Chapter 5: The Beginning

"There's the shelter over there!" Mumen yells as we turn the corner to find a large dome-shaped building in front of us. However, rather than it being the safe haven that I've been hoping it would be, the entire thing seems to be more like a death trap as its metal doors are shut tight and the concrete structure is being swarmed by at least ten rabbit monsters that are trying to break through its walls. Though that changes the instant one of them spots us heading towards them.

"Any other plans?" I ask as I draw my new swords, thankful that the pain isn't nearly as bad as when I drew my first pair.

"This is the only shelter in this section of the city..." Mumen replies through clenched teeth.

"Alright, then go in there and get that door open. I'm going to try fighting again!" I yell, my confidence skyrocketing now that I have two swords before the first rabbit monster that saw us begins to charge in our direction. "Get out of the way!"

Yelling as I run ahead of Mumen to intercept the creature, I cut downwards with both swords in hopes of doing as much damage as I can to the monster's outstretched arms. However, I'm surprised when my attack cuts through the monster's arms as if they weren't even then before I stumble forward and thrust out my swords again, now feeling the blades enter the rabbit monster's chest before it falls backwards dead.

"What the-?" I'm about to ask before I look down towards the corpse to realize something amazing. Both my swords as well as the rabbit monster's wounds are now steaming, and I only now discover that my blade's apparent sharpness must have something to do with some of my blood still being on them. At least, that's what I'm gathering seeing as the rabbit monster on the ground in front of me is being dissolved rapidly due to the acid. And even if it is disgusting, I smirk as I realize that I've just gotten a whole lot stronger than I had been just a few minutes ago.

"Alright punks, come and get me!" I yell needlessly as, now that the rabbit monsters have seen one of their own be killed in front of them, they all seem to want me dead as they jump down from the shelter and sprint towards me. And as several spread out to surround me and a few jump overhead, I dodge the fist of the first to reach me before I cut at its chest, leaving a deep wound before I'm forced to duck underneath of a kick as the next one attacks.

Managing to evade the kick, I jump upwards and stab the rabbit monster in the neck before I flip over it and am struck by a fist that I can't avoid while still in the air. Though after spinning through the air a few times and landing on my feet by sheer luck, I brace myself as I block another punch aimed at my side before spinning and cutting the arm of the aggressor. And seeing as their punches are manageable and their kicks can sent me flying easily, I figure that the only thing that I really need to avoid is the rabbit monster's feet before I lean backwards to avoid the limb in question.

"My name is Mumen Rider, and I have someone that needs inside!" Mumen yells as he thankfully seems to have made it to the shelter doors. However, I don't have the luxury of watching over the man as three more rabbit monsters block my line of sight. And while I thankfully manage to jump in order to avoid the middle one's kick, I'm now hit by two fists that send me backwards through the air until I collide into a wall on the second story of a nearby building before I fall down into the street and meet two of the rabbit monsters that chased after me. Though as I twist in order to dodge their attacks, I managed to slash at both of their necks before running forward to the one that had attempted to kick me before. And thankfully I manage to stab both of my swords into its chest when I reach it, killing the creature before it can even react before I turn and look for more enemies. However, there doesn't seem to be any more rabbit monsters that aren't either dead or laying on the ground too injured to fight.

"Behind you!" Mumen yells and I spin around, backing away just in time to avoid another kick before I move forward and stab this monster as well, finally finishing off the last monster before I hear a solid snapping sound immediately afterward as the blade on one of my swords brakes off inside of the creature.

"We did it!" I yell through heavy breaths, looking over at Mumen as the hero gives me a thumbs up before the large metal door of the shelter hesitantly opens and another hero quickly takes the girl inside.

"Both of you should get inside while you can! There's no telling how many more of these things are out there!" The hero, a man in a bright blue costume, yelled to both of us.

"I can't, not while there's possibly more people that need help that are still out there!" Mumen replies before looking at me. "But you should get inside while you can."

"You sure? You're going to die if you run into any more of them." I ask, hoping that he'll choose to stay seeing as, even though I haven't been seriously injured yet, I still feel like I've been beaten bloody thanks to the rabbit monsters hitting me so much.

"You!" A booming voice suddenly makes me recoil and Mumen covers his ears. And while I don't want to turn around as I already know where the voice is coming from, I'm forced to look over my shoulder by a shadow falling over the entire area as the Carrot King's head leaned in close while casting me a glare. "You're the one that killed my subjects! I'll crush you flat!"

No matter how good my new exoskeleton is, there's no way that I'm surviving this. And without a word, I watch as one of the Carrot King's feet moves until it's over my head, completely blocking my view of the sky before it begins to move downward. And while I know that I should try to run away so that the foot at least has a possibility of missing the shelter, I find that my legs are frozen with my entire body being filled with paralyzing fear before the unexpected suddenly happens. That being both the foot as well as the Carrot King's main body instantly disappearing into both red mist as well as giant chunks of meat that begin to rain down all over the city. And after dodging one of the bigger chunks of meat that completely crushes a truck beside me, I watch with wide eyes as a man in a yellow onesi and white cape lands on the ground in front of me. And after I also see the red gloves and bald head, I have no doubt as to just who I'm looking at.

"Sai... tama..." I manage to say even though I'm lost in a storm of thoughts on the inside. So lost, in fact, that I have no idea as to what I'm supposed to do now as bits of the Carrot King continue to fall out of the sky around us.

"Hmm? You know who I am?" Saitama asks, gaining a slight smile on his face as he turns towards me.

"Y-yeah, the 'Hero for Fun.'" I reply, suddenly becoming excited about meeting the anime's protagonist before my own previous thoughts echo in my mind.

'Saitama is a hero and heroes kill monsters.'

"Nooooo! I'm going to turn into a pile of goo!" I suddenly scream, turning around and running as fast as I can while hoping beyond hope that Saitama doesn't see me as a large enough insect to chase after.

"What a strange guy..." I hear Saitama say from behind me, right before I run around the corner and hopefully out of sight.
