10 - spilled beans

Josephine Langford

A shooting pain ravels through my head when I open my eyes, adjusting to reality and the faded sunlight that chimes in through the grey curtains.

It's after a few seconds when another set of heavy breathing catches my attention, and I turn my head to find Hero sleeping heavily with his arm locking my waist.


Even though there's the chilled AC turned on, I'm covered in moist, partly because of his weight on me.

He is not wearing any t-shirt, and I let out a small groan realising that I let my sexual desire come in between of my morales, when I've been holding back since I found out about his messed up girlfriend, or whoever she is.

Careless should be my middle name.

The way I've acted on this trip.

Careless careless and careless, stupid Josephine.

A sudden gush wrenches in my stomach, twisting badly as I feel all the fluids rising up in my throat.

Quickly, I shift on my side, pushing the duvet along with his heavy hand off of me, and rush towards the bathroom.

My knees collide with the floor beside the toilet and I hug the seat as all the food, or whatever it was, vomits out of my mouth, leaving an acid trail in my throat.

As I continue retching, even though I feel like I've puked everything in my stomach, I feel my hair being pulled behind, taking just a bit of my discomfort away.

"Hamburgers after weed wasn't such a good idea then, hm?" his gravelly voice whispers as I feel him lean down beside me.

I absolutely hate when people are with me in the same washroom, especially when I'm vomiting my guts out.

I grunt in response when I'm unable to answer him verbally.

His hand gently soothes my back, and I wince at his touch.

"Do you mind waiting outside?" I manage to whisper, my voice cracking.

He looks taken back by my request, and he nods hesitantly while placing my hair down. Grabbing a hair tie from beside the sink, he asks if he could tie my hair and I give him a nod.

"If you need anything, i'm right outside, okay?" his low voice chimes, still the morning croak in it, and he stands up on his feet after tying my hair into a low ponytail.

I hate this.

I hate that I'm feeling guilty after sleeping with him, and not blushing like an idiot.

I hate that I don't remember what I said to him while I was high, apparently.

I absolutely fucking hate that I got high in the first place.

And more than anything, I hate that I broke the promise to myself that I wouldn't let my guard down in front of him anymore.

I'm just thankful I slept with a little bit of clothes on, or else this would have been harder and even more awkward, from my side.

He didn't seem to act differently, and I am heavily debating myself on whether or not I should ask him what happened last night.

I just remember glimpses of it.

Feeling good. Really good.

He said something that made me soak, he did something that made me scream, then we did something that made the both of us really fucking loud.

I can still hear his voice laced with pleasure, and wanting more and more, and with my name from his mouth.

But I'm constantly reminded that he's the same way with other girls too, Samantha especially.

This is not special for him.

This is all a game for him.

Chris was right-- Hero is a fuck boy, and even when when in bed his eyes are filled with emotion, and feelings, and the way our bodies respond to each other, it can't be proven otherwise that for him, this is all meaningless.

It's just a Costa Rica thing for him.

It's just a one time thing for him.

And you, Josephine Langford, have gotten yourself in a big mess.

I'm just grateful for the fact that today is the last day. We all part separate ways tomorrow, and it all ends.

But again, there is a little selfish, and stupid part of me that doesn't want this to end yet.

"Jo?" his voice, along with a knock, startles me out of my thoughts and I get up from the floor, flushing the toilet before I head to the sink.

"Almost done" I respond, managing my voice from breaking.

I stand in front of the sink and stare at my reflection in the mirror. My hands move to wipe the silent tears escaping my eyes, and I take a deep breath.

Splashing the cold water on my face, I constantly remind myself of the positive aspects of everything, even when I can't seem to find any.

I don't want to go out and face him. I feel like locking myself in forever, or until tomorrow night when it's time to leave.

Taking a deep breath again, and letting out a sigh, I open the bathroom door, and find him sitting by the edge of the bed and facing towards the bathroom-- his shoulders relaxed as his eyes are set on the floor.

"You okay, doctor?" he looks up at me, his lips starting to form a small smile.

"Yes, and not a doctor yet" I roll my eyes and pad to take a seat beside him, when he hands me a glass of water kept on the side table.

"Well for me you already are" he whispers, shrugging his shoulders.

I press my lips in a line, giving him a nod as I can't seem to figure out what to do or say.

This is harder than I thought.

"We're going to that nightclub tonight... so if you wanna shop or anything, we can do it today. And tomorrow I don't think you'll get time to go to shopping, your flight departs after midnight anyways right?"

He's speaking too much.


"Alright," he clears his throat and stands up, I can sense that he has caught on to the tension between us as his shoulders don't hide the stiffness.

"See you downstairs?" he rubs the back of his neck nervously, waiting for me to respond meanwhile my mind just appreciates his flexed arm.

Focus, Josephine.


He nods at my short reply, and walks away towards the door.

Unlike everytime, my eyes don't follow his trail, and my body collides with the bed when I hear the door shut behind him.

I knew such one time things weren't meant for me. But it also didn't seem this hard the first time.

