hugging her at the same time. Melanie chuckled loudly, feeling happier than she had in a few weeks as they helped her up off the ground. That's when her smile dropped for a minute, but she quickly regained it again.

"Hey Josh! How are you." She smiled as they had a short hug, avoiding eye contact.

" Im fine, listen melanie I-"he was quickly interrupted by lana holding melanie's hand protectively.

"You can talk later, W're all going out to the beach house that we're all staying at. Then Melanie and I are going to the pool house with the girls. So unless you have a better place to be, Don't wait up son!" she sassed as they walked away, leaving him there with his hands in his jean pockets, feeling guilty.

"Thanks Lana." Melanie smiled shyly.

"No problem." She smiles back, squeezing my arm as we walk out of the air port into one of the taxi's.


I pushed my hands against the warm, white concrete, lifting myself out of the warm pool. I grab a towel dry my hair as I giggle at sarah, halsey and jenna race around the pool, playing rough tag. I shake my head and tiptoe over to lana as she throws me a fluffy, white robe and sit down on the table right in front of Lana.

"So, how was tour?" She smiles, showing me three different nail-polish colours.

"I do not want to talk about tour, I just want to relax and Imagine what hell that security guard is probably going through." I sighed as I pointed at a pale, baby pink colour.

"Yeah, that was shitty what he did."She nodded as she began painting my big toe.

"This place is... wow. I'm so use to shitty motel rooms." I chuckled.

"Only the best for my favourite people."She shrugged.

I smiled, sighing in relief and relaxation as I look out past the pool at the view.

" We should do this sort of stuff more often instead of pocking a box constantly." Lana sighed, dipping the nail-polish brush back into the pot for a fresh batch.

"So, uh, are you gonna maybe talk to Josh tonight." She says awkwardly as she moves onto the next foot.

"Why do I need to talk to Josh?" I laughed lightly.

"Well, I mean aren't you guys fighting. It'd be better to just make up now so there's no drama and we can all just relax and be friends." She rambled nervously making me giggle and shake my head.

"lana, we are friends, chill." I sighed making her smile happily as she sat up, observing her master piece.

"Eh, good enough." She shrugged,  getting up and unwrapping her hair from the towel.

I got up from the table, unwrapped the robe and threw on a short pink skirt and my blue jumper, leaving it unzipped as I shoved my things in my bag and began walking back up to the beach house.I skipped up the wood staircase, carful not to mess up my toe nails, and slipped inside threw the glass door.  I rolled my eyes, seeing all the boys slumped over on the couch, scoffing down pizza and oddly cereal as they played some weird horror movie. I swiped the romote from the couch and paused the movie.

"Hey, we were watching that." Troye laughed as I stood in front of the tv.

"I don't give a shit, you can do that when your back in the shitty motels on tour. We're in paradise for christ sakes." I sighed.

"The woman has a point." Tyler shrugged, getting up from the couch and swiping the pizza box and cereal from the table and walking towards the kitchen.

" I guess we have no choice but to face the sun." Troye smiled running past me down to the pool as tyler and Brendon followed.

"hey mel, nice bikini top!" Brendon called.

"Thanks perve!" I laughed.

I looked down at the couch and sighed, Josh still sitting there uncomfortably. I shook my head and sat down next to him.

"What's wrong josh?" I sighed.

"Why do you care, you obviously won't want me around, so I'll just stay out of the way." He said sadly.

"Josh that's ridiculous, If I didn't want you around, I'd be hiding in my room all trip and I definitely wouldn't have hugged you and asked how you were feeling at the airport. Josh we're Friends, what happened is forgettable and forgivable now get your ass up so we can go have a good time together." I smiled, making him laugh. Which made me blush a little.

We both got up and walked back down to the pool, where I was quickly picked up and thrown into the pool again by brendon, ruining my nails. But that as ok, because We all got into the pool and had fun till night fall. 

Stress gone, as well as my affair situation. 
