My Grandmother

Quick A/n before you go on.. I don't remember much of the first book of Harry Potter so I might make something happen that wasn't in the book. Butttt! I hope you like it even though it doesn't quite follow the books dialogue. Please bear with me! (get it? Bear? anyone? okay I'll shut up now..) ON WITH THE STORY!!


Harry walked through the halls toward Professor (idk how to spell her name)'s office. He wanted to thank her for giving him his broom, which he and Ron had the pleasure of fawning over in peace back in the boy's dormitory since the others had gone down before them for breakfast. He thought that she wouldn't be in the Great Hall at that moment since it seemed a little early to be going to breakfast. 

Coming up upon the Professors classroom door, Harry peeked in to make sure Peeves wasn't hiding behind it ready to throw a bucket of flobber-worms in his face or cause any other trouble. Seeing only a cat sitting on the desk at the front of the classroom, Harry opened the door wider and looked around for the Professor. "Where is she?" Harry muttered to himself while taking one more sweeping glance around the room. 

"I guess she is at the banquet..." Harry sighed and looked over at the big desk where a cage, ink bottle, cat, and a name plate sat on top of it. "Hello there, who might you be?" Harry whispered, reaching up and stroking the cat, to which purred it's contentment. "Your awfully beautiful.. I wish I could be able to have a cat like you" Harry muttered, still stroking the cat from it's head to the tip of it's tail. 

"The thing is the Dursley's won't have it.. but they won't have anything to do with me anyway so it's not much of a surprise.." Harry said, barely above a whisper. He stopped stroking the cat and looked down at his shoes. Looking back up and into the now still cat's eyes he smiled softly "Anyway.. Do you perhaps know where the Professor is?" He asked, chuckling to himself when of course the feline didn't answer. "I didn't think so.." Turning around, Harry started for the door, only to be stopped when he heard a creaking of floorboards. 

Harry turned around once again to look up at the face of the very professor he had been searching for. "P-Professor?" Harry stuttered, (Idk how to spell it and i'm sooo sorry) chuckled and nodded "Yes Potter, did you need something?" she asked, moving around her desk to sit in the chair behind it. "I-I um.." Harry started but paused, taking a deep breath he continued "Were you...Were you the cat?" He finally managed to say. The Professor nodded firmly and chuckled again. "Yes, I was" 

Harry gaped at her for a moment before slowly walking back up to the desk. "So... you..." He hesitated. The Professor nodded sadly, then studied him for a moment before placing her hand on the desk. "Potter, pull my finger.." she stated, looking him in the eye. (I'm having trouble breathing right now- I can't even imagine someone keeping a straight face while saying that!) 

Harry looked up confused "What?" he asked, looking from her face down at her hand planted on the desk. "I said, Potter, pull my finger" she repeated, slowly forming a light smile on her lips to take the sting out of her order. Harry, still confused, reached over and softly yanked one of the very fine and thin fingers. 

There was a large PFFFF as Magonagall (I'm leaving it at that, HMPH Stupid brain) slightly popped up before sitting back down. Harry stared at her, then a small smile crossed his lips " Professor? Did you just.." he asked softly, looking down at her hand. "perhaps.. I did.. I recall myself eating a bowl of beans this morning.. I might have had a bean to many.. wouldn't you say?" The now smirking Professor said, releasing another belch that raised her up again and back down. 

Harry laughed as Magonagal kept releasing more gas. "Professor! you for sure had to many beans!" he exclaimed, laughing harder. The Professor chuckled and released one more belch that wasn't quite a belch. The Professor snorted once she realized what she had just done "Oh Potter.. I think I might have pooped myself..." she said laughing heartily. 

That's how the other students found them. Laughing there heads off and sharing a very special and happy moment that they will remember for a long time. 


How was that??? PLS TELL ME I DID IT RIGHT!! 

And without further a-do! 

The fabulous person who requested this one shot isssss! 


Thank you for your one shot! I had a LOT of fun making this! I hope it was satisfactory! 