Hero Fiennes-Tiffin

I hate whatever she's doing.

She's not like this, she talks to me, smiles at me, and laughs whenever I call her doctor.

I've ruined it. I don't know what I've ruined, but whatever we had, I let it slip from my hands.

Part of me thinks that she remembers the confession. I was fucking hoping she wouldn't. But maybe she does, and now it's fucked up.

I wish I could do something, and tell her that I've changed my mind. But I can't lie to her about it.

It all ends tomorrow, anyways.

Why don't I want it to end?

My phone pings and I take it out of my pocket, to see the notification I've been dying to hear from.


good morning!!!!

Just got the big news, the deal is closed! You're in, Hero. You did it!!

They're sending the signed papers by the weekend, and they look forward to working with you.

I am so proud of you!!

Have a great day!! xoxo

The deal is closed.

It feels as if thousands of pounds worth of weight is being lifted off my chest, as the warm sense of overwhelm takes over my body.

I did it.

I will finally have it, what I've wanted for so long.

I will have my freedom from that bastard now.

But suddenly I realize that a part of me, a very recent part of me didn't want this deal to be closed.

Because this means that the little ray of hope that was setting in me, that i might just stay in one place for her.. that hope is shattered now that this news is confirmed.

Why is my dream deal poking at my heart?

I know the answer, I just can't admit it, because it won't be anything more than yet another confession.

It's not like she will be willing to travel with me. She has a secure life of her own, a dream to pursue, a degree to grasp and a life she deserves to live.

My heart shouldn't be frowning right now, when I've gotten the greatest news of my life.

Walking out of her room with my head lowered to my phone, I collide with someone. Hearing her cuss identifies her even before I could look up to find a grumpy Kiara.

"It's too early for you to wake up" I glance at the big clock hung downstairs.

"I know" she sighs, her voice already irritated, "Eva woke me up. Apparently she wants to go meet the beach"

"Where is she?" I let out a laugh at the fact that someone is troubling Kiara the way she does us.

"Chris took her. I was going to check if Jo woke up" she eyes towards Jo's door.

"Yeah she just threw up and all..."

A look of realization swims on her face, when she puts two and two together seeing me half naked in front of Jo's door

"Again?" she whispers, half laughing, and shaking her head. "While she was high, dude?"

"It was a spur of the moment-- you wouldn't understand. I'll go join Chris and Eva" I roll my eyes at her calling me out and she shrugs her shoulders.

"Okay, take care of my daughter" she remarks before walking further towards her room.

"Goes without saying" I shake my head and head downstairs.

I think time is what Jo needs to get back to normal.

So I'll give her that.

Assuming she would be fine by that, it might actually be a good idea joining Eva and Chris at the beach.

It's at the front door that I realize I can't go out without my t-shirt on, it would be weird this early in the morning. Glancing outside, I see Chris has his t-shirt on too, further more reason to not go shirtless.

As if fate is playing with me, my shirt is in her room, where she threw it off of me last night.

Laughing at the remembrance of yesterday, I make my way outside to her room until I hear some argument between the two of them from inside, their muffled voices shouting at each other as I step closer to listen.

Josephine Langford

"Good morning crackhead" Kiara barges into my room, and I give her a smile, relief to be filled with the presence of the person I might just needed.


"Met your lover outside" she says, sitting on the edge of the bed and emphasizing on the word lover, as if she's unhappy with that, or doesn't like the idea.

"He's not my lover, it was mistake last night" I scoff, and she shakes her head at me in disbelief.

I'm starting to see a side of her I have never met with before. And I don't like her already. She has her gaurd all the way up, and she shows no sign of comfort she usually radiates.

"Kiara are you still upset about it?" I ask in a whisper, wincing as another pain shoots through my head.

"I don't understand why are you doing this!" She raises her voice, and I almost scoff in disbelief that this is her right now.


"Josephine, I told you from the first day. Anyone but him. Anyone but him!" She yells again, this time hitting my nerve as i straighten up.

"I don't understand you. Why would you even care? Are you in love with him or something?" I raise my voice a tad too, and it seems to have taken her by surprise.

She could be in love with him. That's why she's acting all strange and weird. I should've known the whole time because it would make so much sense.

"The fuck I'm not" she half-laughs. "Jo just stay away from him, okay?"

Stay away from him.

Those words hit me harder than I could imagine.

"What the fuck? Why are you doing this Kiara?" I ask, in utter disbelief that this is the same person I came to this vacation with.

"Because- because-" she sighs in frustration, unable to complete her sentence.

"Because what?!"

"Because he's Eva's father, alright? There. I said it"

He's Eva's father.

He. Is. Eva's. Father.

Father. Eva's. Hero.


Author's note:

I know some of you, MOST of you, saw this coming goddamn 😭

Next chapter will probably make sense of all of this, so hold onto that.

LET ME KNOW YOUR ASSUMPTIONS. Even though I'm always stressed to read them as some of you assume my whole storyline... I literally have so much fun!

Thank you for reading, love you guys <3
