Best Mistake Ever

Hey guys! I'm back with a one shot requested by @ItsBronwynBitch! This is a Chubby!Fiona/ Fugh get together oneshot with my little spin on it! Hope you enjoy!!!!

A/N: Set in the loop in the '60s (by that I mean present day in the '60s, it's still the '40s in the loop.)


Fiona POV

I came to the loop three months ago with my friends, Hugh and Enoch. Hugh was the reason I was alive and Enoch was, well, just a friend..... a very pessimistic friend. I had met Hugh back when I was kicked out of my village for witchcraft . Our loop began to grow overcrowded, so they moved us here, to Miss Peregrine's Loop. In 1943.

I don't really fit in here. I don't talk a lot, just to Hugh and all this new technology drives me insane. How should I know how to operate a bloody telephone or a bleeding lightbulb. I don't know what the hell they are!!!!!! I may have also sent a fork through the radio. Once or twice.

And they expect me to know who Hitler is?!?! I don't even know what World War One is, much less any commanders of THIS bleeding war.

I'm also younger than all the kids in my age group. I'm only 15, Hugh is 17,  Emma 16, Abe 18, Bronwyn 16, and Millard 17. I'm the youngest besides Horace, Claire, Enoch, Olive, Charlotte, and Marcie, who aren't even teenagers yet!!!!!

I'm also fatter than all the other girls. They don't tease or judge me about it, I just feel less beautiful. They all have tall, lean, and perfect bodies while I'm just stuck being shorter and chubbier. 

Suddenly the door opened. I backed away from the mirror and sat on my bed.

"Hey Fi, come down" Hugh whispered.

I crept down the stairs to see all the older kids getting ready to go somewhere.

"Hey Fi, wanna come out with us?" Emma asked.

"Um...." I started. 

"It's okay if you don't, we understand. You're only 15 after all, you're not a giant wuss like someone." Victor said, pointing at Millard and Bronwyn.

Millard scoffed. "I just don't want to get in trouble, unlike some people." 

"Someone needs to be here to watch over the others." Bronwyn said.

" I get why Bronwyn wants to stay, but the bird isn't here Mill, come on live a little." Abe said.

Miss Peregrine was currently away visiting Miss Wren for some reason. We don't know why, but she left in a rush, leaving us in charge. It was apparently urgent, because Emma told me Miss Peregrine has never left the loop. Ever. (A/N: tehehe I couldn't resist. I love foreshadowing!)

"We need to go now, if we want to go at all!" Emma said. Hugh looked at me.

"Come on Fi, it'll be fun! I promise!" He said with that stupid charming grin on his face. I shrugged.

"Yes! Go get ready, we won't leave without you." He said.

I ran upstairs and grabbed a pair of modern day 'jeans' which I found during my journey to this loop. I grabbed a cut of dress and my boots and ran downstairs.

"Ready?" Victor asked. 

I nodded.

"Okay, Millard, Wynnie cover for us if the younger ones wake up. I'll pay you. Bye." Abe said as we ran for the door. Millard gave us a disapproving look and ran up stairs.


We arrived at The Priest Hole, the only bar and Cairnholm. Abe gave us money and warned us to meet back at the loop entrance in  two hours and thirty minutes. He then ran off to an abandoned warehouse with Emma. 

Once we were inside the bar, Victor left to 'talk' with some girls, leaving Hugh and I alone.

"Wanna sit?" Hugh said. 

I nodded and we sat at a booth.

A waitress spotted us and ran over. 

"What can I get you two? Brandy, beer. We have some wine, but it's a bit extra." She ended with a giggle. She was obviously drunk.

"We'll have two beers" Hugh said.

She left giggling. I turned to Hugh.

"Are you insane? We're not 19. We could get arrested!" I said. Hugh shrugged.

"Everyone here is obviously hammered Fi. We won't get caught. Let's just have a few beers and go. Come on, Fi, live a little." He said as the waitress came back with our drinks. 

"Cheers" he said lifting up a bottle. 

I took a sip of mine and nearly gagged. It was disgusting. But there was something about it that made me drink the rest of the bottle. And another.....


"I still can't believe we've never done this before. I mean our loop was in London. Bleeding London! There had to be some better bars there!" Hugh said. We had just finished our third bottle of beer and I was feeling completely giddy. I've never felt this good in my life. I feel like I could just go up and kiss Hugh. 

That's a weird thought, but he is extremely cute. 

"Hey Fi can I tell you something?" He asked.

"What?" I giggled.

"I think you're really pretty." He said. I laughed.

"I'm fat though." I managed.

"You're not fat, baby, you're just, um, sexy. You're goddamn beautiful. I really want to kiss you." He said.

"Okay then." I leaned over our table and kissed him. Hard and passionately. He dragged me across the table and lifted me up, our lips never breaking. We stopped kissing to catch our breath. He then scooped me up and ran out the door, not stopping until we got to the loop. 

We ran upstairs to my room and continued kissing until things heated up and we ended up having sex.


I woke up to a pounding headache and opened my eyes only to close them again. God, this is what a hangover is. Hell. 

"Good morning to you too." Hugh said. I opened my eyes to see that we were both naked and in the same bed. I blushed and tried to cover up my breasts and hips.

Hugh noticed my discomfort and said " I'm sorry Fi, I never meant to take advantage of you." He said.

"It's okay, we were both drunk. I'm sure you regret this anyways." I said.

Hugh laughed. "Fi, everything I said was true. I think you're fucked up beautiful. And I'm never going to regret this." I smiled at him and kissed him. 

"I don't regret it either." I whispered in his ear. He shuddered.

"Last night was the best mistake ever!" 

I nodded and snuggled into his arms.


A/N: Hope you enjoyed. Please comment and vote! See ya next time.

See ya later~Beth
