One last time

Part one
Leo's POV- today's show at Manchester is just about to start and I'm exited. This is my 10th show of the tour, and it's been such a great journey. I really can't thank anyone enough for what our fans have done to us, I love them all so much.
Karen is just doing Charlie's hair and I'm just noticing some fans before it all starts, don't look back first!
When the backstage doors open I surge of excitement runs through my body. The crowd screams as me and Charlie walk on stage to our places, and the lights flash and the crowd goes crazy.
(Time passes)
Charlie's PoV:
'Thanks you guys, we love you manchester' Leo shouts
'Yes guys thanks so much for all that you've done for us, we love every single one of you and not a day goes by when I don't think of you all. We are doing this for you, we will keep going as long as we still have you, remember that.' I said
'And never forget us, promise us you will never forget us no matter what, you have to promise us that.' Leo says as we walk to the middle of the stage and join hands.
We look at each other and smile then look back at the crowd.
'Thanks so much, we love you and goodnight!' We both shout. I blow my last kisses to the crowd and turn my back to the audience.
I hear Leo say 'I love you all so so much never forget that!' And we walk through the door to backstage. That was an amazing show and I'm honestly so upset it's over. Oh well we have many to come ๐Ÿ’–
