part 1/30

(idea by @luvfanfic120120)

abby was upset, however, she knew she wanted this, she just dident want the embarrassment


"oh god" abby thought, she knew that this was going to be embarrassing, suddenly out of the conner of her eye she say it, a bright yellow highlighter, she quickly grabbed it, pulled down her diaper and stuck it up her ass

*grumble grumble*

"oh I hope this works, i really dont want to give mom the satisfaction of seeing my poop my diaper" abby thought to herself"

"abby! come here! were going to the store! and dont even TRY to put on a pair of sweatpants! you need to let EVERYONE know what a big baby you are!" abbys mom said

abby shived at the words "big baby" she was not a baby! but she did as her mother said and put on a pair of skinny jeans

"at least my butt looks big?" abby thought

"come on abby!" her mom said

"coming!" abby said

abby ran out to the car her diaper crinkling loudly all the way, abby hopped in the car

"mom these diapers are REALLY loud!" abby said annoyed

"i know that and there very thick to! just making sure everyone knows that my baby is a baby" her mom said giving her a kiss on the forehead

her mom steped on the gas pedal

"mom, what happens if i become incontant?" abby said worried

"well than you'll just have to wear diapers for the rest of your life abby your 14 so you should know not to poop your pants simple enough"

abby already had weak bowls she was suprised she hadent had an accident prrior to the time in the woods

*grumble grumble grumble*

if she had to use diapers for a full month there was no doubt that she would have to use them for the rest of her life

"alright were here! im going to be in the diaper isle if you need anything heres $20 get whatever you want!" abbys mom said

"ok thanks mom" abby said

abby started to waddle into the store

*grumble grumble grumble grumble*

"god this highlighter is so uncomfortable! im going to take it out! im not allowed to use the tolit anyway so theres no point in holding it!" abby thought to herself

she took out the highlighter and threw it into the trash and started looking around the store

*crinkle crinkle*

this diaper was LOUD! people were staring at her and abby was embased because she couldn't get her jeans to go above her diaper so the entire world could see (and probably hear) her exposed diaper, abby herd alot of giggling, and she knew she had to poop soon, she stomach was starting to cramp, this was not good!

*grumble grumble grumble grumble grumble*

abby couldent hold it anymore, she squated down and pretended she wasent in public, pretend that she was at home when all of a sudden her pants felt heavier as her poop all came of of her and snacked its self right in the spot of her diaper were EVERYBODY could see it because her pants were so thin, her pants got hevier and hevier until there was almost a pound of poop on her butt abby was nervous when suddenly her diaper couldent hold anymore and started leaking

"ew is she pooping her pants?!" abby herd a girl say

abby couldent stop she should have just pooped at home! than this entire thing would have never happend! after what felt like forever abby stood up and her poop moved with her, people were staring at her so she just continued her shoping,

*squish crinkle squish crinkle*

the sound her diaper and her poop together was unbearable she just wanted to leave when all of a sudden she had to pee abby dident care anymore and just let loose, after that she took out her phone and took a picture of her butt.

"well it looks like mom is going to be happy" abby thought to herself

after abby had checked out she went out to the car and put her stuff in the trunk, after about 20 minutes her mom came into the car "hey sweetie, wow it stinks! did you poop?" her mom said

"i guess lets just go home"

and thats exactly what they did

(still need suggestions for the next 29 parts! make sure to do that in the comments!)
