The Blood From His Heart

“Do you remember this?” 

He pointed towards the destroyed tree in front of them, leaves dancing in the wind with a hole blown through the trunk. “How could I forget? I’m surprised it hasn’t collapsed yet.” 

He remembered that day vividly, how they fought, how he was dragged to that filthy dungeon by the palace guards, how powerless he felt while being chained to the wall, and the shock and hatred toward the prince when he appointed him as his guard. Little did he know what would become of them…

It was crazy to think after all the stress the revolution put onto them, their hard work had finally paid off. The world was freed from the clutches of their corrupt rulers, replaced by the prince he so dearly loves. 

Russia was broken out of his stupor by slender fingers snapping twice in front of his face “My dear guard, what’s on your mind?” America asked with a playful tone. There was no reason to hide anything now, after America revealed his dark past to the blue dragon they had promised not to keep anything from each other. Always confiding in the other when darkness tried to consume them. That same night, the American had finally accepted his feelings, from then on they’ve never been happier. 

“Looking at this just made me realize how far we’ve come.” Russia took America's hands in his own, staring intently into the mis-matched eyes of his lover. "I can't believe it's finally over." America placed his hand on Russia's cheek, the other one’s thumb moving in small circles on the dragon's hands. “It’s not over, we still have a long journey ahead of us, though it may not be as exciting.” The king added a little chuckle at the end. 

“But no matter what comes our way, I’ll be fine as long as I’m with you~”

America winked, Russia blushed. Although they’ve been together for over 3 years, the American still somehow manages to fill Russia's stomach with butterflies. 

"Why did you bring me here anyway? You said you wanted to talk but why here?" The Russian asked, trying to steer the conversation elsewhere. 

"Ah yes that-" the king's hand let go of Russia's cheek. "As you said, the revolution is over so this is something I've wanted to do for a while." 

It happened faster than Russia's brain could register, America transformed his hand into a blade and plunged it deep into his chest. Right where his heart is situated. As the overwhelming stench of iron filled the air, the king dropped down to his knee. With a pained expression plastered on his face, yet with the signature shit eating grin at the same time. 

Russia's eyes snapped open in alarm, heartbeat running 1000 kilometers an hour. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!" the dragon shouted, scared for his lover. 

"Don't come any closer, that's an order!" America said with a raspy voice. 

Russia wanted to do something but he was frozen, he could only watch as red started to stain America's white uniform(that he still wears), but really what could he do? 

His hands balled into fists, teeth clenching, body shaking, heartbeat quickening every second as he felt tears well up in his eyes, vision blurring because of it. 

America looked up at him lovingly "Russia, ever since you became my guard you've been through my side through thick and thin." 

His hand is back to its original form, now gripping on the wound. 

"Even when you found out all the fucked up things I've done, from killing soviet to *censored*, you stayed by my side unlike others. It was at that moment I realized I want you to stay by my side forever… and that I fell hopelessly in love with you." 

Blood dripped down onto the grass and some on his pants. 

"Stop talking! I know you wouldn't just kill yourself like this, what the hell are you planning!" Russia shouted, tears threatening to fall. 

The king ignored him. 

"These years were the happiest of my life, and I look forward to a future with you if you accept…"

"A-accept what…" 

It was then Russia noticed America's hand(the one clutching the wound) is now holding a small box. 

America now sporting one of the biggest smiles Russia had ever seen. Opening it and poke in heavily accented Russian. 


"Российская Федерация, ты выйдешь за меня?"

"W-what…" Russia stuttered. Painfully slapping his hands over his mouth, he couldn't believe what he was hearing, hot tears streaming down his face. 

"Россия моя любовь, ты выйдешь за меня ?" (Russia my love, will you marry me?) 

Inside the box is a ring, shimmering from the light of the setting sun in all its glory, made from blood from the heart of his beloved. 

The Russian sobbed, a sound emitted out of him muffled by his hands still covering his mouth. 

"I can't hear you." America said, still waiting for an answer. But judging by his boyfriend's reaction, the answer was obvious. 

"Да, да, ДА!" (Yes, yes, YES!) Hands finally departing from his face, a smile rivaling that of America's. Tail wagging like a puppy dog. 

The king shot up from his kneeling position, taking his fiance's left hand and slipping the ring onto the ring finger. 

Russia immediately grabbed America's face, smashing their lips together, pouring every ounce of love into the kiss. 

America responded eagerly, wrapping his arms around his lover's waist, pulling him closer. The kiss was loving, sweet, yet salty from their tears. 

They parted when air was needed, touching their foreheads together then said in sync "I love you." 


 America dropped to his knees again, with a searing pain in his crotch. 

"You deserve it you asshole! Don't scare me like that ever again!" 


So yeah my first fanfic for Russian roulette by @Miriorite, came out better than I thought XD

Hope whoever's reading this enjoyed :D
